SR3 Script Actions Index

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action_nodes_enable Enable/disable all action nodes in the world.
action_nodes_restrict_spawning Restrict/unrestrict spawning for non-notoriety action nodes.
action_play Make a human play an animation and optional morph, blocking until the animation is done.
action_play_custom Make a human play a custom animation, blocking until the animation is done.
action_play_directional_stumble Make a human play a direction stumble, blocking until the animation is done
action_play_is_finished Check if a character has finished playing its current animation.
action_play_non_blocking Make a human play an animation without blocking.
action_play_synced Make a pair of humans play an animation. This function blocks
action_play_synced_is_finished Check if a pair of characters have finished playing their current synced animation.
action_play_synced_non_blocking Make a pair of humans play an animation. This function blocks
action_play_synced_state Play a synced animation state
action_sequence_advance move the action sequence to the next stage
action_sequence_end end the action sequence
action_sequence_is_playing determine if the action sequence is playing an action animation
action_sequence_setup Setup and start the mission action sequence
action_stop_custom Stop any custom animations that are currently playing on a character.
action_stop_synced_state Stop a synced animation state
ai_add_enemy_target Make a character attack another character.
ai_attack_region Leashes an NPC to a navpoint, allowing them to attack and take cover while advancing to the leash. This does not make AI go hostile, use ai_add_enemy_target or notoriety to make them hostile.
ai_clear_priority_target Sets forced target to NULL
ai_clear_scripted_action Abort scripted actions
ai_do_scripted_advance Make a character do a combat advance - run, or walk and shoot w/ line of sight
ai_do_scripted_fire Make a character do a combat advance - run, or walk and shoot w/ line of sight
ai_do_scripted_move Make a character walk/run along a path or to destination
ai_do_scripted_rush Make a character do a combat rush - run to destination, only looking at targets, not firing.
ai_do_scripted_take_cover Make a character go to cover. If you want them to stay there I suggest using with ai_set_in_scripted_cover(name,false) and npc_set_leash_to_nav(name, nav, dist)
ai_scripted_action_is_complete Check if an AI scripted action completed successfully
ai_scripted_action_is_processing Check if AI is still doing a scripted action
ai_set_action_delay Prevent AI from doing an action for X ms (even if is is scripted action)
ai_set_in_scripted_cover Make a character heavily use cover
ai_set_personality Change the personality of an NPC
ai_suggest_action Make a character do a action next time they can, IE: take cover ASAP, I don't care where.
airplane_fly_to Make an airplane fly through a series of navpoints
airplane_land Make an airplane land on a runway.
airplane_takeoff Make an airplane take off straight in the direction they are currently facing.
ambient_cop_spawn_enable Enable/disable ambient cop spawning.
ambient_gang_spawn_enable Enable/disable ambient ambient gang spawning.
animation_sequence_advance play the next section of an animated sequence
attack_closest_player Make an NPC attack the closest player.
attack_safe Make a character attack another character, but checks to see if either character is dead first.
audio_ambient_emitter_pause Pause an ambient audio emitter
audio_ambient_emitter_resume Resume an ambient audio emitter
audio_ambient_emitter_start Start an ambient audio emitter
audio_ambient_emitter_stop Stop an ambient audio emitter
audio_any_conversation_playing Check to see if any conversation is currently playing
audio_conversation_end End the conversation
audio_conversation_load_direct Load a conversation into memory
audio_conversation_play Play the currently loaded conversation
audio_conversation_playing Is the conversation still playing
audio_cutscene_state_set Tell the audio system if we're in a cutscene
audio_get_id Get the audio ID of a sound.
audio_is_playing Check if a sound is playing.
audio_is_xmp_playing Check if the XBox Music Player is currently playing.
audio_object_post_event Post an audio event, optionally on an object (currently only attaches to vehicles) with a switch. The switch parameters are optional depending on the audio event you are playing. If an object name is given, the event will play at the object's current position. Only attaching object's to vehicles, is currently supported.
audio_persona_line_playing Check if a human is playing a voice line
audio_persona_load_2d Load a person into a null audiolib object, creating a 2d persona
audio_persona_remove_2d Deletes a persona given the audiolib_id
audio_play Play a 2D sound (by name).
audio_play_conversation Play a conversation, which consists of a series of lines played by characters.
audio_play_conversation_in_vehicle Play a conversation while the speaker is in a vehicle.
audio_play_emitting_id_for_character Play a looping sound emitter on a character.
audio_play_emitting_id_for_mover Play a looping sound emitter on a mover.
audio_play_emitting_id_for_navpoint Play a looping sound emitter on a navpoint.
audio_play_for_cellphone Play a cellphone call and conversation.
audio_play_for_cellphone_force Play a cellphone ring and then a conversation.
audio_play_for_character Play a 3D sound (by name) on a character.
audio_play_for_character_weapon Play a 3D sound (by name) on a character's weapon.
audio_play_for_mission_cellphone Play a cellphone call and mission conversation.
audio_play_for_mover Play a 3D sound (by name) on a mover.
audio_play_for_navpoint Plays a sound at a navpoint.
audio_play_id Play a 2D sound (by ID).
audio_play_id_for_character Play a 3D sound (by ID) on a character.
audio_play_id_for_navpoint Play a 3D sound (by ID) on a navpoint.
audio_play_persona_line Make a character play his persona line for a particular situation.
audio_play_persona_line_2d Make a 2d character play a persona line for a particular situation.
audio_play_startle_or_panic Make a character play his startle/panic sound.
audio_remove_mission_cellphone Removes a mission cellphone call and unregisters its Lua callbacks.
audio_stop Force an audio instance to stop playing immediately.
audio_stop_emitting_id Stop a looping sound emitter.
audio_suppress_ambient_player_lines Suppress/unsuppress ambient player audio lines.
auto_pickup_disable Allow picking up weapons
auto_pickup_enable Disallow picking up weapons
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base_jumping_enable Enable/disable base jumping.
begin_killbane_unmask_decision Present the player with the choice of unmasking Killbane or not
boss_battle_kb_enable Cleans up the Killbane boss battle
boss_battle_kb_enable_crowd_props Starts the system which throws wieldable props into the arena from the crowd
boss_battle_kia_active Toggles the Kia boss battle on/off. Defaults to true.
boss_battle_mars_killbane_active Toggles the Killbane Mars battle on/off. Defaults to true.
boss_battle_matt_begin Begins the fight and enables Matt's cheats
boss_battle_matt_cheats_start Enables Matt's cheats, optional peramaters will enforce a specific cheat
boss_battle_matt_cheats_stop Disables Matt's cheats
boss_battle_matt_get_cheat Gets the currently active cheat if there is one
boss_battle_matt_hide_wings Hides Matt's Wings
boss_battle_matt_qte_begin Plays Matt's QTE.
boss_battle_matt_set_phase Sets the the phase of the Matt boss battle within matt_boss_battle_data
boss_battle_matt_set_player_as_avatar Turns the player into an avatar
build_get_build_type Get the game localization build type.
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call_function_on_each_member Call the given function on each member of the given table
camera_end_look_through Return camera to default behavior after having finished executing a camera script.
camera_look_through Moves the camera from its current position and orientation to the specified navpoint's position and orientation.
camera_restrict_set_active Enable or disable the restricted camera
camera_restrict_set_limits Set the angles for restricting the camera.
camera_restrict_target_object Set a handle for the restricted camera to follow
camera_script_disable Disable the special script camera mode
camera_script_enable Enable the special script camera mode
camera_script_is_finished Check whether a camera script has finished executing.
camera_shake_play Play a camera shake
camera_shake_play_looping Play a looping camera shake
camera_shake_stop Make the camera stop shaking.
cash_add Give the player some cash.
cash_remove Take cash away from the player.
cell_spawns_enable Enable/disable cell phone spawns.
cellphone_clear_between_call_delay Clear the delay timer between cellphone calls, making it possible to receive another call immediately.
cellphone_has_received_call Check if a cellphone call has been received by the player.
cellphone_lock Flag the cell phone menu apps as locked/unlocked.
cellphone_receive_call Flag a cellphone call as having been received by the player.
cellphone_remove Remove the cellphone call from the game that uses the specified audio.
cellphone_reset_call Flag a cellphone call as having _not_ been received by the player.
chainsaw_disable Disallow player use of the chainsaw.
chainsaw_enable Allow player use of the chainsaw.
character_add_prop Add an item that was loaded through the mission to a character
character_allow_ragdoll Enable/disable ragdoll for a character.
character_collision_enable Enable or disable collision on a character (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!)
character_damage Inflict damage on a character.
character_destroy Destroy a character immediately, with no fade out.
character_disable_revival Enable/disable the ability for a character to be revived
character_dont_regenerate Enable/disable health regeneration on a character.
character_evacuate_from_all_vehicles Immediately remove a character from its current vehicle.
character_exists Check to see if a character exists in the world.
character_get_gender Get the gender type for a given character
character_has_human_shield Check if a character is holding a human shield.
character_has_specific_human_shield Check if a character is holding a specific human shield.
character_hidden Check if a character is hidden.
character_hide Hide a character.
character_ignite Set a character to be on fire.
character_is_combat_ready Check if a character is in combat ready stance.
character_is_dead Check if a character is dead (or awaiting revival).
character_is_in_a_driver_seat Check if a character is in the driver's seat of a vehicle.
character_is_in_vehicle Check if a character is in a vehicle.
character_is_jumping Check if a character is currently jumping (possibly dive-rolling)
character_is_on_fire Check if a character is on fire.
character_is_panicking Check if a character is in panic AI mode.
character_is_player Check if a character is a player.
character_is_ragdolled Check if a character is ragdolled.
character_is_ready Check if a character is ready to take an action.
character_is_released Check if an NPC has been released to the world.
character_is_swimming Check if a character is swimming.
character_is_vomiting Check if a character is vomiting
character_kill Immediately kill a character (i.e.: reduce its hit points to zero).
character_make_priority_target Make a character the priority target for all hostile NPCs.
character_parachute_detach Detach a parachute from a character
character_parachute_open Create a parachute item on a character, and open it
character_parachute_play_action Create a parachute item on a character, and open it
character_play_combat_move Tell a character to play a combat move
character_playing_combat_move Checks to see if a character is playing a combat move
character_prevent_bumping Enable/disable bump animations on a character.
character_prevent_explosion_fling Enable/disable the impulse that is applied to a character when caught in an explosion.
character_prevent_flinching Enable/disable flinch animations on a character.
character_prevent_kneecapping Make a character immune/vulnerable to kneecapping. (i.e.: when getting hit by a vehicle kneecapper)
character_ragdoll Make a character ragdoll.
character_ragdoll_clear_last_resort_position Stops using the last resort teleport location set in character_ragdoll_set_last_resort_position
character_ragdoll_set_last_resort_position Sets a position to be used as a last resort teleport destination if all better methods of recovering from a ragdoll are exhausted during a mission. This position is used instead of using a warp to shore nav point, and is useful in SR3 for last-ditch recoveries while on the Daedalus or on Mars.
character_ragdoll_set_last_valid_position Set the last valid position the character should try to use if they cannot getup from their ragdoll
character_release_human_shield Make a character release any human shield he might be holding.
character_remove_child_item_by_name Loop over all the character's child items and remove the item specified (does not remove weapons) Right now this is pretty speceific to mission02, but it may be usefull elsewhere
character_set_always_combat_ready Set (or clear) a character to always be combat ready (even while idle)
character_set_cannot_exit_rc_vehicle Make a character immune/vulnerable to being taken as a human shield.
character_set_cannot_wield_havok_weapon Enable/disable whether a character can wield havok weapons.
character_set_combat_ready Put a character into or take him out of combat ready stance.
character_set_counter_on_grabbed Make a character immune/vulnerable to being taken as a human shield.
character_set_counter_on_grabbed_by_player Make a character immune/vulnerable to being taken as a human shield by the player.
character_set_damage_multiplier Set the damage multiplier for a character.
character_set_immune_to_explosion_vomit Set a character to be immune to explosion that cause their victim to vomit (not immune to damage, just vomiting)
character_set_injured Set a vehicle passenger's "injured" state.
character_set_never_catch_fire Enable/disable whether an NPC can catch on fire (never_ignite)
character_set_never_fall Enable/disable whether an NPC can fall (does not turn off gravity, this just prevents the character from enter the falling movement mode/state)
character_set_no_explosive_panic Enable/disable whether an NPC panics from explosives. Disabling explosive panicking disables flashbang reactions.
character_set_no_satchel_panic Enable/disable whether an NPC panics when stuck with a satchel charge.
character_set_only_player_grabs Enable/disable whether a character can only be grabbed by a player
character_set_only_scripted_grabs Enable/disable whether a character can be grabbed as a human shield by non-scripted commands.
character_set_over_the_shoulder Enable/disable the use of the human as a over the shoulder human shield.
character_set_persona Set the persona of a character.
character_set_skydiving Causes a character to either enter or exit the skydiving state
character_set_skydiving_state Set the skydiving state (pose) for the given character
character_show Unhide a character.
character_slots_cap_for_team Set the maximum number of character slots for a team.
character_slots_clear_caps Clear the character slot cap for all teams
character_slots_clear_reservations Clear the character slot reservations for all teams
character_slots_reserve_for_team Reserve a number of characters slots for a team
character_suppress_human_shield_idles Suppress/enable idle animations for a character that is holding a human shield.
character_take_human_shield Make a character take another character as a human shield.
character_use_synced_finishers Enable human to use synced finishers
character_vomit Make a character vomit
character_wait_for_loaded_resource Blocks until the specified character's resources have loaded.
check_animation_state Check if a character is in a particular animation state.
check_script_animation_state Check if a character is in a particular scripted animation state (only for NPCs).
city_zone_set_all_civilians_fleeing Make all civilian pedestrians in a specific zone start fleeing.
cleanup_callbacks Recursively cleanup all the callbacks for an object or table of objects.
cleanup_conversations Recursively cleanup all the audio conversations that may still be playing
cleanup_groups Recursively clean up a script group or table of script groups.
cleanup_spawn_groups Recursively cleanup all the spawn groups (i.e. stop their spawning)
cleanup_spawn_regions Recursively disable all spawn regions in a table
cleanup_temporary_weapons Recursively remove temporary weapons from player inventory
cleanup_threads Iterates recursively through a table of threads, cleaning up any thread it finds.
clear_animation_state Clear the override animation state for a character.
clear_callbacks_for_obj Unregister all callbacks for the given object.
commando_despawn Despawn the spawned command, if one exists
commando_spawn Spawn a commando at a specific navpoint
console_wrapper Debug function for making a Lua function executable through the console.
continuous_explosion_avoid_object_add Add an avoid object to the active continuous explosion
continuous_explosion_avoid_object_remove Remove an avoid object to the active continuous explosion
continuous_explosion_follow_target_add Add a follow target to the active continuous explosion
continuous_explosion_follow_target_remove Remove a follow target from the active continuous explosion
continuous_explosion_start Start a continuous explosion
continuous_explosion_stop Stop any running continuous explosion (safe to call if no continuous explosion is actually running)
continuous_spawn_regions_enable Recursively dig down into a spawn region table and enable/disable each region found
continuous_spawn_set_orders Set the post spawn orders of a group.
continuous_spawn_start Enable a continuous spawn by name.
continuous_spawn_stop Disable a continuous spawn by name.
coop_is_active Check if there is a co-op player in the game.
cower Make a character enter cower AI mode.
crib_disable_interface Disable the "Press Y to access crib" prompt and controls
crib_is_unlocked Check if a crib has been unlocked by the player.
crib_purchasing_unlock Unlock all crib purchasing script triggers.
crouch_is_crouching Check if a character is crouching.
crouch_start Make a character start crouching.
crouch_stop Make a character stop crouching.
customization_create_character Opens up the character creation interface, allowing the player to make a character (used in mm_m1_5)
customization_creation_is_open Checks if the character creation screen is open
customization_item_revert Revert the player's clothing to his regular outfit.
customization_item_wear Put a customization item on the player.
customization_outfit_wear Put a customization outfit on the player.
customization_restore_player_rig Restore the player to the rig that is appropriate for their gender.
customization_swap_player_rig Switch the rig of the player to something other than what the player should be using.
cutscene_check_exiting Check if the cutscene is still exiting (after it is no longer active)
cutscene_in Applies uniform fade-out and letterboxing that should be called before any cutscene (both scripted and artist created).
cutscene_out Applies uniform fade-in and removal of letterboxing that should be called before any cutscene (both script and artist created).
cutscene_play Play a cutscene.
cutscene_was_skipped Check if the last cutscene was skipped or not
cyrus_boss_ai_sweep_shot Fire a sweep shot as part of Cyrus's boss AI in Mission23
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damage_indicator_off Turn off the GSI damage indicator.
damage_indicator_on Turn on the GSI damage indicator.
debris_flow_add_avoid_object Add an object to the debris flow avoid list
debris_flow_add_object Add an object to be managed by the active debris flow
debris_flow_create Create a new debris flow
debris_flow_destroy Destroy an existing debris flow instance
debris_flow_recycle_object Recycle an object that is part of a debris flow
debris_flow_set_active Set a debris flow instance active
debris_flow_set_inactive Stop an active debris flow
debug_conversation Play a fake conversation by displaying consecutive lines of text on the screen
disable_specific_notoriety_group Disable/enable a specific notoriety group
distance_display_off Turn off the GSI distance indicator.
distance_display_on Turn on the GSI distance indicator.
district_set_pulsing Make a district's neighborhoods start/stop pulsing on the minimap.
door_close Make a door open.
door_is_locked Lock a door.
door_is_open Check if a door is open.
door_lock Lock a door.
door_message_override Override the default message that appears when the player is near a specific door.
door_open Open a door.
drug_effect_clear_override_values Clear any overrides to the intoxication strength values for the drug system.
drug_effect_set_override_values Override the intoxication strength values for the drug system.
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effect_play Play an effect at a navpoint.
effect_play_finisher Play 'finisher' effect on human (Y prompt effect)
effect_play_on_human Play an effect attached to a human
effect_play_on_script_object Play an effect attached to an object
effect_stop Stop an effect that is currently playing
enemy_set_cleanup Remove callbacks and markers on the enemy set
enemy_set_setup Setup all of the enemies to be killed
explosion_create Create an explosion on an object.
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fade_get_percent Get the fullscreen fade percentage.
fade_in Perform a fullscreen fade-in.
fade_in_block Block until the screen is completely faded in.
fade_is_fully_faded_in Check if the screen is fully faded in.
fade_is_fully_faded_out Check if the screen is fully faded out.
fade_out Perform a fullscreen fade-out.
fade_out_block Block until the screen is completely faded out.
flashlights_disable Disable flashlight effects on weapons
flashlights_enable Enable flashlight effects on weapons
flashpoint_mission_status determine the status of the mini-mission flashpoint
flashpoint_start_mission Set the flashpoint for the mini-mission to be active
flashpoints_enable Set city flashpoints to enabled or disabled
flee Make an NPC flee from another human.
flee_to_navpoint Make an NPC flee towards a navpoint.
follower_is_unconscious Check if an NPC follower is incapacitated and awaiting revival.
follower_make_independent Make an NPC follower dependent/independent of his leader.
follower_remain_in_car Make an NPC follower remain in the vehicle, even if the leader exits.
follower_set_can_abandon Enable/disable distance checks from an NCP follower to his leader.
force_fire Force an NPC to fire at a navpoint.
force_fire_pull_alt_trigger Force an NPC to fire his secondary weapon.
force_fire_target Force an NPC to fire at a character.
force_melee Force a character to perform a melee attack. NOTE: attack_type is no longer used - we will need to find a replacement method
force_throw Force an NPC to toss a thrown weapon at a navpoint.
force_throw_char Force an NPC to toss a thrown weapon at a character.
force_throw_from_vehicle Force an NPC to toss a thrown weapon from a vehicle.
fov_check Check if a character is within the observation FOV of an human (player or NPC).
fov_check_xz_plane Check if a character is within the observation FOV of an NPC, ignoring the vertical (y) axis.
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game_choice_get_state Get the state of a player made exclusive game choice
game_choice_set_state Set the state of a player made exclusive game choice
game_quit_to_main_menu Quit out of the game back to the main menu
gang_force_spawn Turn on/off forced spawning of a particular gang, regardless of where the player is or what gang controls the neighborhood he is in.
get_char_in_vehicle Get the name of the character in a specific seat of a vehicle.
get_char_skydiving_state Get the character's current skydiving state
get_char_vehicle_is_in_air Check if a character's vehicle is in the air.
get_char_vehicle_name Get the name of the vehicle that a character is in.
get_char_vehicle_special_type Get the special vehicle type of a character's vehicle.
get_char_vehicle_type Get the type of the vehicle being driven by a character.
get_char_vehicle_type_name Get the vehicle type name of a character's vehicle.
get_closest_npc_to_object Gets the closest Script NPC to an object within a specific radius
get_closest_object Gets the closest object from a list of objects.
get_current_hit_points Get the current number of hit points of an object.
get_current_hood_by_position Get the name of the neighborhood containing an object.
get_dist Get the distance between two objects.
get_dist_closest_player_to_object Get the distance from an object to the closest player, and also returns the closest player.
get_game_time Get the current game calender time.
get_hood_owned_percentage Get the percentage of neighborhoods owned by the player.
get_hood_owner Get the current owner of a neighborhood.
get_max_hit_points Get the maximum number of hit points of an object.
get_min_hit_points Get the minimum number of hit points of an object.
get_num_humans_in_trigger Gets the number of humans currently in this trigger. (For instance, if you have a trigger in an elevator to determine when the doors should close, you want to check that this function returns 0.)
get_object_pos Get the position of an object
get_player_respect Get the current amount of respect the player has earned.
get_random_table_entry Get a random entry from a lua table.
get_random_target_player Gets a random player. If the game's not in coop, always returns the local player.
get_team Get the name of the team to which an object belongs.
get_vehicle_special_type Get the vehicle special type of a vehicle.
get_vehicle_speed Get the current speed of a vehicle.
get_vehicle_type Get the vehicle type of a vehicle.
group_create Creates all script objects belonging to the specified script group.
group_create_hidden Creates all script objects belonging to the specified script group, and makes them all hidden.
group_destroy Destroys all objects belonging to the specified script group
group_foreach_npc run a function on each NPC in a provided group.
group_hide Hide a group of script objects
group_is_loaded Check if a group is loaded
group_member_count Returns the number members in a group
group_members_alive Returns the number of alive npcs in a group.
group_show Unhide a group of script objects
guardian_angel_clear_zone_pinning This resets the forced loaded zones in guardian angel so normal streaming can occur.
guardian_angel_enable_indicators This enables/disables object indicators for the guardian angel activity.
guardian_angel_increment_node_progress This increments the GSI for both players that shows the total percent complete for the guardian angel activity.
guardian_angel_register_script_group This registers a script group in guardian angel so that object indicators will be processed for it.
guardian_angel_release_attack_groups This releases all spawned attack group NPCs to free up space for more script NPCs.
guardian_angel_set_max_indicators This sets the max number of objects that can have an object indicator placed on them while guardian angel is running.
guardian_angel_start_zone_pinning This is the lua function callable by guardian angel scripting to force load specific zones. Given the long sniping ranges used
guardian_angel_unregister_script_group This unregisters a script group in guardian angel so that object indicators will no longer be processed for it.
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hack_cutscene_fade_in Enables player controls and fades in the screen.
hack_cutscene_fade_out Disables player controls and instantly fades out the screen.
hdr_bloom_set_multiplier Set the bloom multiplier
helicopter_clear_max_bank_angle Clear the maximum bank angle on a helicopter.
helicopter_enter_dropoff Make a helicopter drop off passengers
helicopter_enter_retreat Make a helicopter retreat.
helicopter_fly_to Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints.
helicopter_fly_to_direct Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints, ignoring any obstacles along the way.
helicopter_fly_to_direct_dont_stop Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints, ignoring any obstacles along the way and without stopping.
helicopter_fly_to_direct_follow Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints while following a target, ignoring obstacles along the way.
helicopter_fly_to_direct_follow_dont_stop Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints while following a target, ignoring obstacles along the way and without stopping.
helicopter_fly_to_direct_loop Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints, ignoring any obstacles along the way.
helicopter_fly_to_dont_stop Make a helicopter fly through one or more navpoints without stopping
helicopter_fly_to_stop Stop a helicopter pathfind
helicopter_go_to_change_follow_target Make a helicopter follow a target vehicle.
helicopter_go_to_clear_follow_target Make a helicopter stop following its target.
helicopter_go_to_set_target Changes the combat target of the helicopter. In most cases, the heli will move towards and face this target, but will only shoot at this target if the driver has same object as his target too.
helicopter_land Make a helicopter land
helicopter_set_dont_death_spiral Set whether a helicopter can enter the death spiral state.
helicopter_set_dont_explode_in_air Set whether a helicopter should explode in air after being killed
helicopter_set_dont_move_in_combat Set whether a helicopter should remain stationary in combat.
helicopter_set_dont_use_constraints Set whether a helicopter should use constraints while flying.
helicopter_set_max_bank_angle Set the maximum bank angle on a helicopter.
helicopter_set_path_orientation Set the path orientation on a helicopter.
helicopter_shoot_human Make a helicopter fire a missile at a character.
helicopter_shoot_navpoint Make a helicopter fire a missile at a navpoint.
helicopter_shoot_vehicle Make a helicopter fire a missile at a vehicle.
helicopters_set_jitter_override Set a global override to adjust helicopter jitter.
homie_mission_lock Change a homie's status to "locked for mission" (i.e.: cannot be summoned).
homie_mission_unlock Change a homie's status to "unlocked" (i.e.: can be summoned)
hood_set_pulsing Make a neighborhoods start/stop pulsing on the minimap.
hud_bar_off Hide a GSI bar.
hud_bar_on Show a GSI bar.
hud_bar_set_range Configure what range of values a GSI bar will display.
hud_bar_set_value Set the current value of a GSI bar.
hud_critical_timer_get_remainder Get the remaining time in the Critical timer.
hud_critical_timer_set Set the critical timer and optionally set up a callback for when it expires.
hud_critical_timer_stop Stop the critical timer.
hud_display_commit_state Commit a HUD state, which will begin to apply any elements that have been set, until the state is removed
hud_display_create_state Create a new state to control various HUD elements. A HUD state is essentialy a filter, that
hud_display_remove_state Remove a state from the active HUD element filters.
hud_display_set_element Set how a particular HUD element should be displayed for a particular HUD state.
hud_get_fake_notoriety Get the current fake notoriety level.
hud_get_proto_selection Get the selected proto reward index from the HUD.
hud_inventory_disable Disables/Enables the weapon radial for the players
hud_is_screen_on_stack Determine if a given screen is on the stack
hud_player_combo_add This adds a player combo hud given the specified values. NOTE: The defines for the hud_type, symbol, and skin, are located in hud_mayhem.lua.
hud_player_combo_remove Removes the specified hud player combo message.
hud_player_combo_remove_all Removes all hud player combo messages.
hud_player_combo_update This updates an existing player combo hud given the specified values. NOTE: The defines for the hud_type, symbol, and skin, are located in hud_mayhem.lua.
hud_player_combo_update_value Updates the display value for the specified hud player combo message.
hud_pop_screen Removes a screen from the HUD. Be careful using this; you don't want to remove the pause screen for instance.
hud_prompt Starts displaying a HUD prompt message ("(Y) do mission stuff") on the screen
hud_prompt_clear Clears a prompt message
hud_push_screen Displays the given screen
hud_set_fake_notoriety Set the current fake notoriety level.
hud_timer_get_remainder Get the remaining time in the GSI timer.
hud_timer_hide Show/hide the GSI timer bar.
hud_timer_pause Pause/unpause the GSI timer bar.
hud_timer_set Set the GSI timer bar and optionally set up a callback for when it expires.
hud_timer_stop Stop the GSI timer.
hud_x_of_y_add Add a GSI x of y indicator
hud_x_of_y_remove Remove an x of y indicator from the GSI
hud_x_of_y_update Update the x value of a GSI x of y indicator
human_being_revived Check to see if the person is being revived.
human_downed_set_mars_kb_interactable Allows downed killbane to be interactable
human_enter_downed Downs a human, if possible
human_gravity_enable Enables/Disables gravity for a human
human_is_downed Returns true if the specified character is downed, false if they are not
human_riding_trigger_end A script trigger was hit, stop riding
human_shielding_disabled Check if human shields have been disabled in the current build.
human_skydive_create_npc_backpack Create a parachute backpack prop on an NPC
human_skydive_register_npc_backpack Register the npc backpack character prop ** THIS IS SPECIFIC FOR MISSION 02, AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED OUTSIDE OF THIS MISSION!
human_skydive_unregister_npc_backpack Un-register the npc backpack character prop
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ingame_effect_add_trigger Display an in-game effect above a script trigger.
ingame_effect_remove_trigger Remove the in-game effect from above a script trigger.
ingame_effect_scale Scales the size of an in-game effect on an object.
interior_disable_exterior Set whether exterior object rendering should be disabled while in an interior
inv_add_temp_loadout *** Functions Add temp weapons with unlimited ammo
inv_has_item Check if a character has a particular item in inventory.
inv_item_add Add an item to a character's inventory.
inv_item_add_ammo Give ammo of a certain type to a character.
inv_item_dual_wield Set character to dual wield weapon
inv_item_equip Make a character equip/unequip an inventory item.
inv_item_equip_slot Make a character equip the inventory item in a specific slot.
inv_item_get_anim_group Get the animation group for a particular weapon
inv_item_get_equipped_item Get the currently equipped item on a character.
inv_item_get_weapon_upgrades Get the upgrade status of a characters inventory item
inv_item_in_slot Get the item that a character has in a particular weapon slot.
inv_item_is_equipped Check if a character has a particular item equipped.
inv_item_is_firearm_equipped Check if a character has a firearm equipped.
inv_item_remove Remove an item from a character's inventory.
inv_item_remove_all Remove all items from a character's inventory.
inv_item_remove_in_slot Remove the item in a particular slot from a character.
inv_remove_temp_loadout remove temp weapons
inv_weapon_add_temporary Temporarily add a weapon to a player's inventory.
inv_weapon_disable_all_but_this_slot Disable all weapon slots with the exception of the specified slot.
inv_weapon_disable_all_slots Enable/disable all weapon slots.
inv_weapon_disable_slot Enable/disable a specific weapon slot.
inv_weapon_remove_all_grenades Remove all grenades from the local player's inventory.
inv_weapon_remove_temporary Remove a temporarily added weapon from a player's inventory.
is_player_tag Check if a script tag refers to a player.
is_rappelling Check if the human is rappelling human_name (string) name of the human to check
is_syn_tower_destroyed Check to see if the syn tower was destroyed in mission 6
item_anim_play Play an animation on an item
item_hide Hide a script item.
item_show Unhide a script item.
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level_lights_toggle_all Toggle level lights on or off
light_group_attach_to_camera Attach a light group to the camera.
light_group_detach_from_camera Detach a light group from the camera.
light_group_set_intensity Set the intensity of a light group (NOTE: does not turn group on or off. Use with light_group_use_intensity)
light_group_use_intensity use the intensity provided in script
loot_item_add Add a loot item (i.e.: something that is dropped on death) to an NPC.
los_check Check for line-of-sight between two characters.
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marker_add Add a minimap marker and object indicator to a table (or single object) of navpoints, players, or script objects.
marker_add_closest_to_target Add an object indicator to the npc in the script group closest to the target.
marker_add_script_group Add a minimap marker and ingame effect to all objects in a script group.
marker_add_trigger Add a minimap marker and ingame effect to a script trigger.
marker_remove Remove a minimap marker and ingame effect from a table of objects or a single object
marker_remove_script_group Remove a minimap marker and ingame effect from a script group.
marker_remove_trigger Remove a minimap marker and ingame effect from a script trigger.
melee_get_move_id_from_name Get the move ID for a specific melee move. The call can be expensive, so best to do it once and store the value
mesh_mover_apply_impulse Apply a physics impulse to a mesh mover
mesh_mover_being_wielded Check if a mesh mover is being wielded as a weapon.
mesh_mover_destroyed Check if a mesh mover is destroyed.
mesh_mover_hide Hide a mesh mover.
mesh_mover_kill Destroy a mesh mover.
mesh_mover_ready test to see if a mesh mover is full streamed in
mesh_mover_reset Reset a mesh mover back to its original state.
mesh_mover_reset_by_zone Reset all mesh movers in the specified zone back to its original state. (not including doors)
mesh_mover_resume_action Resume the current action on a mesh mover.
mesh_mover_set_damaged_by_player_only Sets the flag on the mover for if this can only be damaged by the player
mesh_mover_set_invulnerable Sets a mesh mover as vulnerable or invulnerable by setting the "invulnerable" flag on the mover.
mesh_mover_show Unhide a mesh mover.
mesh_mover_stop_action Stop the current action on a mesh mover.
mesh_mover_update_control Play an action on a mesh mover.
message Display a message in the HUD.
message_remove Remove a message from the HUD.
message_remove_all Clear all messages from the HUD.
minimap_icon_add Add a minimap marker to a trigger, navpoint, player, or script object, with an optional radius around the marker.
minimap_icon_add_radius Add a minimap radius around an object.
minimap_icon_add_script_group Add a minimap marker to all objects in a script group, with an optional radius around the marker.
minimap_icon_remove Remove the minimap marker from a trigger, navpoint, player, or script object.
minimap_icon_remove_radius Remove a minimap radius from an object.
minimap_icon_remove_script_group Remove a minimap marker from all objects in a script group.
mission_autosave Calls for an autosave. This should only be used in select places (specifically missions 1.5/16.5)
mission_cleanup_maybe_reenable_player_controls Re-enable player controls if they have been disabled by a mission start fade-in.
mission_cleanup_objects delete any objects that are flagged as scripted
mission_collectible_collected determine if the collectable dedicated to being in a mission has been collected
mission_end_failure End the mission in failure.
mission_end_silently End the current mission without notifying the player anything has happened - the mission fails silently
mission_end_success End the mission in success.
mission_end_to_activity End (fail) mission silently and start activity
mission_help_clear Remove all help messages from the HUD.
mission_help_table Generates a mission help message and updates the Objectives screen.
mission_help_table_nag Generates a mission help nag message, but does not update the Objectives screen.
mission_is_active Check if a mission is currently active.
mission_is_complete Check if a mission has been completed.
mission_is_unlocked Check if a mission has been unlocked.
mission_maybe_uncomplete_m22 Uncomplete mission 22 if you have not completed the other path
mission_set_cancel_warp_location Set a location to warp the player to if the cancel the mission; used for restricted sections. NOTE: Do NOT clear these on mission cleanup - they must remain set past the end of the mission to work!
mission_set_checkpoint Set the most recent mission checkpoint that the player has passed.
mission_set_completed Set a given mission to completed
mission_set_enemy_team Set a team to use for enemy spawn randomization.
mission_set_excluded_reward Set a reward to be excluded from being unlocked upon mission success; used for reward choice.
mission_set_next_mission Sets the next mission and this mission will begin as soon as possible (normally after the completion screen). If Do_intro_sequence is false this will do nothing.
mission_start_fade_in Enables player controls and fades in the screen.
mission_start_fade_out Disables player controls and instantly fades out the screen.
mission_store_purchased determine if the store dedicated to being in a mission has been purchased
mission_unlock Unlock a mission.
mission_waypoint_add Add a mission waypoint at a navpoint.
mission_waypoint_remove Remove the current mission waypoint.
motion_blur_clear_fake_velocity Clear the fake motion blur when you are done with it
motion_blur_set_fake_velocity Set values for fake motion blur
move_to_safe Make a character pathfind through one or more navpoints. Returns if at any point the character dies.
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navpoint_in_player_fov Check to see if a sphere positioned above a navpoint is in the player's field of view.
notoriety_allow_indoor_gang_spawning Enable/disable notoriety spawns in indoor areas.
notoriety_force_no_air_spawn Enable/disable the spawning of air notoritey vehicles
notoriety_force_no_spawn Enable/disable spawning of a particular team.
notoriety_force_no_spawn_group Enable/disable spawning of a particular notoriety spawn group.
notoriety_get Get the player's notoriety level.
notoriety_get_decimal Get the player's notoriety level, with fractional portion.
notoriety_reset Reset the player's notoriety.
notoriety_restricted_zones_enable Enable/disable whether the player gains notoriety in restricted areas.
notoriety_set Sets the level of notoriety for a player
notoriety_set_can_decay Enable/disable notoriety decay over time.
notoriety_set_desired_vehicle_count Set/reset the number of notoriety vehicles that can spawn at any given time.
notoriety_set_max Set the maximum notoriety level for the player.
notoriety_set_min Set the minimum notoriety level for the player.
notoriety_set_min_and_max Set the minimum and maximum notoriety level for the player.
notoriety_set_override_timer Set the override timer of a notoriety spawn group.
notoriety_spawn_group_set_delay Delay spawning of a particular notoriety spawn group.
notoriety_spawn_only_air Enable/disable spawning of only air vehicles for police/STAG
npc_aim_at_point Make an NPC aim (but not fire) his weapon at a navpoint.
npc_combat_enable Enable/disable whether an NPC is allowed to enter combat.
npc_detection_enable Enable/disable "on detection" events for an NPC.
npc_dont_auto_equip_or_unequip_weapons Enable/disable whether an NPC is allowed to choose what weapon he has equipped.
npc_dont_drop_weapon_on_death Enable/disable whether an NPC will drop a weapon upon death
npc_enable_human_collision Enable/disable whether an NPC collides with other humans.
npc_follow_npc Make an NPC follow another NPC.
npc_go_idle Make an NPC go into idle AI mode.
npc_hearing_enable Enable/disable whether an NPC can hear (i.e.: whether he reacts to noises around him).
npc_in_player_fov Check if an NPC is in the player's field-of-view.
npc_is_in_brute_grab_qte See if an NPC is currently doing a brute grab QTE This is really for sr3, m24 but if you find it useful...
npc_is_in_party Check if an NPC is a player follower.
npc_leash_remove Remove the leash on an NPC.
npc_leash_to_nav Leash an NPC to a navpoint.
npc_leash_to_object Leash an NPC to a object.
npc_max_corpses_override Override the maximum number of NPC corpses that may remain in the vicinity of the player.
npc_max_corpses_reset Reset the maximum number of NPC corpses that may remain in the vicinity of the player.
npc_refire_rate_override Override the default refire rate for an NPC (for their current weapon)
npc_respawn_after_death Enable/disable whether an NPC respawns after dying.
npc_respawn_after_death_time_override Override how long it takes for an NPC to respawn after dying.
npc_respawn_dist_override Override the minimum distance that the player must be from an NPC's spawn point before that NPC is allowed to respawn.
npc_respawn_dist_reset Reset the minimum distance that the player must be from an NPC's spawn point before that NPC is allowed to respawn.
npc_revive Revive an NPC.
npc_stop_following Make an NPC stop following whomever he is currently following (this includes the player).
npc_suppress_persona Enable/disable an NPC's persona lines.
npc_unholster_best_weapon Make an NPC unholster (i.e.: equip) their best weapon.
npc_use_closest_action_node_of_type Make an NPC use the closest action node of a particular type.
npc_weapon_pickup_override Override whether an NPC is allowed to pick up weapons off the ground.
npc_weapon_pickup_override_clear Clear the weapon pickup override for an NPC.
npc_weapon_spread Set the weapon spread multiplier for an NPC.
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object_destroy Destroy a script NPC, vehicle, or item.
object_indicator_add Add object indicators to a table (or single object) of NPCs, vehicles, items, or anything else that's set up in object_indicator.h
object_indicator_add_script_group Add an object indicator to each object in a group of script objects
object_indicator_remove Remove object indicators from a table (or single object) of NPCs, vehicles, items, or anything else that's set up in object_indicator.h
object_indicator_remove_script_group Removes an object indicator from each object in a group of script objects
object_is_in_trigger Determines if an script object's coordinates are within a trigger region.
objective_text Display an objective message for the current mission.
objective_text_clear Clear an objective message.
on_ai_do_action_complete Register a callback function for when a scripted action is completed.
on_attack_performed Register a callback function for when a character performs an attack.
on_character_grabbed Register a callback function for when a character is grabbed.
on_character_right_hand_hit Register a callback function for when an NPC's right hand is hit during combat.
on_collision Register a callback function for when a vehicle collides with a mover, another vehicle, or the world.
on_cower Register a callback function for when an NPC cowers.
on_damage Register a callback function for when a character or vehicle's hit points reaches a certain threshold.
on_death Register a callback function for when a character dies (as opposed to incapacitated).
on_detection Register a callback function for when an NPC detects the player.
on_dismiss Register a callback function for when an NPC is dismissed (or otherwise removed) from the leader's group.
on_dismount Register a callback function for when an NPC is dismissed (or otherwise removed) from the leader's group.
on_district_changed Register a callback function for when the player moves to a different district.
on_door_opened Register a callback function for when a door is opened.
on_flee Register a callback function for when an NPC flees.
on_game_time_trigger Register a callback function to be called after a certain amount of game time (not real time) has elapsed.
on_hit_ped Register a callback function for when a vehicle collides with a pedestrian.
on_hud_screen_exit Register a callback function for when a ui screen is exited from
on_human_killed Register a callback function for when an npc gets killed
on_incapacitated Register a callback function for when an NPC becomes incapacitated (as opposed to dead).
on_m21_player_choice Callback for the player's selection in the choice for mission 21
on_mission_item_drop Register a callback function for when a mission item is dropped (i.e.: created).
on_mission_item_pickup Register a callback function for when a mission item is picked up by the player.
on_mount Register a callback function for when a character is mounted.
on_mover_destroyed Register a callback function for when a mover has been destroyed.
on_mover_enter_water Register a callback function for when a mover has entered water.
on_notoriety_event Register a callback function for when the player's notoriety increases due to a notoriety event.
on_panic Register a callback function for when an NPC panics.
on_pickup Register a callback function for when an item is picked up by the player.
on_projectile_hit Register a callback function for whenever any projectile hits an object.
on_purchase Register a callback function for whenever the player makes a purchase.
on_qte_animation_trigger Register a callback function for whenever a QTE animation triggers an intermediary script callback trigger
on_random_human_killed Register a callback function for when any human is killed
on_random_mover_killed Register a callback function for when any mover is killed
on_random_ods_killed Register a callback function for when any object in an object destroyed script is destroyed during a mission.
on_random_vehicle_killed Register a callback function for when any vehicle is destroyed
on_respawn Register a callback function for when a character respawns.
on_revived Register a callback function for when an NPC is revived.
on_searchlight_track Register a callback function for when a searchlight starts/stops tracking a character.
on_tailing_good Register a callback function for when the player gets within optimal range of the current tailing target.
on_tailing_too_far Register a callback function for when the player remained too far from the current tailing target.
on_take_damage Register a callback function for when an object takes damage.
on_taunt Register a callback for when a character performs a taunt.
on_trigger Register a callback for when a character enters a script trigger.
on_trigger_exit Register a callback for when a character exits a script trigger.
on_vehicle_debris_flow_recycled Register a callback function for when a vehicle in a debris flow has been recycled ** Special case function for SR3 Missions 02 & 18
on_vehicle_destroyed Register a callback function for when a vehicle is destroyed.
on_vehicle_enter Register a callback function for when a human enters a vehicle.
on_vehicle_enter_water Register a callback function for when a vehicle has entered water.
on_vehicle_exit Register a callback function for when the human enters a vehicle.
on_vehicle_hitched Register a callback function for when a trailer vehicle gets attached behind another vehicle.
on_vehicle_tire_damage Register a callback function for when a vehicle's tire is damaged/destroyed
on_vehicle_unhitched Register a callback function for when a trailer vehicle becomes detached from the vehicle that was pulling it.
on_weapon_equip Register a callback function for when a player changes his current weapon.
on_weapon_pickup Register a callback function for when a player picks up a weapon.
on_wieldable_prop_destroy Register a callback function for when a player's wieldable prop is destroyed
open_vint_dialog Open an interface dialog box.
override_npc_run_and_cower_run override an npcs run and cower run
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parachute_disable Disable player use of the parachute during a mission.
parachute_enable Enable player use of the parachute during a mission.
parking_spot_enable Enable/disable vehicle spawns at a parking spot.
parking_spot_reset_max Resets the maximum number of parked cars that will spawn to the default
parking_spot_set_max Sets the maximum number of parked cars that will spawn. The default value is MAX_PARKING_SPAWN_VEHICLES (18 at the time this was written).
party_add Add members to the player's party.
party_add_optional Add members to the player's party, but only if there is room.
party_allow_max_followers Allow the player to recruit the maximum number of followers (or reset back to the normal number of followers).
party_dismiss Dismiss members from the player's party
party_dismiss_all Dismiss all followers from the player's party.
party_get_follower_index Get the index of a follower in the player's party.
party_set_dismissable Enable/disable whether the player can dismiss his followers.
party_set_recruitable Enable/disable whether the player can recruit followers.
party_swap_follower_indices Swap the follower indices of two player followers.
party_use_melee_weapons_only Enable/disable use of non-melee weapons by the player and his followers.
path_name_is_path Check if a name is the name of a path.
patrol Execute a function as a patrol thread for an NPC.
patrol_pause Pause a patrol thread.
patrol_unpause Unpause a patrol thread.
pause_map_tutorial_mode setup the pause map to do GPS tutorial
perform_killswitch Performs killswitch move for Killbane in Mission21
persona_clear_global_situation_override Clears a global situation override set with persona_set_global_situation_override.
persona_override_character_start Override an NPC's persona on a per-situation basis.
persona_override_character_stop Reset the situational persona overrides for an NPC.
persona_override_group_start Override a group of personas for a single situation.
persona_override_group_stop Reset the situational override for a group of personas.
persona_override_persona_start_old Override all script NPCs with a particular persona in a given situation (or situations).
persona_override_persona_stop_old Reset all script NPCs with a particular persona in a given situation (or situations).
persona_set_global_situation_override Sets a global situation override that will replace certain persona lines with others. e.g. Use cyrus's lines instead of the player's during M17.
persona_trigger_get_player_prefix Get the prefix that should be prepended to the character's persona triggers.
player_action_is_pressed Check if a specific mapped action pressed.
player_action_just_pressed Check if a specific mapped action has just been pressed.
player_actions_disable Disables the player's controller actions
player_actions_enable Enable the player's control actions
player_button_is_pressed Check if a specific controller button is pressed.
player_button_is_pressed_by_name Check if a specific controller button is pressed, using the name of the button.
player_button_just_pressed Check if a specific controller button was just pressed.
player_button_just_pressed_by_name Check if a specific controller button was just pressed, using the name of the button.
player_button_just_released Check if a specific controller button was just released.
player_button_just_released_by_name Check if a specific controller button was just released, using the name of the button.
player_can_sprint Enables/Disables sprinting for the local player
player_choice_tut_is_open Returns true if the player choice tutorial screen is open
player_choice_tut_open Open's a player choice tutorial
player_controls_disable Disable the player's controls.
player_controls_enable Enable the player's controls
player_force_vehicle_seat Force the player to use a specific seat when entering a vehicle.
player_get_custom_voice Get the customized voice that the player is using.
player_get_nearest_trigger_of_type Get the nearest script trigger of a particular type to the player.
player_human_shield_lock Prevent a player from entering/leaving a human shield state by pressing the 'Y' or right bumper button.
player_is_rc_driver Find out if a player is the RC driver of a vehicle
player_movement_disable Disables the player's movement
player_movement_enable Enable the player's movement
player_names_get_all Get a list of all active player tags.
player_override_clear_sprint Remove any sprint overrides from the player(s)
player_override_clear_sprint_delay Remove any sprint delay overrides from the player(s)
player_override_clear_sprint_recharge Remove any sprint recharge overrides from the player(s)
player_override_set_sprint Override the amount of time the player(s) are allowed to sprint for
player_override_set_sprint_delay Override the amount of time it takes for the player(s) to start rechargeing their sprint
player_override_set_sprint_recharge Override the amount of time it takes for the player(s) to recharge their sprint
player_parachute_wear_backpack Set whether or not a player should be wearing the parachute backpack
player_release_human_shield Tells a player to release their human shield
player_script_controlled_clear Clear the script controlled flag on a player (gives control back to the player
player_supress_falling_scream Supress the player from screaming the next time they fall
player_take_human_shield Make a player take another character as a human shield.
player_warp_to_shore_disable Disable warp-to-shore ability for when the player is in water.
player_warp_to_shore_enable Enable warp-to-shore ability for when the player is in water.
players_naked Remove/restore clothes for the players.
position_is_in_trigger Check if a point is inside a particular trigger's volume.
process_enemy_set Wait until a group of enemies is killed before continuing
process_enemy_set_killed *** Callbacks Enemy killed callback (counts dead enemies)
projectile_fire_from_navpoint Fires a projectile from a navpoint to a target navpoint.
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qte_cleanup Cleans up any loaded QTE on both clients.
qte_human_is_used Checks if a character is involved in a QTE
qte_start Starts the loaded QTE on both clients.
qte_start_m02_skyqte_01 Starts the loaded QTE on both clients.
qte_start_m21_killbane_corner Starts a Mission21 Killbane corner QTE
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radio_block Turn the radio off in a given vehicle and do not allow it to be turned back on.
radio_clear_sing_along_track Clears all sing alongs for a given radio track.
radio_get_station Get the radio station that is currently playing in a vehicle.
radio_newsbreak play a radio newsbreak (string)
radio_post_event Add a radio event to the queue.
radio_reset_station Reset the radio playlist of a particular vehicle.
radio_set_sing_along Make an NPC start/stop singing along to the vehicle radio. Also allows sing alongs during missions if a human is set as sing alongable from scripting.
radio_set_sing_along_allowed_during_missions Sets a flag that allows singalongs to happen during missions.
radio_set_sing_along_track Sets the sing along track to be used by the player's current
radio_set_station Set a vehicle's radio to a particular station.
rappel_enter Set a human to enter the rappelling state
rappel_exit Set a human to exit the rappelling state
refraction_situation_clear Stops all refraction situations
refraction_situation_set Set the current refraction situation
release_to_world Release a scripted object to the world (i.e.: turn it into an ambient, unscripted object).
render_script_trigger_on_minimap_add Display a trigger region on the map.
render_script_trigger_on_minimap_remove Stop displaying a trigger region on the map.
roadblock_create Spawns a roadblock from a script_roadblock object
roadblock_destroy Deletes a roadblock script object
roadblocks_ambient_traffic_enable Enable/disable spawning of ambient traffic roadblocks
roadblocks_enable Enable/disable spawning of roadblocks.
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satellite_weapon_mode_enter Enter satellite weapon mode
satellite_weapon_mode_exit Exit satellite weapon mode
satellite_weapon_mode_set Set satellite weapon mode
screenshot Take a screenshot and stores the output file on the kit.
set_always_cower_flag Allow/disallow always_cower behavior for an NPC.
set_always_sees_player_flag Enable/disable whether an NPC always sees where the player is.
set_animation_group Set the current animation group within a set
set_animation_set Set the current animation set
set_animation_state Set the current animation state for a character.
set_attack_enemies_flag Make an NPC start/stop attacking non-player enemies on sight.
set_attack_peds_flag Make an NPC start/stop attacking civilian pedestrians on sight.
set_attack_player_flag Make an NPC start/stop attacking the player on sight.
set_behavior_set Force an NPC to start using a new behavior set
set_cant_cower_flag Allow/disallow cower behavior for an NPC.
set_cant_flee_flag Allow/disallow flee behavior for an NPC.
set_civilians_flee Set all ambient pedestrians into a panicked state
set_cops_shooting_from_vehicles Allow/disallow whether cops are allowed to shoot from vehicles.
set_cower_variant override what cower state you want the AI to use.
set_current_hit_points Set an object's current hit points to a certain value.
set_dont_attack_me_on_sight_flag Set whether an NPC may be attacked on sight by other NPCs.
set_dont_drop_havok_weapons_on_idle Set whether or not NPCs should drop their wieldable props when going idle.
set_force_combat_ready_team Force a team of NPCs to stay in combat ready stance, even when in idle AI mode.
set_gibbable Set whether an NPC can be instagibbed by the sonic gun.
set_ignore_ai_flag Enable/disable an NPC's reactions to most events.
set_max_hit_points Set an object's maximum number of hit points.
set_min_hit_points Set an object's minimum number of hit points.
set_mission_author Sets the mission author field in the mission debug hud element
set_never_crouch_flag Enable/disable whether an NPC is allowed to crouch.
set_never_turn_on_player Enable/disable turn on the player for an NPC.
set_ped_density Throttle the desired ambient pedestrian density.
set_perfect_aim Enable/disable perfect aim for an NPC.
set_player_can_be_busted Enable/disable whether the player can get busted by cops.
set_player_can_enter_exit_rc_vehicles Enable/disable whether the player can enter and exit the vehicle that they are controlling remotely.
set_player_can_enter_exit_vehicles Enable/disable whether the player can enter and exit vehicles.
set_player_can_take_human_shields Enable/disable whether the player can take human shields.
set_player_undercover_team Set the undercover team for the given player
set_players_can_be_downed Sets whether players will enter a downed state when in coop. If false, when they reach 0 health, they will die.
set_police_never_fire_at_civilian_human_shields Enable/disable whether cops are allowed to fire at a target who is holding a human shield.
set_saints_hated Enable / Disable whether STAG spawns are active or if regular police spawns are active.
set_script_animation_group Set the current animation group within a set
set_script_animation_state Set the current animation state for a character. Script animations cannot be overridden by other gameplay systems, so AI should be disabled
set_seatbelt_flag Enable/disable whether an NPC can be ejected through the windshield of a vehicle in the event of a collision.
set_stag_active Enable / Disable whether STAG spawns are active or if regular police spawns are active.
set_stag_notoriety_area_active Enable / Disable whether STAG stag notoriety area is active
set_suppress_synced_attacks_flag Enable / Disable whether a npc is susceptible to synced attacks. This applies to both synced melee attacks and human shields.
set_suppress_synced_melee_attacks_flag Enable / Disable whether a npc is susceptible to synced attacks. This applies to only synced melee attacks.
set_team Set which team an NPC is on.
set_time_of_day Set the current time of day.
set_traffic_density Throttle the desired ambient vehicle density.
set_trailing_aim_flag Enable/disable trailing aim for an NPC.
set_unenterable_for_player Make a vehicle enterable/unenterable.
set_unjackable_flag Make a vehicle enterable/unenterable.
set_unrecruitable_flag Make an NPC recruitable/unrecruitable.
set_weather Set the current weather stage.
shop_enable Enable/disable a shop.
shop_ignore_clerk Skip clerk checks for determining if the shop is available (for missions that require a purchase)
sidewalk_disable_nodes Enable/disable sidewalk nodes within a given area
skydive_move_to_check_done Check if a human has finished a skydive move pathfind
skydive_move_to_do Tell a human to move to a point or along a path
skydive_set_elev_angles_deg Set attack angles in skydiving mode, to keep enemies in the players aimable area.
skydive_set_player_dive_fall_speed Set the player skydiving dive fall speed
spawn_global_override_set_category Override the current spawn info category.
spawn_override_change_hood_alternate_spawning change to the alternate spawning for a hood
spawn_override_clear_override_for_hood Clear the override for spawning for a hood
spawn_override_set_override_category_for_hood Set the override category for a hood
spawn_region_enable Enable/disable a spawn region by name.
spawn_region_enable_los Enable/disable the line of sight check for a spawn region. Line of sight is enabled by default.
spawn_region_max_spawn_dist Sets the maximum spawn distance for all spawn regions
spawn_region_max_spawn_dist_reset Resets the maximum spawn distance for all spawn regions to the default value
spawn_region_min_spawn_dist Sets the minimum spawn distance for all spawn regions
spawn_region_min_spawn_dist_reset Resets the minimum spawn distance for all spawn regions to the default value
spawn_region_toggle_filter Toggle filter on a spawn region by name.
spawn_wieldable_prop Spawns a wieldable prop at a given navpoint
spawning_allow_cop_ambient_spawns Enable/disable ambient spawning of cops.
spawning_allow_gang_ambient_spawns Enable/disable ambient spawning of all gangs.
spawning_allow_gang_team_ambient_spawns Enable/disable ambient spawning of a single gang.
spawning_boats Enable/disable ambient spawning of boats.
spawning_pedestrians Enable/disable spawning of ambient pedestrians.
spawning_vehicles Enable/disable spawning of ambient vehicles.
squad_enable Allows npc to automatically form into squads, this does not affect the npc_follow script functions.
store_interface_is_active Returns true if the player is in a store interface.
sync_from_player Determine the synchronization type from a player name.
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team_make_allies Make to teams allies.
teleport Teleport a character to a navpoint.
teleport_coop Teleport both the local and remote players.
teleport_player_vehicles Teleports the players' vehicles to the specified nav points.
teleport_to_object Teleport a character to a navpoint.
teleport_vehicle Teleport a vehicle to a navpoint.
teleport_vehicle_to_object Teleport a character to a navpoint.
threads_wait_for_completion Block until a single thread or table of threads has completed processing
traffic_disable_drawbridge_area Enable/disable traffic lanes associated with a given drawbridge area
traffic_disable_lanes Enable/disable traffic lanes within a given area
traffic_set_multiplier sets the traffic density
trigger_allow_dead_guys Allow/disallow a script trigger for dead guys.
trigger_enable Enable/disable a script trigger.
trigger_get_radius Get the radius of a script trigger (return radius of cylinder and sphere trigger types, and half extents for box types)
trigger_set_delay_between_activations Set the delay time between activations for a script trigger.
trigger_set_hold_to_repeat Show the standard hold [Y] message rather and use [Y].
trigger_type_enable Enable/disable all script triggers of a particular type.
turn_invulnerable Make a character invulnerable to damage.
turn_to Make a character turn to face an object (or turn to face the same direction as the object).
turn_vulnerable Make a character vulnerable to damage.
tutorial_active Check if a particular tutorial is currently running.
tutorial_advance Advnaces a tutorial to the next screen
tutorial_completed Check if a particular tutorial has been completed.
tutorial_get_case Gets the case (screen) of the tutorial that is currently being displayed.
tutorial_lock Lock a tutorial so it cannot be activated.
tutorial_queued Check if a particular tutorial has been queued up and is waiting to start.
tutorial_start Start a tutorial after a delay.
tutorial_stop Stops a running tutorial
tutorial_stop_current Stops the currently running tutorial
tutorial_suspend_all Prevents/Allows all tutorials from being displayed.
tutorial_suspend_current Suspends the currently running tutorial. In other words, it'll be pushed to the back of the queue.
tutorial_unlock Unlock a tutorial so it can be activated.
tutorial_vehicle_controls_enabled Enable/disable the vehicle controls tutorial (blocked during mission 03 for GPS tutorial)
tutorial_visible Returns true if any tutorial is visiable
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vault_heli_hack_for_m01 Hack specifically made for audio on the vault in mission 1 (SR3)
vehicle_anim_finished Determine if vehicle is playing an animation
vehicle_anim_playing Determine if vehicle is playing an animation
vehicle_anim_start Start playing a vehicle animation
vehicle_attach_trailer Attach a trailer vehicle to the back of another vehicle
vehicle_car_alarm_enable Enable or disable the car alarm on a vehicle
vehicle_chase Make vehicle chase a target character.
vehicle_clear_all_radio_locks Clear locks on radio controls for all vehicles
vehicle_component_detach Detaches a specific component from a vehicle
vehicle_component_get_hitpoints Get the current hit points for a vehicle component
vehicle_component_is_attached Returns whether or not a vehicle component is still attached to the vehicle (an unlatched component is still considered attached)
vehicle_component_is_shattered Returns whether or not a vehicle component is shattered
vehicle_component_is_unlatched Returns whether or not a vehicle component is unlatched (still attached to the vehicle, but is flopping around)
vehicle_component_set_hitpoints Set the current hit points for a vehicle component
vehicle_component_shatter_glass Shatter the glass on a vehicle component
vehicle_delete_all_corpses Instantly remove all the vehicle corpses in the world
vehicle_detonate Instantly reduce a vehicle to zero hit points and make it explode.
vehicle_disable_chase Enable/disable whether a vehicle can chase targets.
vehicle_disable_explosion_and_damage_vfx Enable/disable whether a vehicle should play it's death explosion and damage VFX ** This is a special case function written for SR3 Mission02. We needed to override the default vehicle VFX with custom VFX loaded in the mission. So we disable the VFX, and trigger the ones we want from script.
vehicle_disable_fire_from_vehicle Enable/disable whether passengers are allowed to fire from a vehicle
vehicle_disable_flee Enable/disable whether a vehicle can flee.
vehicle_disable_weapon_physics Enable/disable whether a vehicle should use physics based weapons (This was added for the skydiving tanks in SR3:M18 and should only be disabled in very specific circumstances)
vehicle_door_prevent_damage_detach Prevent/allow a vehicle "door" from detaching due to damage received.
vehicle_enable_physics Enable or disable physics on a vehicle.
vehicle_enter Make a character enter vehicle.
vehicle_enter_group Make a group of NPCs enter a vehicle.
vehicle_enter_group_teleport Teleport a group of NPCs directly into a vehicle
vehicle_enter_teleport Teleport a character directly into a vehicle.
vehicle_evacuate Immediately remove all passengers from a vehicle.
vehicle_exists Check if a script vehicle and its peer both exist.
vehicle_exit Make a character exit a vehicle.
vehicle_exit_dive Make a character exit a vehicle by diving.
vehicle_exit_group Make a group of NPCs exit a vehicle.
vehicle_exit_group_dive Make a group of NPCs dive out of a vehicle.
vehicle_exit_group_teleport Teleport a group of NPCs directly out of a vehicle
vehicle_exit_teleport Make a character exit a vehicle by teleporting.
vehicle_flee Make a vehicle flee from a character.
vehicle_forced_corpse_removal_enabled Enable or disable forced vehicle corpse removal (this should only be disabled in very specific situations)
vehicle_freeze Forcefully stop a vehicle at its current location
vehicle_get_driver Get the name of a vehicle's driver.
vehicle_get_max_speed Get a vehicle's max speed.
vehicle_get_num_seats Get the number of seats in a vehicle.
vehicle_get_num_wheels Get the number of wheels in a vehicle.
vehicle_get_num_wheels_alive Get the number of wheels in a vehicle that are still alive
vehicle_get_smoke_and_fire_state Get the "smoking" and "on fire" states of a vehicle.
vehicle_get_total_wheels_hit_points Get the total hitpoint of all a vehicles wheels
vehicle_get_wheel_hit_points Get the hitpoints of a specific wheel on a vehicle
vehicle_hidden Check if a vehicle is hidden.
vehicle_hide Hide a vehicle.
vehicle_ignore_repulsors Set wether a vehicle should ignore or avoid repulsors when moving around.
vehicle_in_air Check if a vehicle is airborne.
vehicle_in_water Check if a vehicle is in water.
vehicle_infinite_mass Enable/disable infinite mass for a vehicle.
vehicle_is_destroyed Check if a vehicle exists and is a corpse.
vehicle_is_flipped Checks if a vehicle has flipped over.
vehicle_is_helicopter Check if a vehicle is a helicopter
vehicle_is_invulnerable Check if a vehicle exists and is invulnerable.
vehicle_is_tank Check if a vehicle is a tank
vehicle_is_vtol Check if a vehicle is a vtol
vehicle_is_vtol_hover Checks to see if the vehicle is a vtol in hover mode
vehicle_is_vtol_jet Checks to see if the vehicle is a vtol in jet mode
vehicle_lights_off Set whether a vehicle's lights should be forced off.
vehicle_lights_on Set whether a vehicle's lights should be forced on.
vehicle_make_corpse Make a vehicle a corpse
vehicle_mark_as_players Mark a vehicle as the player's most recently used vehicle.
vehicle_max_speed Set a vehicle's maximum speed.
vehicle_navmesh_pathfind_to_starting_from Make a vehicle pathfind through a series of navpoints (using the navmesh), starting from a specific point along the path.
vehicle_never_flatten_tires Enable/disable whether a vehicle's tires can be blown out.
vehicle_pathfind_to Make a vehicle pathfind through a series of navpoints.
vehicle_prevent_explosion_fling Enable/disable the impulse that is applied to a vehicle when caught in an explosion.
vehicle_prevent_transition_to_ambient Allow/disallow a vehicle from return to ambient traffic mode.
vehicle_prevent_vehicle_collision_damage Allow/disallow a vehicle to take damage from other vehicle collisions
vehicle_rc_get_signal_strength Get the rc signal strength (proposed or actual) between a human and vehicle
vehicle_repair Repair a vehicle.
vehicle_set_2d_tank_controls Set the 2d tank control flag. Vehicles will assume 2d controls for the cyberspace tank battle.
vehicle_set_allow_ram_ped Allow/disallow a vehicle to run over pedestrians.
vehicle_set_always_flee Set whether a vehicle always flees when alerted/provoked.
vehicle_set_ambient Make a vehicle drive around normally as if part of ambient traffic.
vehicle_set_bulletproof_glass Enable/disable bulletproof glass on a vehicle.
vehicle_set_crazy Enable/disable "crazy mode" for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_drunk Enable/disable "drunk mode" for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_explosion_damage_multiplier Set the explosion damage multiplier for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_ignore_rail_obstacles Set whether a vehicle should ignore obstacles while pathfinding along traffic splines.
vehicle_set_invulnerable Make a vehicle invulnerable to damage.
vehicle_set_invulnerable_to_player_explosives Make a vehicle invulnerable/vulnerable to player-thrown explosives.
vehicle_set_keyframed_physics Switches a vehicle to keyframed or dynamic physics.
vehicle_set_kneecappers Equips/unequips kneecappers on a vehicle
vehicle_set_kneecappers_damage Overrides the damage a kneecapper applies to a tire
vehicle_set_radio_controls_locked Enable/disable the radio controls in a vehicle.
vehicle_set_script_hard_goto Force a vehicle to stay pathfinding to its current destination and not switch AI modes.
vehicle_set_sirenlights Turn a vehicle's siren lights on/off.
vehicle_set_sirens Turn a vehicle's siren and siren lights on/off.
vehicle_set_smoke_and_fire_state Set the "smoking" and "on fire" states for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_special_override_never_ghost *** THIS IS RESERVED FOR VERY SPECIFIC SITUATIONS - YOU BETTER BE EXTEREMLY CERTAIN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING *** -- If you have any doubts, talk to a programmer familiar with streaming and explain you're situation -- Set the SUPER special override flag to force a script vehicle to never ghost.
vehicle_set_team Sets the team of a script vehicle
vehicle_set_tire_damage_multiplier Sets the tire damage multiplier of a script vehicle
vehicle_set_tire_durability Sets the durability multiplier of a script vehicle
vehicle_set_torque_multiplier Set the torque multiplier for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_untowable Make a vehicle towable/untowable.
vehicle_set_use_lockon_system Enable/disable the lock-on targeting system for a vehicle.
vehicle_set_use_short_cuts Enable/disable whether a vehicle uses short cuts when rail pathfinding.
vehicle_set_vulnerable Make a vehicle vulnerable to damage.
vehicle_set_weapons_disarmed Disables or enables a vehicle's weapons for the player.
vehicle_set_wheel_hit_points Set the hitpoints of a specific wheel on a vehicle
vehicle_show Unhide a vehicle.
vehicle_skydiving_move_to_do Move a skydiving vehicle to the navpoint (object) specified
vehicle_skydiving_move_to_stop Stop a skydiving vehicle from moving towards a previously set desitnation position
vehicle_skydiving_start Set a vehicle skydiving
vehicle_skydiving_stop Stop a vehicle from skydiving
vehicle_speed_cancel Reset a vehicle's speed to normal.
vehicle_speed_override Override the vehicle's desired speed.
vehicle_spotlight_cancel Remove a vehicle's spotlight that was created in script
vehicle_spotlight_is_target_spotted Determine if a vehicle's spotlight has spotted a target
vehicle_stop Make a vehicle come to a stop.
vehicle_suppress_flipping Enable/disable whether a vehicle should artificially resist flipping on its side.
vehicle_suppress_npc_exit Enable/disable whether NPCs can exit a vehicle when it comes to a stop.
vehicle_tire_indicators_alive Retrieves the number of valid tire indicators on a vehicle
vehicle_turret_base_to Make a vehicle use turret mode to move along a path or to a navpoint.
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wander_start Make an NPC wander around randomly when idle.
wander_stop Make an NPC not wander around randomly when idle.
waypoint_add Add a GPS waypoint at an object.
waypoint_is_placed Check if the GPS waypoint is placed.
waypoint_remove Remove the current GPS waypoint.
wind_override_set Set the global wind values (must be cleared)
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zscene_is_loaded Checks to see if a zscene is ready to be played
zscene_prep Request the zscene attached to the slate

SR3 Script Action Documentation
Last updated: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:32:16