Zombie Cheat in Co-Op

The Zombie Cheat doesn't show up in Multi-Player (Co-Op) even if I enter the cheat, but I can use it in Single-Player. I would like to be able to have Saints Row-style fights with zombies. is there
any way to use this cheat in Co-Op?
hello, i'd guess you need to edit cheats.xtbl file and change "Dont_Flag_As_Cheating" from false to true not sure. I've done it for you if you want to test as i'm unable to. just put it with SR3 exe's plus give a copy to the other player and tell them to do the same. please let me know if this works or not.


  • cheats.xtbl
    102.5 KB · Views: 1,017
Changing the cheat flag from false to true didn't seem to do anything. I tried hosting a co-op game with your cheats.xtbl and joined my own game on my secondary computer, having the same exact .xtbl file as well. Still has the cheat blank where it should be under 'world' but its just highlighted empty space.

My original thought was that the selection to enable the cheat was still there, but something is coded to block input to actually confirm activation of the cheat. Somehow I have a nagging feeling that it isn't that simple, although having the cheat "theoretically" still able to be selected in the phone is a bit sketchy.

Perhaps they're planning DLC for a co-operative zombie mode, which is the only clear and present solution in my mind, for such a mode that one would be insane to not add in co-op.
It may have been intentionally disabled because of being buggy. Or the inability to use it could be a bug itself! It seems that Volition is not really good at communicating with users. Like most big companies, they have a few community managers who make occasional forum posts, and that seems to be about it.