cyrus_boss_ai_sweep_shot(heli_name, target_name, forward_dist, current_offset[, max_delta_offset[, max_offset]])

heli_name (string) Name of the helicopter to fire the sweep shot
target_name (string) Name of the human target to fire at
forward_dist (float) Distance in front of the helicopter the helicopter should aim at
current_offset (float) The current offset from the plane's forward vector the helicopter should aim at
max_delta_offset (optional, float) The maximum amount the offset can be changed during a single shot (default 0.01f)
max_offset (optional, float) The maximum offset allowed (default 7.0f)
(float) Current offset being used, so that the offset can be adjusted over multiple shots

Fire a sweep shot as part of Cyrus's boss AI in Mission23

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Last updated: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:32:15