Recent content by Blitzkreig

  1. Blitzkreig

    Saints Notoriety

    Well shit, now i need to re-download SR 3 xD
  2. Blitzkreig

    Changed Effects by Admixon & rastaman289

    Can't wait for the Neon download to come out! Looks awesome!
  3. Blitzkreig

    WORKSHOP About the new steam workshop stuff

    So when/if this is implemented, will this community still be uploading here?
  4. Blitzkreig

    Sandbox+ for Saints Row 2

    What i'm talking about is the ported DLC mission where you have to protect a septic truck while in a helicopter. Your missiles do barely any damage to the things but one TINY car can blow it across the map!
  5. Blitzkreig

    Sandbox+ for Saints Row 2

    aaah, i still despise the septic truck one.....fuggin...helicopter.....bacinator gun...0-0 somebody PLEASE make a burgergun
  6. Blitzkreig

    Sandbox+ for Saints Row 2

    ....where did this ported DLC come from? Why is it in my game? why is it broken? why are the freaking septic trucks in one mission made of TIN? Seriously, why?
  7. Blitzkreig

    The Saintly Creation of the Row.

  8. Blitzkreig

    Fan Wishlist's for SR5

    0-0 for anybody who still looks here, Homestar Runner masks and clothing! It would be awesome to blow shit up as Strong Bad xD
  9. Blitzkreig

    Open world zombies

    Would it be possible to have zombies in the open world? I think it would be a lot like Dead Rising! EDIT: Nevermind, i just found out about The Freezer.
  10. Blitzkreig

    The Saintly Creation of the Row.

    Ah, sorry :(
  11. Blitzkreig

    Just beat the game

    Okay, i just bead Saints Row 2 and one: That willhelm scream though xD and also, that ending was awesome! I really enjoyed the game and now plan to do stupid stuff....Perhaps spraying a train down with poo and putting C4 on it....Yeeessssss go my poo train, create destruction....
  12. Blitzkreig

    Best LEGO ever

    xD Oh my god. Now we need Steelport and Stilwater xD
  13. Blitzkreig

    The Saintly Creation of the Row.

    Okay, i was wondering, how did Saints Row come to be? I understand it was *Sort of* based on the beloved Gee, tea eh but i mean, what was going through the heads of the volition staff?
  14. Blitzkreig

    Fan Wishlist's for SR5

    Yeah...The SR IV engine is fine but still. A new engine would be nice.