Sandbox+ for SRTT

OK I see. So because the client is in someone else's world, the client's city lua file thing doesn't get loaded and so there's no code running to capture their keystrokes. Is there no other way to capture a key stroke, maybe by doing something with the controls files or something. I suppose it complicates things a bit as I'm guessing the co-op works by it's just like normal on the server's game and there's just an extra player in the world. Thanks for the reply's though.

The problem is one of scope. While there are plenty of lua scripts that the client runs locally, I haven't been able to find any of them that can successfully access all of the functions that Sandbox+ needs. I'm certainly not going to say it's impossible. I just haven't found it yet.
Hey idol have you found out something or advanced something about those animation files I had uploaded here?

Not really, no. I did take a look and it's really only one file/change that mattered for the character by giving him the brute flag. I just can't see any way to do that on the fly by calling an existing in-game function; i.e. nothing like that exists as far as I can tell.
Not really, no. I did take a look and it's really only one file/change that mattered for the character by giving him the brute flag. I just can't see any way to do that on the fly by calling an existing in-game function; i.e. nothing like that exists as far as I can tell.
pity.. lets hope SR 4 will bring more options for the game
Hello. Im new here)
Thx for this great mod) Really awesome - now i can add stag anyhow and anywhere)
1 question - is it possible to change gang vehicles?
Hello. Im new here)
Thx for this great mod) Really awesome - now i can add stag anyhow and anywhere)
1 question - is it possible to change gang vehicles?

Many have tried. All have failed (including me.) Attempting to change them causes the menu and controls to lockup when selecting them. I think it's because there is no Saints variants for those types of vehicles, but without cvtf tools there isn't much we can do to test or fix.
Many have tried. All have failed (including me.) Attempting to change them causes the menu and controls to lockup when selecting them. I think it's because there is no Saints variants for those types of vehicles, but without cvtf tools there isn't much we can do to test or fix.
Ou... that is sad\
Anyway thank you very much for reply and for mods!
Many have tried. All have failed (including me.) Attempting to change them causes the menu and controls to lockup when selecting them. I think it's because there is no Saints variants for those types of vehicles, but without cvtf tools there isn't much we can do to test or fix.
It is really weird, normal civilians can spawn with a Saints car, but the saints themselves can't.
The engine always tends to ignore variants that don't exist for it in the dedicated files. And often the car having a non-existing variant won't even spawn.
It's just a theory, but if it's virtually true, has Volition maybe forgotten to add the Saints variant as a possible variant for the gang_customization.xtbl?

It is, however, possible to add more cars to the table. Shitface added the Mule, Reaper and the Hammer, added the Saints variant, but also those cars will only spawn as the normal average car. But the picture in the selection menu is still the Saints variant of the car...
How is the work on attaching effects to the player going? Any breakthroughs yet? Or have you even had time?
I know life takes priority, so if you haven't done anything, that is fine by me. Just take your time.

Just to be clear, I am not asking for an ETA, I am just asking how it is going so far.

Also, are you working on any new features? If so, do you want it to be a surprise? If not, then You have done amazing work so far. I am glad that you have even gotten this far, lol.

The way V made this game, it makes you wonder if, when V said (not a direct quote), "SRTT on pc is not a port, and is made in studio for the fans", they even realized that sr2 modding was a major part in its success. I mean, it was poorly optimized and had many glitches, yet the modding made it a lot better. The way files are loaded and such in SRTT , is just plain messy, IMO.
You've got it backwards. SRTT is completely organized in a logical manner how files are stored and loaded. SR2 was a fucking mess.