Recent content by Donhonk

  1. Donhonk

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    We getting there, collapsing crotch isnt happening anymore! But blends need a bit more love, haha.
  2. Donhonk

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    I wouldnt like to see this flying around.
  3. Donhonk

    Modding Mishaps - SRIV version

    Yeahhhh, clothing is having a rough start to its modding life!
  4. Donhonk

    SR2's AR-50 XMAC

    You did a great job, this looks awesome! :D I also really like the logo treatment done, its sweet.
  5. Donhonk

    Can't get this weapon skin to work

    Excellent man! glad it worked out! :)
  6. Donhonk

    Can't get this weapon skin to work

    Ill take a look, but Im thinking *size* is the issue in this case. Try scaling the specular down to 512x512. And if that still doesnt work then scale the specular and diffuse down to 512x512.
  7. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    Yep, and if you edit the values in the XML file you can get some more extreme results. Also, is that what I think it is? :)
  8. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    Ohh, thats probably why then. Try plopping that in your converter folder.
  9. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    I just downloaded the FBX converter from the tools thread and I do have it, go see if you have the 2nd rev.
  10. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    You know what, there must have been a mixup. That should be in the public release, Ill talk to Randall. :) I should make a post on this, you need to extract the files and repackage them in order to modify the ASM files with the correct info. Thanks, yes! It wasnt too hard obviously, just a...
  11. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    The glowmap itself is named lightsword_LG_GL and is 256x256 in size.
  12. Donhonk

    Diamond Sword - Energy Sword replacement

    You guys probably saw this one coming right? The obligatory Diamond Sword! Now has a glowmap so it shines a brilliant bright light!
  13. Donhonk

    JarOS (new Alien-SMG skin)

    Great job! This thing is hilarious.
  14. Donhonk

    SRIV SRIV SDK Release A: Weapon Tools

    Its more replacing than deleting right now, so its totally reversible if you want the old stuff back. :)
  15. Donhonk

    Suppressed Quickshot Pistol Mod

    Oh nice catch, perhaps I skinned the wrong bone? Ill make sure I fix that soon.