Saints Row V (Not real of course)

Tying Up Luz Ends:
Phone Call:
Boss: Luz? Luz, are you there? God damn it.

Donnie: Hi Boss. Do you need help with the Rollerz?

Boss: No, I'm trying to call Luz, but she's not picking up. You haven't seen her around, have you?

Donnie: She's probably moving stuff into her new house.

Boss: Good point. I'll head over there now.

Donnie: Bye Boss.

- Go to the Mission Location

The Boss looks at Luz's new house as the Firemen and Fire Engine put out the flames.

Boss: Well, I don't think she's here.

Suddenly the Boss gets a call.

Boss: Hello?

Angelo: You killed my brother.

Boss: You fuck with the Saints, you pay the price.

Angelo: Well, you may change that policy when you find Luz buried six feet under.

Angelo hangs up.

Boss: 3rd Street!

- Get in a vehicle

- Drive to the Church in 3rd Street

LC: It's them!

LC: Let's do this shit!

- Kill all the Carnales

- Check the Open Graves

Boss: Damn it! She's not here.

The Boss calls Donnie.

Donnie: Did you find her?

Boss: Looks like the Carnales have set up some traps. Call Kinzie and see if she can find where they actually have Luz.

Donnie: What are you gonna do?

Boss: Keep killing Carnales until Angelo gets the message.

Donnie: Sounds about right.

- Defend the westside of the Church

Boss: Got an update for me?

Donnie: Kinzie said she should be there.

Boss: Where?

Donnie: At the Church.

Boss: God damn it. Guess I'll check again.

- Dig up some of the Graves

Boss: Good thing these graves are just decorations.

- Defend the eastside of the Church

Boss: Still no Luz.

Donnie: Did you check in the Church?

Boss: Angelo said she'd be buried six feet under.

Donnie: It could have been a figure of speech.

Boss: What, you think he locked her in the basement... Oh...

Donnie: You're welcome.

- Enter the Church

- Find the bricked up entrance to the basement

- Break through the bricks

- Go into the basement

The Boss runs down the spiral staircase then notices Luz tied to the wall, with a ball gag in her mouth.

Boss: Oh, I see you took my suggestion from earlier.

Luz mumbles sarcastically.

The Boss unties her from the wall.

LC: Down here!

LC: I think they found her!

Boss: We've got company.

- Fight your way back to the main entrance

Boss: Let me guess. Victor's on his way... Right?

Luz mumbles affirmatively.

Boss: (Sarcastic) Great.

- Defend the northside of the Church

- Defeat Victor

The Boss searches Victor's pockets and finds the key to Luz's gag.

Boss: Do you want this, or are you still trying to impress Angelo?

While scowling, Luz grabs the key from the Boss then walks away.

Mission Complete:

Homie Luz Outfit - Ball Gagged
Homie - Carlos
Homie Carlos Outfit - 3rd Street Saints
Say No To The Loa:
Phone Call:
Shaundi: Ok, this time you're gonna be proud of me, Boss.

Boss: What have you got for me?

Shaundi: The Samedi's main Loa Dust plant.

Boss: You've got to be kidding me.

Shaundi: Nope.

Boss: So what's the plan?

Shaundi: Well I thought we could burn it down, or just destroy most of their equipment... but I can't say no to the Loa.

Boss: Then what do you propose?

Shaundi: We take as much of their product as we can, then sell it cheap and watch them cry.

Boss: I'm game.

Shaundi: Great, I'll bring a Mule.

- Go to the Mission Location

The Boss is waiting in an alley across the road from the plant. A Mule then shows up driven by Pierce, with Shaundi in the passenger seat.

Boss: Ok, so what's the plan?

Shaundi tells the Boss the plan as she gets out of the cab and gets into the back of the truck, where one of the Saints is waiting.

Shaundi: Pierce will drive the truck to each location and you'll protect the truck while Geoff and I run in and grab what we can.

Saint: My name is Geoff.

Boss: Are you sure he's in our crew? I don't remember seeing him before.

Shaundi: It's cool. He's a new recruit.

Boss: Alright then. Let's get to it.

Pierce is driving the truck. The Boss is on foot.

- Protect Pierce while he drives to the first location

Pierce: Don't take too long! This truck ain't armour plated!

Shaundi: Yeah yeah. You need to chill out.

- Protect the truck while it's being loaded

Shaundi: All set here!

- Protect Pierce while he drives to the next location

Pierce: Alright, load up quick.

Shaundi: What's the rush?

Pierce: Not funny.

- Protect the truck while it's being loaded

Pierce: You about done?

Shaundi: Oh, is that what you were waiting for? You should have asked five minutes ago.

Pierce: I'm leaving your ass behind after this.

Boss: Ass and behind in one sentence, you got something you wanna tell us, Pierce?

Pierce: Don't you start.

- Protect Pierce while he drives to the last location

Pierce: This truck ain't looking good.

- Protect the truck while it's being loaded

Shaundi: Keep your pants on, we won't be that long.

Boss: Shaundi telling someone else to keep their pants on... Now that's hysterical.

Pierce: Nice burn.

Shaundi: Who's side are you on, Boss?

Boss: The winning side... Always.

Geoff gets in the Truck with Pierce.

Shaundi: You're good to go, Pierce.

Pierce: About time.

Pierce drives away.

Boss: You ready to burn this place down.

Shaundi: Hell yeah.

- Burn down the Crop Fields

Boss: Think they'll get the message?... Shaundi?

Shaundi: What message?

Boss: (Sigh) Good times.

Pierce is driving the truck across the bridge between New Baranec and Brickston.

Pierce: That was a nice haul.

Geoff: Yeah, it's a shame it's about to get wet.

Pierce: Yeah... Wait, what?

Geoff fights for the steering wheel with Pierce. Geoff almost gets the upper hand and steers the truck towards the barrier, but Pierce slams on the brakes causing a pileup behind the truck.

Geoff: Alright pal, you're under arrest!

Pierce quickly grabs Geoff's NR4 and shoots him with it.

Pierce: Damn, that was close.

Pierce calls the Boss.

Boss: You back at Kinzie's yet?

Pierce: Not quite. Geoff turned out to be an undercover cop.

Boss: You need backup?

Pierce: Nah, he's taken care of. You two ok?

Boss: After we burned down the farm, Shaundi got high off the fumes, but we're both fine. See you back at Kinzie's.

Pierce: Bye Boss.

Mission Complete:

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Boat Spotting:
Phone Call:
Shaundi: Meet me at the Ship Graveyard in Port Pryor. I think I've found Veteran Child.

Boss: It's about time. I can't wait to kick his ass.

Shaundi: Hey, leave some for me.

- Go to the Mission Location

Shaundi hiding behind a shipping container at the front of the Ship. The Boss joins her.

Boss: OK, so how are we taking him out?

Shaundi: Sshh! Just look over there.

The Boss looks over at a group of Samedi getting high.

Boss: I don't see VC over there. What is this really about?

Shaundi: Oh, we just need to attack the Samedi, then he'll show up.

Boss: If you say so.

The Boss starts walking over to the Samedi.

Shaundi: Boss, wait!?

- Kill the SOS

Boss: I still don't see VC.

Shaundi: Oh shit.

Boss: Shaundi, what aren't you telling me?

Shaundi: Just open that container and take what's inside.

Boss: What have you gotten me into this time?

- Open the container

Boss: Is that a...?

Shaundi: They're calling it the Weed Wacker.

Boss: What does it do?

Shaundi: Pick it up and find out.

- Pick up the Weed Wacker

Shaundi: Here they come!

Boss: Who?

A few helicopters drop off some Bodyguards.

Bodyguard: It's the imposter Saints!

Bodyguard: Get them!

Boss: Here we go again.

- Kill the Bodyguards

Boss: Woah, it's like a Grapple Gun... But with live weeds.

Shaundi: Looks like they dropped more Bodyguards off on the next ship.

- Use the Weed Wacker to get to the other ship

Boss: I'm not sure the name "Weed Wacker" works for this weapon.

Shaundi: Like I said back in Stilwater, the Samedi suck at marketing.

Boss: True.

- Kill the Bodyguards

Shaundi: Looks like the Bodyguards are all over the port.

Boss: Then let's see if this weapon can catch us a ride outta here.

- Use the Weed Wacker to get on a passing Miami

Citizen: Where did you come from!?

Boss: Don't worry about it, just take us back to Salander Docks.

- Defend the Miami until it reaches Kinzie's Warehouse

As the Miami approaches the dock, several Samedi Sharks surround them.

Shaundi: What's the plan now, Boss?

Suddenly a rocket hits one of the Sharks, blowing it up.

Citizen: What the...!

They all look up to see Pierce and Kinzie stood on the edge of the docks with Rocket Launchers.

Pierce: You miss me?

Kinzie fires the next rocket at a cluster of Sharks.

SOS: Let's get outta here!

The remaining Samedi flee. The Boss and Shaundi join Pierce and Kinzie on the docks.

Kinzie: So how'd it go?

Pierce: Did you kill VC?

Boss: Funny you should ask. Shaundi, would you care to explain what that was about?

Cut to the Whitehouse Saints who are gathered in the surveillance room in the Whitehouse. (WC) Shaundi enters the room.

(WC) Shaundi: Please tell me this imposter situation is dealt with so we can start the press conference?

Miller: Not exactly.

(WC) Pierce: Yeah, I'm not so sure these guys are imposters. They seem legit.

(WC) Shaundi: But they can't be, we're the "legit" Saints.

Viola: Then explain what happened to our Kinzie then?

(WC) Shaundi: Well I don't have all the answers, but the Prez doesn't want these guys giving the Saints a bad name.

Oleg: They're not. So far they've done nothing but clear this unexplained gang infestation out of Stanfield.

(WC) Shaundi: I still don't trust them. They have the wrong version of me on their side.

Miller: Are you sure that's not just a personal preference?

(WC) Shaundi: Look just keep an eye on them and plan our next move. I'm gonna go inform the Prez.

Mission Complete:

Weapon - Weed Wacker
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No More Whispers:
Phone Call:
Shaundi: We hit up the west side of the Loa Plant pretty good, but it looks like they were able to salvage most of the east side. They've already started production again. I'm sure you can handle this one.

- Go to the Mayhem Location

- Cause enough property damage to fill the meter before time runs out

Mayhem Complete:

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Phone Call:
Rochelle: Hey, in case you haven't figured it out yet, Mr. Sunshine is hold up in your casino.

Boss: Using my casino as his lair... That crosses the line.

Rochelle: I'd go with you to take him out, but... That guy freaks me out. I don't want a voodoo curse for the rest of my life.

Boss: That's fine, I'll handle this asshole myself.

Rochelle: Good luck.

- Go to the Stronghold Location

The Boss cautiously enters the 3rd Street Casino in total darkness.

VC: So, you think you can kill me... In my club?

Boss: Oh shit. Not you again.

VC: What, you don't see me as a threat?

Boss: No. Just a nuisance. I beat you in Stilwater, I beat you in Zinyak's simulation... And I'll beat you again.

VC: (Scoffs) Don't be so sure about that.

VC turns on the stage lights set up to show both Shaundi and (WC) Shaundi tied up and hanging from the ceiling above death traps.

Shaundi: Boss!

VC: You may defeat me, but you will lose one Shaundi this time.

Boss: We'll see about that.

- Defeat first wave of SOS

VC is shooting at The Boss from the second floor.

(WC) Shaundi: You imposters are causing us a lot of problems!

Boss: We're not imposters you uptight bitch!

VC: Better hurry. They're both lowering into the death traps. (Smug Laugh)

Boss: I gotta find a way to shut that fucker up.

Shaundi: The sun's out. And this guy has spent the last few days setting all this up.

- Shoot the window curtain cords behind VC

VC: Ah! too much light!

VC retreats while the next wave of SOS run in.

- Defeat second wave of SOS

VC had shown up in front of another window while The Boss was busy.

- Shoot the window curtain cords behind VC

VC: You're just wasting your time!

(WC) Shaundi: If you save me, I'll call off the search!

Boss: You changed your tone fast.

VC retreats while the next wave of SOS run in.

- Defeat second wave of SOS

VC had shown up in front of another window while The Boss was busy.

- Shoot the window curtain cords behind VC

VC: Ah! Enough of this!

VC jumps down to the ground floor.

VC: Now you don't get to save either Shaundi!

- Defeat VC

Both the Boss and VC run out of ammo. The Boss storms up to VC and beats him to death.

Shaundi: Boss!

The Boss looks up to see both Shaundis getting too close to the death traps.

Rochelle: I got it!

Rochelle dives from the balcony and uses Shaundi's rope to swing over to (WC) Shaundi. She then slices through both ropes with her Machete. All three of them roll onto the ground floor.

Boss: Are you ok?

Shaundi: The landing was a little rough, but I'll be fine.

While Rochelle starts to untie Shaundi, (WC) Shaundi reaches for her own phone to call the (WC) Saints.

(WC) Shaundi: Guys, call off the search. These guys are legit.

(WC) Pierce: Huh, that's funny. You were the only one who didn't trust them yesterday. I think you've been brainwashed.

(WC) Shaundi: What!?

(WC) Pierce: Looks like I'm in charge of the cabinet now.

(WC) Shaundi: Pierce, listen to me.

(WC) Pierce: So long, traitor.

(WC) Pierce hangs up.

Shaundi: He has a point you know. You are kind of a bitch all the time.

(WC) Shaundi: Whatever.

(WC) Shaundi storms off.

Rochelle: Don't you want to be untied first?

Mission Complete:

Homie Shaundi Outfit - Tied Up
Homie - (WC) Shaundi
Homie (WC) Shaundi Outfit - Tied Up
Crib - 3rd Street Casino
Crib Customization Furniture (For All Cribs) - SOS Lab Equipment, Dance Floor w/ Speakers & Lights, TV on SOS Tagged Workbench
Crib Customization Walls (Colorable) (For All Cribs) - Stripped w/ SOS Tags, SOS Mural Paint, SOS Emblem Wallpaper
Crib Customization Floors (Colorable) (For All Cribs) - Stripped w/ SOS Tags, SOS Emblem Carpet, SOS Emblem Tiles, SOS Emblem Floating Wood Tile (Laminate)
Crib Customization Ceilings & Supports (Colorable) (For All Cribs) - Warehouse Beams
Gang Customization - Sons Of Samedi
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Settling In:
Phone Call:
Pierce: Ok, so now that we've moved our operation to Carver Island. I figured I'd move out of the Suburbs.

Boss: I never could find your house up there.

Pierce: The thing is, I'm having a little trouble with my upstairs neighbours.

Boss: They being too loud?

Pierce: Yeah, plus they're Ronin.

Boss: Well then, let's evict them then.

Pierce: Or, we follow them to a Ronin operation and take them all out.

Boss: Sounds good. I'll be right over.

- Go to the Mission Location

The Boss walks over to the back door of the Apartment Building.

Pierce: (Quietly) Over here!

The Boss runs over to the generic Wakazashi that Pierce is waiting in. The Boss gets in the driver seat.

Boss: So where are they?

Pierce: They're still in their apartment. But the driver should be arriving any time now.

Boss: Good, I hate waiting around.

- Wait for the Ronin Vehicle to arrive

Pierce: Here they are now.

The vehicle arrives and the Ronin get in.

Boss: Let's do this.

- Follow the Ronin Vehicle, but don't get too close

Pierce: We need some driving music.

Boss: Now's not the time Pierce. I need to focus.

They stop on the road near the Barge at Underpass.

Pierce: Looks like they're heading for that Barge.

Boss: Could be a shipment?

Pierce: Let's find out.

- Kill the Ronin

- Go to the Barge

Ronin: It's the Saints!

Ronin: Protect the bikes!

Pierce: Are they Hover Bikes?

Boss: Even better, Jet Bikes.

Pierce: Damn.

Boss: Let's take 'em.

- Kill the Ronin

- Get on the Xor

Boss: Pierce, call the crew and have them pick up the rest of these babies.

Pierce: What are you gonna do?

Boss: Oh not much. Just have a little fun.

- Fly into Ronin Territory

- Get a Ronin 4 Star Wanted Level

Boss: I think they get the point.
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