Well... Here's my list:
- Improvement on driving physics (SR3 was definitely a step in the right direction, but it still feels abit clunky)
- Better physics engine: I was actually quite satisfied by SR3's physics, the vehicle damage sucked tho.
- Instead of making our character overpowered with upgrades, make the gang more useful. I loved the huge shootouts in SR3 with ~20 homies having your back!
- Less boring town (Do something like SR2's town, it was awesome!), with better pedestrians (Maybe generate random clothes/faces/body-shape for them.).
- More genki.
More genki. He's so cute!
- More co-op interactions! (Let us do high-fives or something)
- Please fix the notoriety-levels in co-op! (Don't bother the other player if one player is doing bullshit)
- Let the client download the host's mods (LAN-Only?)
- PVP or Cooperative races would rock!
- More body sliders!!
- Let us change our fighting and walking-style.
- More possibilities for dressing your character: Give us different options for clothing (SR2), more clothing-slots (Ring-Slots for all fingers, Capes, Tails, etc.
Go nuts!) and allow us to put motives on our clothing by using shapes and letters

- A Mod-SDK would be appreciated!
- We totally need a reggae and an easy-listening station again, they were fun to listen to in SR2 (Ezzzy 105 made everything better!)
- Let us easily create our own radio-station by using our own music (Like user-tracks in GTA)
- New features, additional soundtrack, etc. would be appreciated
- I really want to see more interaction between gang-members (Not saints only): Let them care about their fallen buddies, let them give weak homies some covering fire, make them actually care about their lifes (For example: get scared from a big battle, etc...).
And most importantly: Please, PLEASE do not rush Saints Row V.