You know that virtual reality chair you get in "Stop All the Downloading"? It seems to work in a similar manner to the simulation pod things in Saints Row IV. (i.e. interfaces directly with one's brain rather than more traditional methods.) So could that mean that the one in SRTT is also Zin technology? Remember, Kinzie (and Oleg) said there were only two in existence, one of which was destroyed. Now if humans had developed that technology and understood how it worked, you'd think they would rush to fix the major safety issue (which the Zin seem to have fixed by SRIV, at least to an extent), then mass produce and sell them--many gamers (I included) would pay top dollar for something like that! Not to mention the many other potential uses for such a technology, like military training. But for some reason there is only one, at least on Earth, that works. Maybe that's because it's not from Earth.
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