SuperUI for other games: SR2 | SRTT Classic | SRIV | SRGOOH
SuperUI for SRTT Classic v1.7
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU
Download: srtt_superui_v1.7.7z
=== Description ===
This mod enhances user interface of Saints Row: The Third in many ways. It also adds some bonus features to missions.
NOTE: Only tested for the Steam version. I don't know about the GOG version, but you'll probably need to update asm_pc files.
WARNING: THIS MOD DOES NOT WORK WITH "Saints Row: The Third Remastered"!
I cannot port this mod to Remastered until following conditions are met:
Known Issues
=== Screenshots ===
SRTT is the only game in the Saints Row series to not show the notoriety progress bar, but this mod aims to change that.
Each team is colored, and the saturation/brightness of colors indicate the sub-notoriety progress.
Purchase any clothes, tattoos, weapons, and use plastic surgeon from any crib.
Mission List is enhanced. DLC missions are now clearly marked, and you can access the crib menu from here.
Upgrade List displays what respect level is required for still-locked upgrades.

Avatar Rampage menu is enhanced.
=== Features ===
==== HUD ====
* The notoriety HUD is now colored for 4 different teams: Red for Morningstar, Blue for Deckers, Green for Luchadores, and Yellow for Police. The color saturation shows how much sub-notoriety level you have. When you earn notoriety if will initially closer to white, but as you anger each team, the notoriety icon for them will gradually become darker.
* Added "Show Level 0 Notoriety" option which will bump the displayed notoriety level by 1. The "Level 0" notoriety will be displayed as 1 icon, "Level 1" notoriety will be shown as 2 icons, and so on. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua and change "SUI_SHOW_LEVEL0_NOTORIETY" to enable it)
* Health of homies are now displayed in HUD, shown in percentage. (Can be toggled by "SUI_SHOW_HOMIE_HP" in vint_lib.lua)
* You can now disable HUD autohide (not enabled by default; "SUI_HUD_AUTOHIDE" in vint_lib.lua)
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing.
* Cruise Control HUD is lowered. (original codes by IdolNinja)
* Added "Classic" HUD option which moves Health Bars to Top-right like in Saints Row 1 and 2. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua and change "SUI_HUD_CLASSIC" to enable it)
* Added an option to disable Weapon Wheel/Radial Menu when switching weapons. (not enabled by default; "SUI_RADIAL_MENU" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added a sound effect when a weapon is switched. (Optional, enabled by default; "SUI_WEAPON_SWITCH_SOUND" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added an option to disable tutorial popups (not enabled by default; "SUI_TUTORIAL" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added HUD display toggle in SuperUI options menu.
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can always enable gamepad button prompts by changing "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" in vint_lib.lua to 1, or always use keyboard prompts by setting it to 2.
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. This option will also change decimal separator (default '.') to a comma (',') in Stats menu.
==== Menus ====
* Added "SuperUI" settings to the options menu where you can toggle SuperUI-related settings during the game. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true".
* Cancel prompt removed from most menus.
* In store menus, price will be displayed in red if you don't have enough cash to buy the item.
* In Upgrade menu, the upgrades that are not yet available for purchase will show its unlock level in parentheses.
* You can use the phone in Activities.
* You can now buy clothes, tattoos, weapons, and use Plastic Surgeon from the Crib menu.
* You can customize any non-helicopter vehicles and can delete reward vehicles. (original codes by IdolNinja) A special warning message is displayed if you try to delete a reward vehicle.
* You can change your clothes color in wardrobe. (original codes by IdolNinja)
* Save menu will display how many of 23 slots are used.
* Replaced the Main Menu tickers that mention the community features.
* Moved Camera in cellphone to Music submenu. Replaced Camera and Extras in the cellphone main menu with Cheats and Stats, respectively.
* Added an ability to select weapons by cursor keys in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache menus. Up and Left keys will select the previous slot (counter-clockwise) and Down and Right keys will select the next slot (clockwise).
* Disabled the ability to buy ammo for weapons with infinite ammo. (except for grenades which can be removed by missions)
* In Weapon Stores, Weapon Level is no longer displayed for non-upgradable weapons.
* You can now use cursor keys in Plastic Surgeon's body triangle screen to finetune your build.
* In Vehicle Theft menu, the special targets (that don't accept your own vehicles in garages) are highlighted in red.
* Moved New Game and Load Game to the main menu. Moved the DLC menu item on the main menu to inside the Extras menu.
* Added an ability to instantly replay any previously-completed Activities from cellphone. The "Activities" menu replaces the "Cash" icon when no new money is available.
* Removed the "repair cost" system for Stored Vehicle Delivery because it is broken; the $500 cost is not actually deducted from your cash and the $500 cost remains even if the vehicle is in perfect condition.
* Added "Quit to Desktop" in Pause Menu.
* Added Machinima mode, enabled by setting "SUI_MACHINIMA" to true in vint_lib.lua. Objective markers and DLC unlock messages are disabled if this mode is enabled.
* Pause/Resume and Menu Transition animations are now faster.
* Mission Complete screen's Respect award sequence is skipped if the player's level is already at 50.
* The game no longer shows a confirmation dialog when you are about to cancel a mission during the "Pre-mission" phonecall.
* Save/Load menu animations are now faster when accessed from Pause Menu.
* Added "SUI_GOG" flag to vint_lib.lua. Menus unusable for GOG version such as Online Co-op are disabled if this flag is true. (This is not the official GOG support, but would still be useful for GOG users)
* Added "Help" menu which lets you view most of the tutorial messages. The items in the old Extras menu have been moved to the last page of Help menu.
==== Missions ====
* A modified variant of Mission Replay mod by IdolNinja is included, with the following changes:
** Added a "mission" that triggers a Crib menu anywhere on the city.
** Shows the localized title of each mission depending on SRTT's language.
** DLC missions are clearly marked with a "DLC:" prefix in the contact's name.
** Added replay for bonus phonecalls "Pub Crawl", "High Times", "The Morning After", and "There is No Try".
* A modified variant of mrturkleton & shitface's Avatar Rampage mod is included. The choice screen looks better now. The avatar heavily glitched out if he fell into water, so if it happens he will instantly drown in this mod.
* You can now exit prologue missions from the fail screen.
* You can now skip the first 3 prologue missions. To skip a prologue mission, pause the game, cancel the mission, choose "RETRY FROM MISSION START" in the Mission Failed screen, and push the USE key (E key, Y button, etc) when a prompt "SKIP LEVEL" is displayed.
* Added a "SKIP LEVEL" marker at the start of the DLC missions (except the 3rd mission of each DLC)
* Added a modifed "game_lib.lua" (global mission-related functions) which contains the following settings:
** SUI_OUTFIT: Do not change the player's clothes when this option is false
** SUI_DRUG: Do not enable drug effect on sh02.lua "Pimps Up, Hos Down", m19.lua "Zombie Attack", and dlc3_m03.lua "Send in the Clones"
** SUI_HARD: Make the following mission behave like in Co-op mode even when playing single player.
*** m05.lua "Party Time": Two helis will be waiting for you near the end of the mission
*** m08.lua "Trojan Whores": More enemies will spawn
*** sh03.lua "Stop all the Downloading": More enemies will spawn
*** m16.lua "http://deckers.die": More enemies will spawn, the Tank Battle has two enemy tanks, and Matt has higher health
*** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": More enemies will spawn, more damage is required before the manager shows up
*** m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI": More enemies will spawn
*** m22.lua "Three Way": More enemies will spawn during Kia fight
*** m23.lua "STAG Film": Two escape VTOLs will spawn
* m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Added checkpoint at the Garage near the end of the mission
* m15.lua "Learning Computer": Disabled the ability to dismiss homies manually. In this mission, Pierce could manually be dismissed by Z key which caused an instant mission failure.
* m16.lua "http://deckers.die": Added checkpoints to Post-Intro, Antivirus, Tank Battle, and Internet Security.
* m17.lua "My Name is Cyrus Temple": Added checkpoint when the player enters Sierra Point. Many STAG soldiers are roaming there and the player can accidently run into them, wasting all progress.
* m19.lua "Zombie Attack": The virus containers are now marked with yellow "USE" icon (instead of red "KILL" icon) like in "Three Way".
* m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI":
** Fixed the bug that Killbane gets stuck in ground after the first QTE if the player is using their own clothes (SUI_OUTFIT = false).
** Added more checkpoints during Killbane fight in the case he still gets stuck.
* m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": You can no longer fail the mission by manually dismissing homies; the homies will automatically rejoin.
* dlc2_m02.lua "Hangar 18 1/2": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the alien weapons on Steelport.
* dlc3_m01.lua "Weird Science": Added 3 more checkpoints at the "Protect Jimmy's car" section.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the bee gun on Steelport.
* You can now bring some of mission-only homies to freeroam by starting the mission and cancelling it.
** m01.lua "When Good Heists Go Bad": Gat
** m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Bloody Cannoness Viola
** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": Masked Angel (need to play the mission until Angel gets his mask back)
** m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": Space Pierce, Space Shaundi, Space Gat
** dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Aisha Pierce, Jimmy
* Added "SUI_OVERRIDE_M07" flag in game_lib.lua which enables a modder to override m07.lua "Return to Steelport" mission.
* (A feature for modders) The race start countdown can now be used outside of an activity (call hud_push_screen("countdown", SYNC_ALL) from a gameplay Lua script)
=== Installation ===
Copy all *.lua, *.str2_pc, *.asm_pc, *.cpeg_pc, and *.gpeg_pc files in the "mod" folder to SRTT's directory. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third)
If you don't already have installed Sandbox+-like mods, copy the included "sr3_city.lua" file to SRTT's directory.
Then, copy and overwrite patch_compressed.vpp_pc to SRTT's cache directory. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third\packfiles\pc\cache)
This mod modifies the following asm_pc files which makes it incompatible by default with most mods.
* patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc
* vint_doc_containers.asm_pc
To make this mod usable with other mods, you need to update the asm_pc files after installing this mod.
Download VIPER'S UPDATED ASM UPDATER and copy the ASM_Updater folder (including the folder itself!) to SRTT directory. This download includes all required tools by Gibbed.
Then, inside the ASM_Updater folder, launch "Update_ASM_Files - after ADDITION or CHANGE of a mod file.bat".
Please note, this mod does NOT modify "stream_grid.asm_pc". All modified mission scripts are loaded from "patch_compressed.vpp_pc".
=== PlayStation Button Prompts ===
SuperUI for SRTT Classic bundles a modified variant of Blackbird's DualShock 3/4 mod.
To install it, follow these instructions after installing SuperUI:
1. Open "vint_lib.lua" in your SRTT's folder using a Notepad or any other text editor
2. Find the line that says
and change that line to
then save the file.
3. Copy "interface-backend.cpeg_pc" and "interface-backend.gpeg_pc" in the "playstation_button_prompts" folder to SRTT's folder. If you don't need the DualShock picture in "Control Schemes" screen, you can stop here.
4. In the "playstation_button_prompts" folder, choose between "dualshock3" and "dualshock4"
5. From "dualshock3" or "dualshock4" folder, copy "pause_ctrl_scheme2.str2_pc", "patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc", and "vint_doc_containers.asm_pc" to SRTT's folder
=== Credits ===
nclok1405 - Main Mods
IdolNinja - Original creator of the following mods:
* Delete Reward Vehicles
* Lowered Cruise Control HUD
* Mission Replay
* Wardrobe Color Change Mod
mrturkleton - Original creator of Avatar Rampage mod
shitface - Creator of modified Avatar Rampage mod
scanti - SR3 Texture Utilities
F13 - Gang Notoriety Texture
Rick/gibbed - Original creator of Clip Editor Mod
Blackbird - DualShock 3/4 mod (Controller+Buttons)
=== Changelog ===
v1.7 (February 2, 2021)
* You can now toggle Machinima Mode from SuperUI options menu (only from main menu)
* Disabled the ability to buy ammo for weapons with infinite ammo. (except for grenades which can be removed by missions)
* In Weapon Stores, Weapon Level is no longer displayed for non-upgradable weapons.
* You can now use cursor keys in Plastic Surgeon's body triangle screen to finetune your build.
v1.6 (December 4, 2020)
* (A feature for modders) The race start countdown can now be used outside of an activity (call hud_push_screen("countdown", SYNC_ALL) from a gameplay Lua script)
* Help menu now uses a scrolling list.
v1.5 (November 12, 2020)
* Added a modified version of Blackbird's DualShock 3/4 mod. Follow the instructions in the "PlayStation Button Prompts" section for more info.
* Added "Help" menu which lets you view most of the tutorial messages. The items in the old Extras menu have been moved to the last page of Help menu.
Old versions (v1.4 and older):
SuperUI for SRTT Classic v1.7
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU
Download: srtt_superui_v1.7.7z
=== Description ===
This mod enhances user interface of Saints Row: The Third in many ways. It also adds some bonus features to missions.
NOTE: Only tested for the Steam version. I don't know about the GOG version, but you'll probably need to update asm_pc files.
WARNING: THIS MOD DOES NOT WORK WITH "Saints Row: The Third Remastered"!
I cannot port this mod to Remastered until following conditions are met:
- A tool to unpack AND repack *.vpp_pc, *.str2_pc, and *.asm_pc files is created
- (optional) A tool to modify textures is created. Until then, the gang notoriety icon will be the same as the police icon.
- (optional) A tool to modify *.le_strings is created. Until then, some of the texts (like Avatar Rampage hub) will be missing.
Known Issues
- Selecting "Unset GPS" from cellphone during pre-mission will sometimes mute most sound effects until the game is paused and unpaused.
=== Screenshots ===
SRTT is the only game in the Saints Row series to not show the notoriety progress bar, but this mod aims to change that.
Each team is colored, and the saturation/brightness of colors indicate the sub-notoriety progress.
Purchase any clothes, tattoos, weapons, and use plastic surgeon from any crib.
Mission List is enhanced. DLC missions are now clearly marked, and you can access the crib menu from here.
Upgrade List displays what respect level is required for still-locked upgrades.

Avatar Rampage menu is enhanced.
=== Features ===
==== HUD ====
* The notoriety HUD is now colored for 4 different teams: Red for Morningstar, Blue for Deckers, Green for Luchadores, and Yellow for Police. The color saturation shows how much sub-notoriety level you have. When you earn notoriety if will initially closer to white, but as you anger each team, the notoriety icon for them will gradually become darker.
* Added "Show Level 0 Notoriety" option which will bump the displayed notoriety level by 1. The "Level 0" notoriety will be displayed as 1 icon, "Level 1" notoriety will be shown as 2 icons, and so on. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua and change "SUI_SHOW_LEVEL0_NOTORIETY" to enable it)
* Health of homies are now displayed in HUD, shown in percentage. (Can be toggled by "SUI_SHOW_HOMIE_HP" in vint_lib.lua)
* You can now disable HUD autohide (not enabled by default; "SUI_HUD_AUTOHIDE" in vint_lib.lua)
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing.
* Cruise Control HUD is lowered. (original codes by IdolNinja)
* Added "Classic" HUD option which moves Health Bars to Top-right like in Saints Row 1 and 2. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua and change "SUI_HUD_CLASSIC" to enable it)
* Added an option to disable Weapon Wheel/Radial Menu when switching weapons. (not enabled by default; "SUI_RADIAL_MENU" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added a sound effect when a weapon is switched. (Optional, enabled by default; "SUI_WEAPON_SWITCH_SOUND" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added an option to disable tutorial popups (not enabled by default; "SUI_TUTORIAL" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added HUD display toggle in SuperUI options menu.
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can always enable gamepad button prompts by changing "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" in vint_lib.lua to 1, or always use keyboard prompts by setting it to 2.
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. This option will also change decimal separator (default '.') to a comma (',') in Stats menu.
==== Menus ====
* Added "SuperUI" settings to the options menu where you can toggle SuperUI-related settings during the game. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true".
* Cancel prompt removed from most menus.
* In store menus, price will be displayed in red if you don't have enough cash to buy the item.
* In Upgrade menu, the upgrades that are not yet available for purchase will show its unlock level in parentheses.
* You can use the phone in Activities.
* You can now buy clothes, tattoos, weapons, and use Plastic Surgeon from the Crib menu.
* You can customize any non-helicopter vehicles and can delete reward vehicles. (original codes by IdolNinja) A special warning message is displayed if you try to delete a reward vehicle.
* You can change your clothes color in wardrobe. (original codes by IdolNinja)
* Save menu will display how many of 23 slots are used.
* Replaced the Main Menu tickers that mention the community features.
* Moved Camera in cellphone to Music submenu. Replaced Camera and Extras in the cellphone main menu with Cheats and Stats, respectively.
* Added an ability to select weapons by cursor keys in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache menus. Up and Left keys will select the previous slot (counter-clockwise) and Down and Right keys will select the next slot (clockwise).
* Disabled the ability to buy ammo for weapons with infinite ammo. (except for grenades which can be removed by missions)
* In Weapon Stores, Weapon Level is no longer displayed for non-upgradable weapons.
* You can now use cursor keys in Plastic Surgeon's body triangle screen to finetune your build.
* In Vehicle Theft menu, the special targets (that don't accept your own vehicles in garages) are highlighted in red.
* Moved New Game and Load Game to the main menu. Moved the DLC menu item on the main menu to inside the Extras menu.
* Added an ability to instantly replay any previously-completed Activities from cellphone. The "Activities" menu replaces the "Cash" icon when no new money is available.
* Removed the "repair cost" system for Stored Vehicle Delivery because it is broken; the $500 cost is not actually deducted from your cash and the $500 cost remains even if the vehicle is in perfect condition.
* Added "Quit to Desktop" in Pause Menu.
* Added Machinima mode, enabled by setting "SUI_MACHINIMA" to true in vint_lib.lua. Objective markers and DLC unlock messages are disabled if this mode is enabled.
* Pause/Resume and Menu Transition animations are now faster.
* Mission Complete screen's Respect award sequence is skipped if the player's level is already at 50.
* The game no longer shows a confirmation dialog when you are about to cancel a mission during the "Pre-mission" phonecall.
* Save/Load menu animations are now faster when accessed from Pause Menu.
* Added "SUI_GOG" flag to vint_lib.lua. Menus unusable for GOG version such as Online Co-op are disabled if this flag is true. (This is not the official GOG support, but would still be useful for GOG users)
* Added "Help" menu which lets you view most of the tutorial messages. The items in the old Extras menu have been moved to the last page of Help menu.
==== Missions ====
* A modified variant of Mission Replay mod by IdolNinja is included, with the following changes:
** Added a "mission" that triggers a Crib menu anywhere on the city.
** Shows the localized title of each mission depending on SRTT's language.
** DLC missions are clearly marked with a "DLC:" prefix in the contact's name.
** Added replay for bonus phonecalls "Pub Crawl", "High Times", "The Morning After", and "There is No Try".
* A modified variant of mrturkleton & shitface's Avatar Rampage mod is included. The choice screen looks better now. The avatar heavily glitched out if he fell into water, so if it happens he will instantly drown in this mod.
* You can now exit prologue missions from the fail screen.
* You can now skip the first 3 prologue missions. To skip a prologue mission, pause the game, cancel the mission, choose "RETRY FROM MISSION START" in the Mission Failed screen, and push the USE key (E key, Y button, etc) when a prompt "SKIP LEVEL" is displayed.
* Added a "SKIP LEVEL" marker at the start of the DLC missions (except the 3rd mission of each DLC)
* Added a modifed "game_lib.lua" (global mission-related functions) which contains the following settings:
** SUI_OUTFIT: Do not change the player's clothes when this option is false
** SUI_DRUG: Do not enable drug effect on sh02.lua "Pimps Up, Hos Down", m19.lua "Zombie Attack", and dlc3_m03.lua "Send in the Clones"
** SUI_HARD: Make the following mission behave like in Co-op mode even when playing single player.
*** m05.lua "Party Time": Two helis will be waiting for you near the end of the mission
*** m08.lua "Trojan Whores": More enemies will spawn
*** sh03.lua "Stop all the Downloading": More enemies will spawn
*** m16.lua "http://deckers.die": More enemies will spawn, the Tank Battle has two enemy tanks, and Matt has higher health
*** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": More enemies will spawn, more damage is required before the manager shows up
*** m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI": More enemies will spawn
*** m22.lua "Three Way": More enemies will spawn during Kia fight
*** m23.lua "STAG Film": Two escape VTOLs will spawn
* m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Added checkpoint at the Garage near the end of the mission
* m15.lua "Learning Computer": Disabled the ability to dismiss homies manually. In this mission, Pierce could manually be dismissed by Z key which caused an instant mission failure.
* m16.lua "http://deckers.die": Added checkpoints to Post-Intro, Antivirus, Tank Battle, and Internet Security.
* m17.lua "My Name is Cyrus Temple": Added checkpoint when the player enters Sierra Point. Many STAG soldiers are roaming there and the player can accidently run into them, wasting all progress.
* m19.lua "Zombie Attack": The virus containers are now marked with yellow "USE" icon (instead of red "KILL" icon) like in "Three Way".
* m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI":
** Fixed the bug that Killbane gets stuck in ground after the first QTE if the player is using their own clothes (SUI_OUTFIT = false).
** Added more checkpoints during Killbane fight in the case he still gets stuck.
* m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": You can no longer fail the mission by manually dismissing homies; the homies will automatically rejoin.
* dlc2_m02.lua "Hangar 18 1/2": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the alien weapons on Steelport.
* dlc3_m01.lua "Weird Science": Added 3 more checkpoints at the "Protect Jimmy's car" section.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the bee gun on Steelport.
* You can now bring some of mission-only homies to freeroam by starting the mission and cancelling it.
** m01.lua "When Good Heists Go Bad": Gat
** m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Bloody Cannoness Viola
** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": Masked Angel (need to play the mission until Angel gets his mask back)
** m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": Space Pierce, Space Shaundi, Space Gat
** dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Aisha Pierce, Jimmy
* Added "SUI_OVERRIDE_M07" flag in game_lib.lua which enables a modder to override m07.lua "Return to Steelport" mission.
* (A feature for modders) The race start countdown can now be used outside of an activity (call hud_push_screen("countdown", SYNC_ALL) from a gameplay Lua script)
=== Installation ===
Copy all *.lua, *.str2_pc, *.asm_pc, *.cpeg_pc, and *.gpeg_pc files in the "mod" folder to SRTT's directory. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third)
If you don't already have installed Sandbox+-like mods, copy the included "sr3_city.lua" file to SRTT's directory.
Then, copy and overwrite patch_compressed.vpp_pc to SRTT's cache directory. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third\packfiles\pc\cache)
This mod modifies the following asm_pc files which makes it incompatible by default with most mods.
* patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc
* vint_doc_containers.asm_pc
To make this mod usable with other mods, you need to update the asm_pc files after installing this mod.
Download VIPER'S UPDATED ASM UPDATER and copy the ASM_Updater folder (including the folder itself!) to SRTT directory. This download includes all required tools by Gibbed.
Then, inside the ASM_Updater folder, launch "Update_ASM_Files - after ADDITION or CHANGE of a mod file.bat".
Please note, this mod does NOT modify "stream_grid.asm_pc". All modified mission scripts are loaded from "patch_compressed.vpp_pc".
=== PlayStation Button Prompts ===
SuperUI for SRTT Classic bundles a modified variant of Blackbird's DualShock 3/4 mod.
To install it, follow these instructions after installing SuperUI:
1. Open "vint_lib.lua" in your SRTT's folder using a Notepad or any other text editor
2. Find the line that says
3. Copy "interface-backend.cpeg_pc" and "interface-backend.gpeg_pc" in the "playstation_button_prompts" folder to SRTT's folder. If you don't need the DualShock picture in "Control Schemes" screen, you can stop here.
4. In the "playstation_button_prompts" folder, choose between "dualshock3" and "dualshock4"
5. From "dualshock3" or "dualshock4" folder, copy "pause_ctrl_scheme2.str2_pc", "patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc", and "vint_doc_containers.asm_pc" to SRTT's folder
=== Credits ===
nclok1405 - Main Mods
IdolNinja - Original creator of the following mods:
* Delete Reward Vehicles
* Lowered Cruise Control HUD
* Mission Replay
* Wardrobe Color Change Mod
mrturkleton - Original creator of Avatar Rampage mod
shitface - Creator of modified Avatar Rampage mod
scanti - SR3 Texture Utilities
F13 - Gang Notoriety Texture
Rick/gibbed - Original creator of Clip Editor Mod
Blackbird - DualShock 3/4 mod (Controller+Buttons)
=== Changelog ===
v1.7 (February 2, 2021)
* You can now toggle Machinima Mode from SuperUI options menu (only from main menu)
* Disabled the ability to buy ammo for weapons with infinite ammo. (except for grenades which can be removed by missions)
* In Weapon Stores, Weapon Level is no longer displayed for non-upgradable weapons.
* You can now use cursor keys in Plastic Surgeon's body triangle screen to finetune your build.
v1.6 (December 4, 2020)
* (A feature for modders) The race start countdown can now be used outside of an activity (call hud_push_screen("countdown", SYNC_ALL) from a gameplay Lua script)
* Help menu now uses a scrolling list.
v1.5 (November 12, 2020)
* Added a modified version of Blackbird's DualShock 3/4 mod. Follow the instructions in the "PlayStation Button Prompts" section for more info.
* Added "Help" menu which lets you view most of the tutorial messages. The items in the old Extras menu have been moved to the last page of Help menu.
Old versions (v1.4 and older):
v1.4 (November 9, 2020)
* "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" flag now correctly affects QTEs.
* Added "SUI_GOG" flag to vint_lib.lua. Menus unusable for GOG version such as Online Co-op are disabled if this flag is true. (This is not the official GOG support, but would still be useful for GOG users)
* Removed the "repair cost" system for Stored Vehicle Delivery because it is broken; the $500 cost is not actually deducted from your cash and the $500 cost remains even if the vehicle is in perfect condition.
* Rim Jobs:
** Added a workaround for the game's bug that sometimes Nitrous and Kneecappers are shown as not equipped even if you've already upgraded them.
** Disabled the ability to purchase Nitrous and Kneecappers for Tanks because these have no effects.
** You can no longer buy new colors or wheels for ASP tank because the former does nothing and the latter will crash the game.
* m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI":
** Fixed the bug that Killbane gets stuck in ground after the first QTE if the player is using their own clothes (SUI_OUTFIT = false).
** Added more checkpoints during Killbane fight in the case he still gets stuck.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Fixed the bug that the skip trigger doesn't work.
v1.3 (October 26, 2020)
* You can always enable gamepad button prompts by changing "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" in vint_lib.lua to 1, or always use keyboard prompts by setting it to 2.
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. This option will also change decimal separator (default '.') to a comma (',') in Stats menu.
* Save/Load menu animations are now faster when accessed from Pause Menu.
* Added Lua error handler (shows a message if something in Lua goes wrong)
* The mod no longer forces the faster screen fade in the following places due to glitches:
** Stronghold Upgrade Purchased screen ("Upgraded" banner does not show up if alpha fade is forced)
** "My Name is Cyrus Temple" (end cutscene cuts out early)
v1.2 (July 12, 2020)
* Added "Missions" option to Tutorials setting which will display tutorial popups in missions only.
* By default, screen fade animations are faster now. I also added screen fade related settings to vint_lib.lua.
* Added SuperUI version info in Extras menu.
* The game no longer shows a confirmation dialog when you are about to cancel a mission during the "Pre-mission" phonecall.
* Fixed a bug of m03.lua "We're Going to Need Guns" that Friendly Fire's yellow marker remain in replay.
v1.1 (July 11, 2020)
* Added HUD display toggle in SuperUI options menu.
* Pause/Resume and Menu Transition animations are now faster.
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* Mission Complete screen's Respect award sequence is skipped if the player's level is already at 50.
* Diversion Status (purple circles shown at the top-right corner of the screen) is now hidden in Machinima Editor.
* Removed Video Export button in Machinima Editor because it is broken.
v1.0 (July 6, 2020)
* This mod is now renamed to "SuperUI for SRTT Classic" to make it clear that this is only for the 2011 Classic version of SRTT.
* Gang notoriety icons are stars again. (Thanks F13 for the base texture! but the shadows behind the HUD went missing so I further modified it)
* Tattoo Parlor and Plastic Surgeon menus in crib now uses the crib menu background.
* Added "Quit to Desktop" in Pause Menu.
* Added Machinima mode, enabled by setting "SUI_MACHINIMA" to true in vint_lib.lua. Objective markers and DLC unlock messages are disabled if this mode is enabled.
* Added "SUI_OVERRIDE_M07" flag in game_lib.lua which enables a modder to override m07.lua "Return to Steelport" mission.
* Homie indicators now autohides when there are no homie-related changes for a while.
* Moving the mouse no longer instantly unhides the weapon circle.
v0.9 (August 11, 2019)
* Added an ability to instantly replay any previously-completed Activities from cellphone. The "Activities" menu replaces the "Cash" icon when no new money is available.
* The Vehicle Delivery menu now displays repair cost.
v0.8 (August 2, 2019)
* Loading screen now displays an image based on the last mission completed (only when manually loading a saved game from Load Game menu)
* If using a Gamepad, disable the ability to select weapons in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache by cursor keys on keyboard (prevent potential problems)
* Moved New Game and Load Game to the main menu. Moved the DLC menu item on the main menu to inside the Extras menu.
* Each mission in the Mission List now displays different icon depending on the main enemy of the mission; a Pink Star icon for the Syndicate-related missions and a Police Notoriety icon for STAG-related missions.
v0.7 (August 2, 2019)
* Added an ability to select weapons by cursor keys in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache menus. Up and Left keys will select the previous slot (counter-clockwise) and Down and Right keys will select the next slot (clockwise).
* In Vehicle Theft menu, the special targets (that don't accept your own vehicles in garages) are highlighted in red.
v0.6 (July 29, 2019)
* Added "SUI_HARD" flag to game_lib.lua which makes these missions behave like in Co-op mode:
** m05.lua "Party Time": Two helis will be waiting for you near the end of the mission
** m08.lua "Trojan Whores": More enemies will spawn
** sh03.lua "Stop all the Downloading": More enemies will spawn
** m16.lua "http://deckers.die": More enemies will spawn, the Tank Battle has two enemy tanks, and Matt has higher health
** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": More enemies will spawn, more slots need to be destroyed before the manager shows up
** m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI": More enemies will spawn
** m22.lua "Three Way": More enemies will spawn during Kia fight
** m23.lua "STAG Film": Two escape VTOLs will spawn
* m16.lua "http://deckers.die": Added checkpoints to Post-Intro, Antivirus, Tank Battle, and Internet Security.
v0.5 (July 28, 2019)
* Moved Camera in cellphone to Music submenu. Replaced Camera and Extras in the cellphone main menu with Cheats and Stats, respectively.
* Moved Pierce's mandatory activities in the mission list to match the story order.
* Added an option to toggle Homie HP display ("SUI_SHOW_HOMIE_HP" in vint_lib.lua)
* sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": You can now take Masked Angel into freeroam by cancelling the mission after Angel gets his mask back.
v0.4 (July 24, 2019)
* Added an option to disable tutorial popups ("SUI_TUTORIAL" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added SUI_DRUG option support for dlc3_m03.lua "Send in the Clones".
* m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": You can no longer fail the mission by manually dismissing homies; the homies will automatically rejoin.
* You can now bring some of mission-only homies to freeroam by starting the mission and cancelling it.
** m01.lua "When Good Heists Go Bad": Gat
** m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Bloody Cannoness Viola
** m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": Space Pierce, Space Shaundi, Space Gat
** dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Aisha Pierce, Jimmy
v0.3 (July 20, 2019)
* Added a modifed "game_lib.lua" (global mission-related functions) which contains the following settings:
** SUI_OUTFIT: Do not change the player's clothes when this option is false
** SUI_DRUG: Do not enable drug effect on sh02.lua "Pimps Up, Hos Down" and m19.lua "Zombie Attack" when this option is false
* Added a "SKIP LEVEL" marker at the start of the DLC missions (except the 3rd mission of each DLC)
* m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Added checkpoint at the Garage near the end of the mission
* m15.lua "Learning Computer": Disabled the ability to dismiss homies manually. In this mission, Pierce could manually be dismissed by Z key which caused an instant mission failure.
* m17.lua "My Name is Cyrus Temple": Added checkpoint when the player enters Sierra Point. Many STAG soldiers are roaming there and the player can accidently run into them, wasting all progress.
* m19.lua "Zombie Attack": The virus containers are now marked with yellow "USE" icon (instead of red "KILL" icon) like in "Three Way".
* dlc2_m02.lua "Hangar 18 1/2": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the alien weapons on Steelport.
* dlc3_m01.lua "Weird Science": Added 3 more checkpoints at the "Protect Jimmy's car" section.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the bee gun on Steelport.
v0.2 (July 13, 2019)
* Added "SuperUI" settings to the options menu where you can toggle SuperUI-related settings during the game. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true".
* Added "Show Level 0 Notoriety" option which will bump the displayed notoriety level by 1. The "Level 0" notoriety will be displayed as 1 icon, "Level 1" notoriety will be shown as 2 icons, and so on. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added "Classic" HUD option which moves Health Bars to Top-right like in Saints Row 1 and 2. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added an option to disable Weapon Wheel/Radial Menu when switching weapons. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added a sound effect when a weapon is switched.
* Replaced the Main Menu tickers that mention the community features.
v0.1 (July 2, 2019)
* Initial Release
* "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" flag now correctly affects QTEs.
* Added "SUI_GOG" flag to vint_lib.lua. Menus unusable for GOG version such as Online Co-op are disabled if this flag is true. (This is not the official GOG support, but would still be useful for GOG users)
* Removed the "repair cost" system for Stored Vehicle Delivery because it is broken; the $500 cost is not actually deducted from your cash and the $500 cost remains even if the vehicle is in perfect condition.
* Rim Jobs:
** Added a workaround for the game's bug that sometimes Nitrous and Kneecappers are shown as not equipped even if you've already upgraded them.
** Disabled the ability to purchase Nitrous and Kneecappers for Tanks because these have no effects.
** You can no longer buy new colors or wheels for ASP tank because the former does nothing and the latter will crash the game.
* m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI":
** Fixed the bug that Killbane gets stuck in ground after the first QTE if the player is using their own clothes (SUI_OUTFIT = false).
** Added more checkpoints during Killbane fight in the case he still gets stuck.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Fixed the bug that the skip trigger doesn't work.
v1.3 (October 26, 2020)
* You can always enable gamepad button prompts by changing "SUI_BUTTON_PROMPTS" in vint_lib.lua to 1, or always use keyboard prompts by setting it to 2.
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. This option will also change decimal separator (default '.') to a comma (',') in Stats menu.
* Save/Load menu animations are now faster when accessed from Pause Menu.
* Added Lua error handler (shows a message if something in Lua goes wrong)
* The mod no longer forces the faster screen fade in the following places due to glitches:
** Stronghold Upgrade Purchased screen ("Upgraded" banner does not show up if alpha fade is forced)
** "My Name is Cyrus Temple" (end cutscene cuts out early)
v1.2 (July 12, 2020)
* Added "Missions" option to Tutorials setting which will display tutorial popups in missions only.
* By default, screen fade animations are faster now. I also added screen fade related settings to vint_lib.lua.
* Added SuperUI version info in Extras menu.
* The game no longer shows a confirmation dialog when you are about to cancel a mission during the "Pre-mission" phonecall.
* Fixed a bug of m03.lua "We're Going to Need Guns" that Friendly Fire's yellow marker remain in replay.
v1.1 (July 11, 2020)
* Added HUD display toggle in SuperUI options menu.
* Pause/Resume and Menu Transition animations are now faster.
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* Mission Complete screen's Respect award sequence is skipped if the player's level is already at 50.
* Diversion Status (purple circles shown at the top-right corner of the screen) is now hidden in Machinima Editor.
* Removed Video Export button in Machinima Editor because it is broken.
v1.0 (July 6, 2020)
* This mod is now renamed to "SuperUI for SRTT Classic" to make it clear that this is only for the 2011 Classic version of SRTT.
* Gang notoriety icons are stars again. (Thanks F13 for the base texture! but the shadows behind the HUD went missing so I further modified it)
* Tattoo Parlor and Plastic Surgeon menus in crib now uses the crib menu background.
* Added "Quit to Desktop" in Pause Menu.
* Added Machinima mode, enabled by setting "SUI_MACHINIMA" to true in vint_lib.lua. Objective markers and DLC unlock messages are disabled if this mode is enabled.
* Added "SUI_OVERRIDE_M07" flag in game_lib.lua which enables a modder to override m07.lua "Return to Steelport" mission.
* Homie indicators now autohides when there are no homie-related changes for a while.
* Moving the mouse no longer instantly unhides the weapon circle.
v0.9 (August 11, 2019)
* Added an ability to instantly replay any previously-completed Activities from cellphone. The "Activities" menu replaces the "Cash" icon when no new money is available.
* The Vehicle Delivery menu now displays repair cost.
v0.8 (August 2, 2019)
* Loading screen now displays an image based on the last mission completed (only when manually loading a saved game from Load Game menu)
* If using a Gamepad, disable the ability to select weapons in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache by cursor keys on keyboard (prevent potential problems)
* Moved New Game and Load Game to the main menu. Moved the DLC menu item on the main menu to inside the Extras menu.
* Each mission in the Mission List now displays different icon depending on the main enemy of the mission; a Pink Star icon for the Syndicate-related missions and a Police Notoriety icon for STAG-related missions.
v0.7 (August 2, 2019)
* Added an ability to select weapons by cursor keys in Friendly Fire/Weapons Cache menus. Up and Left keys will select the previous slot (counter-clockwise) and Down and Right keys will select the next slot (clockwise).
* In Vehicle Theft menu, the special targets (that don't accept your own vehicles in garages) are highlighted in red.
v0.6 (July 29, 2019)
* Added "SUI_HARD" flag to game_lib.lua which makes these missions behave like in Co-op mode:
** m05.lua "Party Time": Two helis will be waiting for you near the end of the mission
** m08.lua "Trojan Whores": More enemies will spawn
** sh03.lua "Stop all the Downloading": More enemies will spawn
** m16.lua "http://deckers.die": More enemies will spawn, the Tank Battle has two enemy tanks, and Matt has higher health
** sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": More enemies will spawn, more slots need to be destroyed before the manager shows up
** m21.lua "Murderbrawl XXXI": More enemies will spawn
** m22.lua "Three Way": More enemies will spawn during Kia fight
** m23.lua "STAG Film": Two escape VTOLs will spawn
* m16.lua "http://deckers.die": Added checkpoints to Post-Intro, Antivirus, Tank Battle, and Internet Security.
v0.5 (July 28, 2019)
* Moved Camera in cellphone to Music submenu. Replaced Camera and Extras in the cellphone main menu with Cheats and Stats, respectively.
* Moved Pierce's mandatory activities in the mission list to match the story order.
* Added an option to toggle Homie HP display ("SUI_SHOW_HOMIE_HP" in vint_lib.lua)
* sh04.lua "3 Count Beat Down": You can now take Masked Angel into freeroam by cancelling the mission after Angel gets his mask back.
v0.4 (July 24, 2019)
* Added an option to disable tutorial popups ("SUI_TUTORIAL" in vint_lib.lua)
* Added SUI_DRUG option support for dlc3_m03.lua "Send in the Clones".
* m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": You can no longer fail the mission by manually dismissing homies; the homies will automatically rejoin.
* You can now bring some of mission-only homies to freeroam by starting the mission and cancelling it.
** m01.lua "When Good Heists Go Bad": Gat
** m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Bloody Cannoness Viola
** m24.lua "Gangstas in Space": Space Pierce, Space Shaundi, Space Gat
** dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Aisha Pierce, Jimmy
v0.3 (July 20, 2019)
* Added a modifed "game_lib.lua" (global mission-related functions) which contains the following settings:
** SUI_OUTFIT: Do not change the player's clothes when this option is false
** SUI_DRUG: Do not enable drug effect on sh02.lua "Pimps Up, Hos Down" and m19.lua "Zombie Attack" when this option is false
* Added a "SKIP LEVEL" marker at the start of the DLC missions (except the 3rd mission of each DLC)
* m12.lua "Nyte Blayde's Return": Added checkpoint at the Garage near the end of the mission
* m15.lua "Learning Computer": Disabled the ability to dismiss homies manually. In this mission, Pierce could manually be dismissed by Z key which caused an instant mission failure.
* m17.lua "My Name is Cyrus Temple": Added checkpoint when the player enters Sierra Point. Many STAG soldiers are roaming there and the player can accidently run into them, wasting all progress.
* m19.lua "Zombie Attack": The virus containers are now marked with yellow "USE" icon (instead of red "KILL" icon) like in "Three Way".
* dlc2_m02.lua "Hangar 18 1/2": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the alien weapons on Steelport.
* dlc3_m01.lua "Weird Science": Added 3 more checkpoints at the "Protect Jimmy's car" section.
* dlc3_m02.lua "Tour de Farce": Added "Free Mode" which lets you to use the bee gun on Steelport.
v0.2 (July 13, 2019)
* Added "SuperUI" settings to the options menu where you can toggle SuperUI-related settings during the game. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true".
* Added "Show Level 0 Notoriety" option which will bump the displayed notoriety level by 1. The "Level 0" notoriety will be displayed as 1 icon, "Level 1" notoriety will be shown as 2 icons, and so on. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added "Classic" HUD option which moves Health Bars to Top-right like in Saints Row 1 and 2. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added an option to disable Weapon Wheel/Radial Menu when switching weapons. (not enabled by default; edit vint_lib.lua if you want)
* Added a sound effect when a weapon is switched.
* Replaced the Main Menu tickers that mention the community features.
v0.1 (July 2, 2019)
* Initial Release
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