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  1. nodata12

    Something to keep you busy until the SDK can be released...

    alright. time to getting used to it then. i'm the kind of guy that quickly adapts to any tool. give me a readme with some basic instructions and i get it. even without a readme things are self explanatory to me. like i don't understand how so many people have difficulty getting gentlemen of...
  2. nodata12

    Something to keep you busy until the SDK can be released...

    i am glad these tools will be released much earlier. but idol said in his blog post that they will be command line. which i'm having a hard time to use although i've worked with command line tools before. but will there be a GUI as well?
  3. nodata12


    which trailer and at what minute/second ;D
  4. nodata12


    ye i'm indeed hyped about this game. but perhaps gat isn't being revived. you forgot one thing. johnny gat might still be dead. as most of the SR:IV setting is set in a virtual world. and johnny gat might just be programmed into the virtual world. a thing you can compare this with is the matrix...
  5. nodata12

    Saints Row IV Volition Update to SRIV Modding SDK!!

    EA is the main reason why i don't buy pc games from them. i have a couple of games from them on xbox 360. but to buy a game that requires malware to be installed on my computer for it to work? forget it. you're not the only one who has heard of EA's crappy support. and now on topic ;)
  6. nodata12


    ah thanks.
  7. nodata12

    Saints Gov website appears to be live.

    what's this website? i've never heard of it until now. is it started by volition? or is it part of idolninja's websites.
  8. nodata12

    Saints Row IV Volition Update to SRIV Modding SDK!!

    volition was under the command of THQ. but now they're parted from that. they can do as they please. so i'd say. F*** THQ and i'm glad they closed. and volition lives on ;D
  9. nodata12


    just made a topic about this because i didn't seem to find another topic regarding johnny gat. because i couldn't find his name in any topic title. silly me. my bad idolninja. i'm the 3rd one who makes this mistake.
  10. nodata12

    Saints Row IV Saints Row IV press preview followup

    weapons from blade runner and firefly? a tommy gun? this game is gonna be freaking epic. the more i hear about it the more i love it.
  11. nodata12

    SPOILERS The Saints Row IV Press Preview

    i did as well. and i keep hearing more and more better things
  12. nodata12

    Saints Row IV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

    the stuff i read here is totally epic. i don't really care about the mission replay being scrapped. and that is mostly because i never used it in SR:TT because i only messed around in the game after i finished the main storyline and downloaded a 100% save to do as i please ;D
  13. nodata12

    advice needed. for the hardware geeks

    ah thanks. i'll look into this. sadly i can't build my pc myself. i have no expierence in such things. if i would have the expierence i'd have bought all the parts and build it myself
  14. nodata12

    advice needed. for the hardware geeks

    which of these components are the best to todays standards but for a good price. i'm looking into building a pc but i need some advice regarding these components. more expensive doesn't really mean it's better. and my neighboor says you don't need the most expensive, newest components as in...
  15. nodata12

    Is Saints Row Cartonish?

    multiple games have a hi-res DLC released. think about skyrim and sleeping dogs. it probably would be no problem for volition to release a hi-res dlc pack when the game releases. but that will obviously be a steam exclusive .
  16. nodata12

    Saints Row 4 refused classification in Australia

    it's just complete nonsense. all these censorships on games. they're games. GAMES. it's not real. it's fictional. if there was an anal probe gun in real life there was no way to censor it. if you were reading a book and there was some violence in it. would you tape over the words that were...
  17. nodata12

    Some questions about the developer console

    those are some pretty awesome commands. i'm really curious what will be added in.
  18. nodata12

    Some questions about the developer console

    that's great. i'm looking forward to when the console is available.
  19. nodata12

    Some questions about the developer console

    many popular pc games. namely the elder scrolls games. have a console that you can toggle at any point in the pc version of the game by pressing the tilde "~" key. then you can issue commands for example: TGM which toggles godmode. TFC which toggles the free flying camera. so you can move the...
  20. nodata12

    SPOILERS New SR4 footage including mission 2!

    now that's pretty awesome. there's a part 2 as well.