teleport_to_object(char_name, object_name[, exit_vehicle[, reset_camera_orient[, offset_x[, offset_y[, offset_z[, heading_offset]]]]]])

char_name (string) name of the character
object_name (string) name of the navpoint
exit_vehicle (boolean, optional) set to true if the player should be removed from any vehicle he is in, or false to teleport the vehicle as well; this parameter is ignored if teleporting an NPC (defaults to false)
reset_camera_orient (boolean, optional) set to false if the camera orient should not be reset during the teleport. (defaults to true)
offset_x (float, optional) amount to offset the human from the navpoint in the x plane. (defaults to 0.0)
offset_y (float, optional) amount to offset the human from the navpoint in the y plane. (defaults to 0.0)
offset_z (float, optional) amount to offset the human from the navpoint in the z plane. (defaults to 0.0)
heading_offset (float, optional) heading offset (in degrees) from the source target. (defaults to 0.0)

Teleport a character to a navpoint.

When teleporting the player, any followers will automatically be teleported along with the player.


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Last updated: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:32:15