action_play(name, anim_name[, morph_name[, force_play[, percentage[, stand_still[, zero_movement[, navpoint[, dest_nav]]]]]]])

name (string) name of character
anim_name (string) name of animation to play (valid action names can be found in anim_actions.xtbl, in data/tables)
morph_name (string, optional) name of morph to use (defaults to the animation name)
force_play (boolean, optional) if true, forces the animation to play on the character, even if dead (defaults to false)
percentage (float, optional) percentage done to check for (defaults to 0.8)
stand_still (boolean, optional) if true, the character is reset to a standing state before the animation is played (defaults to false)
zero_movement (boolean, optional) if ture, the charaters movement speed it set to zero (defaults to false)
navpoint (string, optional) slide into navpoint if provided
dest_nav (string, optional) destination navpoint to slide into if provided

Make a human play an animation and optional morph, blocking until the animation is done.

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Last updated: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:32:15