A fix for menthe sr-tools.


Reference: https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/wip-menthe-sr-tools.18277/

After the current update of edge and chrome, this tool is not working, as LucasRitter seems to be busy, I made a fix.

1. Install node and npm (You could use wsl, as node and npm could be hard to install on windows).
2. Install "anywhere" (a small software to establish a https server anywhere) from npm.
3. Unzip dist.zip, run [anywhere] in the folder.
4. Open the https path shown (HTTP would NOT work!)

Detailed procedure:

1. Install WSL on windows (from control panel), install ubuntu in WSL (from microsoft store).
1-alter. Get a computer with ubuntu installed.
2. install npm and xdg-utils in ubuntu server (with console command)
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install -y xdg-utils​
3. install anywhere with npm(with console command)
sudo npm install anywhere -g​
4. unzip dist.zip, and run web server for this tool(with console command)
cd dist
5. now the address of a https server is presented in your console, open it with chrome.



  • dist.zip
    2.9 MB · Views: 700
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i feel so dumb for asking this, but could you include a small read me to guide the noobs who have no idea how to do half that stuff.
Sorry for not having time for detailed readme...... I will contact LucasRitter to update codes on his server.
For now, briefly, put all the files in dist.zip into a https web server. It might be hard for most people, I know......

Update: Detailed procedure updated.
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Sorry for not having time for detailed readme...... I will contact LucasRitter to update codes on his server.
For now, briefly, put all the files in dist.zip into a https web server. It might be hard for most people, I know......

1. Install WSL on windows (from control panel), install ubuntu in WSL (from microsoft store).
1-alter. Get a computer with ubuntu installed.
2. install npm in ubuntu server (with console command)
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs​
3. install anywhere with npm(with console command)
sudo npm install anywhere -g​
4. unzip dist.zip, and run web server for this tool(with console command)
cd dist
5. now the address of a https server is presented in your console, open it with chrome.

thannks man you are a champ :)
Sorry for not having time for detailed readme...... I will contact LucasRitter to update codes on his server.
For now, briefly, put all the files in dist.zip into a https web server. It might be hard for most people, I know......

1. Install WSL on windows (from control panel), install ubuntu in WSL (from microsoft store).
1-alter. Get a computer with ubuntu installed.
2. install npm in ubuntu server (with console command)
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs​
3. install anywhere with npm(with console command)
sudo npm install anywhere -g​
4. unzip dist.zip, and run web server for this tool(with console command)
cd dist
5. now the address of a https server is presented in your console, open it with chrome.
I may it be an idiot, but it means it only work if you had Ubuntu installed or emulated on windows?
I may it be an idiot, but it means it only work if you had Ubuntu installed or emulated on windows?

you are correct. that is why he mentions wsl which stands for windows subsystem for linux. i too am an idiot when it comes to setting up these kinds of projects. the way you install WSL is go to control panel and go to programs and features. then click on turn windows features on or off and scroll and find windows subsystem for linux. this is basically an actual ubuntu terminal running there. so go at it. btw this is not a vm. its actually running on windows.
Sorry for not having time for detailed readme...... I will contact LucasRitter to update codes on his server.
For now, briefly, put all the files in dist.zip into a https web server. It might be hard for most people, I know......

1. Install WSL on windows (from control panel), install ubuntu in WSL (from microsoft store).
1-alter. Get a computer with ubuntu installed.
2. install npm in ubuntu server (with console command)
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs​
3. install anywhere with npm(with console command)
sudo npm install anywhere -g​
4. unzip dist.zip, and run web server for this tool(with console command)
cd dist
5. now the address of a https server is presented in your console, open it with chrome.

so i tried this and got this

Running at
Also running at
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: spawn xdg-open EACCES
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:276:19)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:476:16)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:80:21)
Emitted 'error' event on ChildProcess instance at:
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:282:12)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:476:16)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:80:21) {
errno: -13,
code: 'EACCES',
syscall: 'spawn xdg-open',
path: 'xdg-open',
spawnargs: [ '' ]

not sure where the problem is or how to fix it. i did a little search but could not find anything helpful to my understanding. if you could take a look and see what is going on, that would be appreciated. once again, thank you. how did you happen to run this? i will try this on a fresh ubunto vm since ive been using wsl but i recon that wont make that much of a difference
you are correct. that is why he mentions wsl which stands for windows subsystem for linux. i too am an idiot when it comes to setting up these kinds of projects. the way you install WSL is go to control panel and go to programs and features. then click on turn windows features on or off and scroll and find windows subsystem for linux. this is basically an actual ubuntu terminal running there. so go at it. btw this is not a vm. its actually running on windows.
Then I pass.
My laptop barely deal with Win10 after all the updates they give it.

I gonna wait they fix the url, they made a physical program snd not need a web page or that a kind soul could unpack the data I have.
pm me about your issue if you dont mind. i might be able to help. anyways.
It is not an issue of not knowing, but that Win10 ruin my Laptop with they forced upgrade, eating a lot of the speed. I can tell because on the past Saints Row 4 ran on my at 45fps and now barely 30fps.

Still, thanks. I only need the textures of the customizer, which I had the data.