Stilwater+ 2.0


(Version 2.0)
I'll probably remake the mod one day with some new additions

Well, it's about time.
Welcome to my most ambitious mod project yet, Stilwater+ 2.0!

Let's get to the features.

Saints Church, the Stilwater+ Hub
The church now has a extensive set of triggers that allow you to experience the game like never before.

Julius' office now features a set of triggers that allow you to switch your alliance to any of the game's gangs, a neutral alliance, or even siding with the cops. With this, you can choose whatever gang you want to fight alongside you, and even recruit members of the gang or the police as homies. There are also triggers to give yourself a million dollars, and to remove all of your money.

Dex's office has a couple of triggers that will load you into one of the game's multiplayer maps, just be sure to save beforehand.

Gat's office has multiple triggers that allow you to change which gang has control of Stilwater's districts. You can give total control to any of the gangs, or even set them to neutral to remove gangs altogether. You can also reset all districts to the ownership they had at the start of the game.

Outside around the church, Julius, Troy, Gat, Dex and Lin now spawn in when you load a save. You can recruit them to fight alongside you.


So yes, you can kill Dex in this mod.


New Weapons
Stilwater+ features an array of new weapons, and also adds previously unpurchasable weapons like the Hitmen guns to Friendly Fire. The new weapons can be bought or obtained with cheats.
The Explosive Krukov was made by @Jacob_MP and the Donut Launcher and Flamethrower were made by @AGuyNamedSteve (his weapons were slightly tweaked to make them new additions to the game instead of overwritting pre-existing guns)

#200 - Golden GDHC
#201 - Platinum T3K
#202 - Platinum Riot
#203 - Platinum RPG
#204 - Pimp Slap
#205 - Crippler's Crippler
#206 - Handy Sawnoff
#207 - The Orbital Launcher
#208 - Donut Launcher
#209 - Explosive Krukov
#210 - Flamethrower
#211 - Misunderstood Rocket
#212 - Suicide Box






Enhanced Car Customization
Stilwater+ enhances the color selection for all cars by adding the standard, matte and shiny materials, aswell as the metal colors to the body paint options.
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Alongside that, customization options for the glass tint have also been greatly improved. Instead of a small selection of a few colors, Stilwater+ lets you use every color for the glass tint, with five different levels of the tint's opacity.

And last but most definitely not least, previously uncustomizable cars such as the Five'O are now fully paintable and upgradeable with hydraulics and nitrous. Some cars also have body mod options.


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Current list of new customizable cars
Green = Body mod options, colorable, hydraulics and nitrous
Orange = Colorable, hydraulics and nitrous
Red = Hydraulics and nitrous only
Five O


Buyable Cribs
In Stilwater+, you now get the option to buy several cribs around the city. At the moment they do not have proper garages, only a thematic car spawn outside of them. But, you can change your clothes and weapons in them, grab the cash from your stash and save your game. Simply go to the locations shown down below and you'll see a trigger there to buy them.
(The purchase triggers respawn after loading a save, it's coded this way so you can purchase the cribs on preexisting save games. Simply ignore them after you've bought the crib.)
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Abandoned Liqour Store, 5000$
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Pool Bar,

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Green's Condo, 20000$

Explorable locked off Locations
Around the map, you can now find triggers to explore otherwise locked off locations, such as cutscene locations or even out of bounds areas. Alongside those, Ben King's penthouse has had numerous triggers added to let you explore locked off rooms, such as the lobby or the boardroom.
Current list of explorable locations:
All areas of Ben King's penthouse that were only used in the final VK mission.
Two different brothels used in cutscenes, triggers located by the Vice Kings and Los Carnales snatch activities respectively.
The out of bounds mountain side that usually requires a glitch to get to, trigger located at the Rollerz snatch activity.
The Ultor Dome, trigger located next to the Demo Derby activity.
Kingdom Come Records, trigger located right outside of the building in Union Square. Unexplorable after completing the mission where it's blown up!

New Weathers
A couple of custom weathers have been added to the game that you can activate with cheats.
Silent Hill Fog, #100
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Mars Atmosphere, #101
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Purple Rain, #102
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Toxic Rain, #103
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Blood Rain, #104
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Navy Rain, #105
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Void Rain, #106
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Pink Rain, #107
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Shadowbeings, #108
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Greenmen, #109
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Zeus' Rampage, #110
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Greenscreen, #111
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Bluescreen, #112
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Enhanced Police Notoriety
The police will now come with more numbers and a bigger variety of vehicles.
From 2 to 3 stars, Quotas and unmarked police cars (Interest) will come after you.
At 4 stars, Titans will spawn. The FBI also comes out at this level now.
And at 5 stars, alongside the FBI, the 'military' (SWAT guys in Bulldogs) will come after you, using military grade weapons. They even have a small chance at spawning in with a platinum RPG, so watch your step.

The Bong has been changed to make you completely invincible for 5 minutes. Could be fun with the suicide box weapon.
The Krystal has been changed to give you extreme strength.

My hair color mod, aswell as the 24/7 store mod is also included. If you don't want the 24/7 stores, remove shops_sr_city.xtbl from the mod.

It's highly recommended to use the loose VPP file plugin to install this mod for ease of use. Make sure your Saints Row is updated to Title Update 1, and then turn on the 'loose VPP files' plugin within the patch file. After that, simply paste all of the XTBLs, lua files and peg files into your game directory, no compilling required.
Clippy95's loose VPP file patch

@Clipper95 - Loose VPP file patch, keyboard prompts
@Slimeball - General help with my modding endeavours
@j!f - Help with getting player coordinates
@Jacob_MP - Explosive Krukov
@AGuyNamedSteve - Donut Launcher and Flamethrower

Down below, there's a optional texture file that you can download that includes @Clipper95's keyboard prompts, overwrite the one in the main Stilwater+ folder with it if you want to use those instead.
If you run into any issues or bugs with this mod, please let me know here. Otherwise, enjoy!


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Hotfix 1
I've been told that a few cutscenes in the game, most notably the intro cutscene to the game (how did I not notice that), will crash with the mod installed. The culprit to this are the custom weapons, there's a limit of four new weapons I can add to the game before it refuses to load, so I deleted a few pre-existing items from the game that I thought were unused, unfortunately I must've snacked some cutscene props in the process.

If you run into too many issues with crashes with the mod or want to play through the whole story with it, use this stable version instead, it removes the Cripple's Crippler, Handy Sawnoff, Misunderstood Rocket and Suicide Box. But, it should completely fix any crashes. @Clipper95 has said he wants to try and remove/raise the limit to custom guns in the game, so if he is able to do that, the guns will be readded in future versions properly without removing anything.


Crazy good.
Just one question, is it possible to make the triggers at the saints church and king's condo their own standalone mod?
I'd love to try that out.
Put only the cts and lua files of both saintsrow and downtown, aswell as US_strings into your game directory with the loose VPP plugin, should be exactly what you want

Just note that the saintsrow files will also cause the homies around the church to spawn, and will also spawn in the trigger for a purchasable crib which won’t work now
i started a new game with this mod and am using the quick fix you posted to make the game crash less, however iv experienced a few issues. due to homies spawning outside in the reclamation mission where troy and Julius are supposed to come out of he church instead were outside and froze upon getting to the car and wouldn't get into it. the mission where you save aiesha's sister will crash game when you go to get out of your vehicle after the "break yo-self" cut-scene. and finally I wanted to see if you could put the "sexiness gun" back into here. that was my favorite weapon from your last stilwater plus mod. So far i am very much enjoying this mod. it brings a lot of life back into this game with the new crib locations, just wish they had garages. great work with this mod homie.
i started a new game with this mod and am using the quick fix you posted to make the game crash less, however iv experienced a few issues. due to homies spawning outside in the reclamation mission where troy and Julius are supposed to come out of he church instead were outside and froze upon getting to the car and wouldn't get into it. the mission where you save aiesha's sister will crash game when you go to get out of your vehicle after the "break yo-self" cut-scene. and finally I wanted to see if you could put the "sexiness gun" back into here. that was my favorite weapon from your last stilwater plus mod. So far i am very much enjoying this mod. it brings a lot of life back into this game with the new crib locations, just wish they had garages. great work with this mod homie.
I'll probably change the new homies that spawn to be spawned with triggers in future versions
As for that mission crash that seems pretty odd, I'll take a look at it

As for new guns we'll have to see, Clippy has been working on a plugin to allow for more weapons and so far I can successfully add all Stilwater+ guns now without removing anything, but if I add any more guns than that the game crashes a few seconds after spawning. The best I can do with that plugin is to remove some items from the game that I really know aren’t gonna be used, like multiplayer items and such. We'll have to see, but don’t keep your expectations too high in terms of guns.