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  1. nodata12

    i was wondering weither the forums will force you into loggin in via steam

    i was wondering about this. i read about it in the announcements topic and i'm curious if it will happen. i hope not. because i don't want to be forced to login via steam. this is private. if this is to stop pirates and tricking them into buying the game for mods it's alright. but you could ask...
  2. nodata12

    Gang Plus One (Saints Heroes Gang)

    too bad. i hope someone will make a zombie version then
  3. nodata12

    Bahamut suit ( avatar matt miller )

    i hope you'll find a way to make it properly equipable. i wouldn't got as far as you do now
  4. nodata12

    Bahamut suit ( avatar matt miller )

    i have no idea how you could possible solve it. i'm no expert at saints row modding lol. but that was all i found
  5. nodata12

    Gang Plus One (Saints Heroes Gang)

    could you make a version that's compitable with the zombie mod v2 by pixel
  6. nodata12

    Bahamut suit ( avatar matt miller )

    the name of the blade is "Avatar_sword" without the quotes.. it is all the way at the top of the weapons.xtbl file. i tried making it playable but i failed. it doesn't draw properly and it looks like it's aiming like a gun but the blade doesn't show. i hope you make a good job at this and make...
  7. nodata12

    how to change jump height and always land on feet

    i'd like to change my jump height but i have no idea which line i have to edit. but i'm pretty sure tweak_table is the right file to edit though. and when you jump from a low height your character will land on his feet and put his arm down. i think this looks badass and i want this to always...
  8. nodata12

    could it be possible to play as the monster avatar

    could it be possible to play as the monster avatar when you battle matt miller's avatar but while freeroaming and such? it'd be awesome to wreak havoc as the monster avatar.