...this video from mrsaintsgodzilla21 made me speechless, just look at this! :eek:
There are soooo many questions to answer... How come this was hidden in the dark for so many years? Does this build still exist? Would it be possible to stream it, Volition? :D
Huge thanks to Admixon for for letting me know about this one.
Some screenshots:
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-01-31-929.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-01-52-268.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-02-05-684.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-02-24-144.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-02-35-981.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-02-38-564.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-03-01-224.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-03-37-457.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-13-972.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-16-245.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-18-085.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-24-264.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-26-994.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-29-572.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-34-133.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-46-936.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-04-49-014.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-05-05-738.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-06-03-706.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-06-07-287.jpg
bandicam 2016-02-17 21-06-08-059.jpg
Here's a link to the original archive posted on Volition's site. It contains a presentation with tons of interesting stuff. I wanted to attach it to the post but it's too heavy - 202 MB once unpacked. I'll extract some screenshots out of it and post them here though. :D
Quote from GDC12_Art_Direction_of_SR3.pptx said:

Didn’t have any COP MODELS– those are all THUGS with cop hats on. The POLICE CAR didn’t have any decals.
I also uploaded the original trailer on YouTube. It's straight from the archive, without any edits. :)

EDIT: Huh, I managed to upload this presentation after removing slide with this trailer (it was in the presentation too). Enjoy your lecture!


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Alright guys, here's the full galery of arts and screenshots from this presentation. I didn't check all those random screenshots but you may find some interesting beta stuff in some.

Obraz7.jpg Obraz22.jpg Obraz26.jpg Obraz35.jpg Obraz50.jpg Obraz59.jpg Obraz63.jpg
Obraz6.jpg Obraz12.jpg Obraz13.jpg Obraz23.jpg Obraz24.jpg Obraz28.jpg Obraz39.jpg Obraz40.jpg Obraz52.jpg Obraz4.png Obraz5.png Obraz62.png Obraz63.png
--> GANGS <--
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Obraz60.jpg Obraz62.jpg Obraz1.png Obraz2.png
Obraz65.jpg Obraz66.jpg
--> STORY ARC <--
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Obraz1.jpg Obraz2.jpg Obraz3.jpg Obraz5.jpg Obraz8.jpg Obraz9.jpg Obraz10.jpg Obraz11.jpg Obraz14.jpg Obraz15.jpg Obraz16.jpg Obraz17.jpg Obraz18.jpg Obraz19.jpg Obraz20.jpg Obraz25.jpg Obraz30.jpg Obraz31.jpg Obraz32.jpg Obraz33.jpg Obraz36.jpg Obraz37.jpg Obraz38.jpg Obraz51.jpg Obraz53.jpg Obraz54.jpg Obraz55.jpg Obraz64.jpg Obraz72.jpg Obraz73.jpg Obraz75.jpg
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My thoughts on this
I actually like the final design they used for the cops

I liked the Tactical Luchador design shown in the Three Way mission concept art a lot better than the final version.

The second beta-Anihilator (the one used by the Luchador specialist in the concept art) looks much better in my opinion than what they used in the final game.

80's-esque Deckers looked really derpy.

Now I wished the male Morningstar grunts had hair.

Wished they kept the parkour mechanic.

Oddly enough Beta Steelport looks far more interesting than the final version.
Focusing on Beta Steelport tho...

I feel like I would rather enjoy the beta version then the final version, it looks more like the concept art for the city.
The 2009 build was the very first proof of concept we did on 360 only with a tiny section of the city. It also had terrible framerate, so Alex had to capture things slowed way down for it to be smooth, and then speed it back up for the final video. Having said that, we are looking for the build to possibly show on a future stream. :)