What are VIDs?:
All "Character Mesh" files (.cmesh) in Saints Row 2 are divided up into sections called "Visual Identifiers" (VID).
Each VID section has a number assigned to it. This is so the game can easily identify that section of the .cmesh.
This system has multiple uses:
For customization items which the protagonist can wear, VIDs are used to prevent visual clipping between items.
For example;
An open Coat would hide (obscure) the sleeve sections of an Undershirt's .cmesh since they're covered up, but not the front torso sections of the Undershirt because they need to be seen, since the Coat is open.
The Undershirt itself would be hiding Skin VIDs for the arms and torso, since they are covered up, and don't need to be rendered.
Via customization_items.xtbl, it is possible to either;
A. Remove VIDs from an item's .cmesh (this is done via "<VID_List>").
B. Obscure a common VID from multiple other item's .cmeshes when a particular item is worn (this is done via "<Obscured_VID>").
VIDs are also used for NPC Character Meshes. However, they are sectioned
differently than customization items, being divided up by the items (whole pieces) they wear.
The VID numbers are inconsistent between NPC meshes, and so cannot be listed in the same way as I have done for the customization items below.
For NPCs, the VID system is used to differentiate which clothing items an NPC spawns with.
For example;
An NPC might have both Pants and Shorts in their .cmesh. The game needs to hide one and render the other. So it might say "Hide VID 10 (Pants)" but "render VID 11 (Shorts)".
- VID Descriptions marked with an Asterisk (*) are assumed to be what it says, but there's no way of knowing for sure.
- VIDs with no description are either unused or have no .cmeshes which use it in the final game.
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
0 | Entire Item / Rest of Item |
 | |
SKIN: (1-49 can be found listed in "player.xtbl" [the Customization Variation Table File for the Playa's .cmesh].)
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
1 | Entire Head |  | |
2 | Neck |  | |
3 | Upper Chest & Upper Back |  | |
4 | Chest-Height Front |  | |
5 | Chest-Height Sides |  | |
6 | Chest-Height Back |  | |
7 | Extra-High Waist Front |  | |
8 | Extra-High Waist Back |  | |
9 | High Waist Front |  | |
10 | High Waist Back |  | |
11 | Mid-Height Waist Front |  | |
12 | Mid-Height Waist Back |  | |
13 | | | |
14 | Low Waist Sides & Back |  | |
15 | | | |
16 | Low Waist Front & Extra-Low Waist (Crotch & Butt) |  | |
17 | Both Shoulders |  | |
18 | Both Biceps |  | |
19 | Left Elbow |  | |
20 | Left Upper Forearm |  | |
21 | Left Wrist |  | |
22 | | | |
23 | Left Backhand |  | |
24 | Left Palm & Knuckles |  | |
25 | Left Fingers & Thumb |  | |
26 | | | |
27 | | | |
28 | Right Elbow |  | |
29 | Right Upper Forearm |  | |
30 | Right Wrist |  | |
31 | | | |
32 | Right Backhand |  | |
33 | Right Palm & Knuckles |  | |
34 | Right Fingers & Thumb |  | |
35 | Both Upper Thighs |  | |
36 | Both Lower Thighs |  | |
37 | Both Knees |  | |
38 | Left Upper Shin |  | |
39 | Left Lower Shin |  | |
40 | Left Ankle |  | |
41 | Both Feet Top & Upper Heel |  | |
42 | Both Feet Soles |  | |
43 | Both Feet Toes |  | |
44 | | | |
45 | | | |
46 | | | |
47 | Right Upper Shin |  | |
48 | Right Lower Shin |  | |
49 | Right Ankle |  | |
50 | | | |
51 | | | |
52 | | | |
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
53 | *Head |  | |
54 | Neck |  | |
55 | Upper Chest & Upper Back |  | |
56 | Chest-Height Front |  | |
57 | Chest-Height Sides |  | |
58 | Chest-Height Back |  | |
59 | Extra-High Waistband Front |  | |
60 | Extra-High Waistband Back |  | |
61 | High Waistband Front |  | |
62 | High Waistband Back |  | |
63 | Mid Height Waistband Front |  | |
64 | Mid-Height Waistband Back |  | |
65 | | | |
66 | Low Waistband Sides & Back |  | |
67 | | | |
68 | Low Waist Front & Extra-Low Waist (Crotch & Butt) |  | |
69 | Left Shoulder |  | |
70 | Left Bicep |  | |
71 | Left Elbow |  | |
72 | Left Upper Forearm |  | |
73 | Left Lower Forearm |  | |
74 | Left Wrist |  | |
75 | Left Backhand |  | |
76 | Left Palm |  | |
77 | Left Fingers |  | |
78 | Right Shoulder |  | |
79 | *Right Bicep ? | Not Visible | |
80 | *Right Bicep ? | Not Visible | |
81 | Right Elbow |  | |
82 | Right Upper Forearm |  | |
83 | Right Lower Forearm |  | |
84 | Right Backhand |  | |
85 | Right Palm |  | |
86 | Right Fingers |  | |
87 | Left Upper Thigh |  | |
88 | Left Lower Thigh |  | Both Lower Thighs (Stockings Only) |
89 | Left Knee |  | Both Knees (Stockings Only) |
90 | Left Upper Shin |  | Both Upper Shins (Stockings Only) |
91 | Left Lower Shin |  | Both Lower Shins (Stockings Only) |
92 | Left Ankle |  | Both Ankles (Stockings Only) |
93 | Left Foot Top & Upper Heel |  | Both Feet Top & Upper Heel (Stockings Only) |
94 | Left Foot Sole |  | Both Feet Soles (Stockings Only) |
95 | Left Foot Toes |  | Both Feet Toes (Stockings Only) |
96 | Right Upper Thigh |  | |
97 | Right Lower Thigh |  | |
98 | Right Knee |  | |
99 | Right Upper Shin |  | |
100 | Right Lower Shin |  | |
101 | Right Ankle |  | |
102 | Right Foot Top & Upper Heel |  | |
103 | Right Foot Sole |  | |
104 | Right Foot Toes |  | |
167 | Both Feet Knuckles (Stockings Only) | (Not a typo. It is 167.) | |
PANTS: (Not all Pants use all of these VIDs.)
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
105 | Extra-High Waistband Front |  | |
106 | Extra-High Waistband Back |  | |
107 | High Waistband Front |  | |
108 | High Waistband Back |  | |
109 | Mid-Height Waistband Front |  | |
110 | Mid-Height Waistband Back |  | |
111 | Low Waistband Front |  | |
112 | Low Waistband Back |  | |
113 | Extra-Low Waistband Front |  | |
114 | Extra-Low Waistband Back |  | |
115 | Upper Thighs |  | |
116 | Lower Thighs |  | |
117 | Knees |  | |
118 | Upper Shins |  | |
119 | Lower Shins |  | |
120 | | | |
121 | | | |
122 | | | |
123 | | | |
124 | | | |
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
125 | Neck |  | |
126 | Upper Chest & Upper Back |  | |
127 | Chest-Height Front |  | |
128 | Chest-Height Sides |  | |
129 | Chest-Height Back |  | |
130 | Extra-High Waistband Front |  | |
131 | Extra-High Waistband Back |  | |
132 | High Waistband Front |  | |
133 | High Waistband Back |  | |
134 | Mid-Height Waistband Front |  | |
135 | Mid-Height Waistband Back |  | |
136 | Low Waistband Front |  | |
137 | Low Waistband Back |  | |
138 | | | |
139 | | | |
140 | Left Shoulder |  | |
141 | Left Bicep |  | |
142 | Left Elbow |  | |
143 | Left Upper Forearm |  | |
144 | | | |
145 | | | |
146 | | | |
147 | | | |
148 | | | |
149 | Right Shoulder |  | |
150 | Right Bicep |  | |
151 | Right Elbow |  | |
152 | Right Upper Forearm |  | |
153 | | | |
154 | | | |
155 | | | |
156 | | | |
157 | | | |
158 | | | |
159 | | | |
160 | | | |
161 | | | |
162 | | | |
163 | | | |
164 | | | |
165 | | | |
166 | | | |
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
168 | Neck |  | |
169 | Upper Chest & Upper Back |  | |
170 | Chest-Height Front |  | |
171 | Chest-Height Sides |  | |
172 | Chest-Height Back |  | |
173 | Extra-High Waistband Front |  | |
174 | Extra-High Waistband Back |  | |
175 | High Waistband Front |  | |
176 | High Waistband Back |  | |
177 | Mid-Height Waistband Front |  | |
178 | Mid-Height Waistband Back |  | |
179 | Low Waistband Front |  | |
180 | Low Waistband Back |  | |
181 | | | |
182 | Low Waistband Front |  | Basketball/Football Jerseys only. |
183 | Left Shoulder |  | Right Shoulder: "baby doll blouse".
Both Shoulders: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
184 | Left Bicep |  | Right Bicep: "baby doll blouse".
Both Biceps: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
185 | Left Elbow |  | Both Elbows: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
186 | Left Upper Forearm |  | Both Upper Forearms: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
187 | Left Lower Forearm |  | Both Lower Forearms: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
188 | Left Wrist |  | Both Wrists: "long sleeve buttoned shirt and bow tie", "long sleeve buttoned shirt", "short sleeve baseball jersey", "women's tied buttoned shirt". |
189 | | | |
190 | | | |
191 | | | |
192 | Right Shoulder |  | Left Shoulder: "baby doll blouse".
Both Shoulders: "Caribbean vest", "hippy top 1". |
193 | Right Bicep |  | Left Bicep: "baby doll blouse".
Both Biceps: "hippy top 1". |
194 | Right Elbow |  | Both Elbows: "hippy top 1". |
195 | Right Upper Forearm |  | Both Upper Forearms: "hippy top 1". |
196 | Right Lower Forearm |  | Both Lower Forearms: "hippy top 1". |
197 | Right Wrist |  | Both Wrists: "hippy top 1". |
198 | | | |
199 | | | |
200 | | | |
201 | | | |
202 | | | |
203 | | | |
204 | | | |
205 | | | |
206 | | | |
207 | | | |
208 | | | |
209 | | | |
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
210 | Stripper Boots: Left Thigh |  | |
211 | Stripper Boots: Left Knee |  | |
212 | Stripper Boots: Left Upper Shin |  | |
213 | Stripper Boots: Left Lower Shin |  | |
214 | Stripper Boots: Right Thigh |  | |
215 | Stripper Boots: Right Knee |  | |
216 | Stripper Boots: Right Upper Shin |  | |
217 | Stripper Boots: Right Lower Shin |  | |
218 | | | |
219 | | | |
220 | | | |
221 | Pants Shins |  | Obscured by Thick Boots to make Pants legs look like they're tucked into the boots. |
222 | Upper Shins |  | |
223 | Lower Shins |  | |
224 | | | |
225 | | | |
VID: | Description: | Example: | Notes: |
226 | DJ Veteran Child's hair: Top | Used in npc_child's model to prevent clipping with "dread cap2". | |
227 | | | |
228 | Additional Head Hair Parts | EG: "Large Mohawk". Usually Obscured by some hats. | |
229 | Ronin Jackets: Swords | Fun Fact: There is a hard-coded system in SR2 which obscures this VID for a Ronin Gang Member NPC whenever they wield a Samurai Sword. | |
230 | Privacy Bar Top | | |
231 | Privacy Bar Bottom Back | | |
232 | Privacy Bar Bottom Front | | |
233 | Collars | | |
234 | Belt Buckle: High |  | |
235 | Belt Buckle: Mid-Height |  | |
236 | Belt Buckle: Low |  | |
237 | Hippie Top: Knot | | |
238 | Hoodies: Hood (Down) | Obscured by long Head Hair to prevent clipping with the Hood when it's down. EG: "Long and Straight". | |
239 | Biker Boots 1: Top Strap Only | Item known internally as "biker boots 3". | |
240 | Biker Boots 1: Lower Straps | Item known internally as "biker boots 3". | |
241 | Utility Boots & Worker Boots: Pull Loop | | |
242 | Bikini Bottom: Strings | | |
243 | Buttoned Shirts: Collar/Bow Tie | | |
244 | Additional Head Hair Parts | Obscured by Hood Up to prevent clipping with Head Hair. | |
245 | | | |
246 | | | |
247 | | | |
248 | | | |
249 | | | |
250 | | | |
251 | | | |
252 | | | |
253 | | | |
254 | | | |
255 | Prom Dress & Women's Dress: Chest-Height Front, Sides, Back (+Prom Dress Straps) | | |
END | | | |
Thanks to Janson for the original image used to make the example thumbnails!