i am currently in the process of recording video and audio for a new series id like to start on youtube which will be an abridged version of the saints row series with my version of the boss. I wanted to post this here to announce its coming either by the end of this year or beginning of next and wanted to see if i could maybe have some help/assistance with a few mods Ive come up with ideas for to help out the show (Example: I want an idol ninja NPC for saints row 2 to honor him,ETC) as well as anyone else who may want to chip in with ideas. Though i am a huge fan of the series I'm sure there are a lot of things i don't know and would like to get feedback from the other fans whom may have suggestions about what to have in the series. if anyone is interested please email me at [email protected]

This is our time now, Lets get this shiz started