move_to_safe(name, dest[, speed[, retry_on_failure[, move_and_fire]]])

name (string) name of the character
dest (string) name of the scripted_path spline to follow, or navpoint to go to
speed (integer, optional) movement speed (1 = walk, 2 = run, 3 = sprint; defaults to 1)
retry_on_failure (boolean, optional) set to true to keep retrying if path calculation fails (defaults to false)
move_and_fire (booelan, optional) set to true to allow the NPC to fire on the move (defaults to false)

Make a character pathfind through one or more navpoints. Returns if at any point the character dies.

This function blocks until the character has finished pathfinding, or until the character dies. This function otherwise behaves exactly like move_to.


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Last updated: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:32:16