Recent content by Clipper95

  1. Clipper95

    Could an unofficial PC port of Saints Row 1 be done now?

    No the XMP has been implemented, I do mean the Audio Player that you can find in the pause menu
  2. Clipper95

    Could an unofficial PC port of Saints Row 1 be done now?

    Xenia does already support the ingame audio player, but I heard it's glitchy, either ways a recomp of any of those game wouldn't necessarily mean any of those mods you want would come to fruition the games code would still be obfuscated it might make debugging easier but the games code would...
  3. Clipper95

    [SR2] BlingMenu

    For the past few days I've been working on a menu for that is structurally and visually based by aap's debugmenu for the GTA 3D series. Saints Row 1 version: unavailable atm To open press `, this is configurable within BlingMenu.ini a modifier toggle is also do-able such as CTRL+M which is...
  4. Clipper95

    Native Mouse Injection for SR1 with Mousehook

    The game isn't running at a higher than native res
  5. Clipper95

    Native Mouse Injection for SR1 with Mousehook

    The game isn't running at 1440p
  6. Clipper95

    SOLVED custom on-screen controller button prompts
  7. Clipper95

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

    The texture crash is known that's why you got the message of it being a texture crash, Uzis wrote it in
  8. Clipper95

    Saints Row Mouse And Keyboard Controls (For Xenia Emulator)

    the default Xenia keybindings are available within Xenia's config listed under [HID.WinKey] with the default binds as well so you could've read it from there, and this doesn't achieve any mouse support as the game lacks it and it's only possible by injecting mouse support to the game
  9. Clipper95

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

  10. Clipper95

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

    does LUADebugPrintF=0 fix it?
  11. Clipper95

    SOLVED SR2 GoTR crash at esc pause menu (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

    Yeah it's MenuVersionNumber=2 I have messed something up, my bad.
  12. Clipper95

    SR2Ultrawide r1.3 [PC/Console]

    New update fixes tagging UI, only requires replacing the ASI as the tagging UI is all handled within the game's exe and not vint.
  13. Clipper95

    How do I update SR1 on Xenia Canary to TU1?

    File -> Install Content
  14. Clipper95

    Saints Row 2 Monkey Patch Project

    Monkey Patch most likely won't receive updates refer to Juiced Patch
  15. Clipper95

    SR2Ultrawide r1.3 [PC/Console]

    I'm already aware of this, I didn't mention in the known issues. The main menu isn't fully centered for you fully is because you probably missed a file, SuperUI might not modify all files, so you need to get the original lua files and modify them.