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  1. frasmacon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    OK I see. So because the client is in someone else's world, the client's city lua file thing doesn't get loaded and so there's no code running to capture their keystrokes. Is there no other way to capture a key stroke, maybe by doing something with the controls files or something. I suppose it...
  2. frasmacon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Oh OK, thank's very much. It would be great to see something like this in the future though. But I guess if it is due to restrictions that are very difficult to bypass then so be it.
  3. frasmacon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Yeah, actually I have and that command just toggles whether what I do, affects what he does I've established that already. What I'm wondering if there's a way HE can do his own commands that only effect him. Whether I've done the 8 + PGDOWN and that doesn't let him have his own commands. I don't...
  4. frasmacon

    Sandbox+ for SRTT

    Ummm, my friend and I just installed this and for some reason when he is on my game, he can't use any commands on co-op. They just don't work. Is there any way we can fix this?