Rift Activities Cheat

I hate the Rift Activities with a passion. If it's possible to make a mod that lets you get a Gold with little effort that would be amazing.
There's a trainer available at Cheathappens.com that will allow you to freeze the timer, but it requires you to pay for it...
There's a trainer available at Cheathappens.com that will allow you to freeze the timer, but it requires you to pay for it...
cheat happens sucks. seriously? pay for cheating? its not like with sr3. at least THAT was cheap. here they are asking for a subscription. nothanks.
imma wait for a FREE trainer.
I agree with Smashbro. Thanks for the tip but no way I'd pay the ridiculous amount they ask for trainers.
Yea... 84.95 for a LIFETIME membership is OUTRAGEOUS! :rolleyes:
That it is. Considering I can cheat for free in 99% of the games out there. I guess some people just have more money then sense though. To each their own.;)

**EDIT - I just realized this may sound insulting to you. It wasn't meant that way just so you know. I just don't have that kind of Money to drop on something as trivial as a game trainer.**
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That it is. Considering I can cheat for free in 99% of the games out there. I guess some people just have more money then sense though. To each their own.;)
as for us peasants, let us wait for something free or with cheat engine. XD
i hear the majority of things one can do in a cheat happens trainer you could have done with cheat engine easily.
Oh man, it sucks. I tried using cheat engine to edit my score and it does change... for like half a second, then reverts back to what it was before the change. Everything else an be done using CE though, which is great.
wait is cheat engine allowed on here? seeing how idol isnt really going after us i guess its allowed.
wait is cheat engine allowed on here? seeing how idol isnt really going after us i guess its allowed.

Considering that we recommend it in the SR2 PC FAQ if you non-Steam but legal version of SR2 (d2d, gfwl, etc,) I don't think it's any big deal.