Sandbox+ for SRTT

yes I reset twice , still locked

Attach your edited control_binding_sets.xtbl and I'll take a look.

What exactly do you mean by they are "locked"?
I just figured out , rename control_binding_sets , then change key binding , rename back it works
Ps. Locked means you can't assign up/down/left/right to any key binding
Huh, strange. Glad you got it working though. :)
Ummm, my friend and I just installed this and for some reason when he is on my game, he can't use any commands on co-op. They just don't work. Is there any way we can fix this?
Ummm, my friend and I just installed this and for some reason when he is on my game, he can't use any commands on co-op. They just don't work. Is there any way we can fix this?
Read the instructions.

8 + PGDOWN = Toggle if commands process for only the host (default) or if they also affect remote coop player
Read the instructions.

Yeah, actually I have and that command just toggles whether what I do, affects what he does I've established that already. What I'm wondering if there's a way HE can do his own commands that only effect him. Whether I've done the 8 + PGDOWN and that doesn't let him have his own commands. I don't think it's a bug because when I'm on his game, I can't do commands either whether that thing is toggled on or off.
This is normal. Idol Ninja can elaborate better why this is, but it has to do with scripting.

Oh OK, thank's very much. It would be great to see something like this in the future though. But I guess if it is due to restrictions that are very difficult to bypass then so be it.
The problem is that the city script that we were able insert our code into is only run by the host on load. We currently have no way to initialize scripts for the client to capture key combos, and the other scripts we've tried to use don't work at all or have limited functionality.
The problem is that the city script that we were able insert our code into is only run by the host on load. We currently have no way to initialize scripts for the client to capture key combos, and the other scripts we've tried to use don't work at all or have limited functionality.
OK I see. So because the client is in someone else's world, the client's city lua file thing doesn't get loaded and so there's no code running to capture their keystrokes. Is there no other way to capture a key stroke, maybe by doing something with the controls files or something. I suppose it complicates things a bit as I'm guessing the co-op works by it's just like normal on the server's game and there's just an extra player in the world. Thanks for the reply's though.