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  1. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    Anyway to make the health powerups more rare? I like the thought of being more fragile, so I was thinking maybe make powerups 25% more effective, reduce health by 25% but 50% fewer drop and reduce TK-Vampire effectiveness by 50% (or something similar). The other 1.7 changes I like the thought...
  2. S

    "True" ship location, is there more?

    And this is where I say thank you before facepalming at myself Thank you!
  3. S

    "True" ship location, is there more?

    The one from Matt's missions where shows it on the minimap? I have that, but nothing like what I'm seeing in Vyp's screenshot and nothing on my main map Or is it something else? I've done every mission possible and am at 99% with only 1 collectible not found yet.
  4. S

    "True" ship location, is there more?

    Sorry for the sidetrack, but which mod displays all the clusters on the map?
  5. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    I've been away for a bit, but yes this fixed the problem. I'm not sure how/why but notepad++ (simply using the installer) did fix it so things are adjustable now. So thanks!
  6. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    My last update was this morning where they fixed the weapons disappearing and I'm auto-updating so it should have the latest patch. Unless, are there different patches than what is put on Steam? edit: verified the cache files and no change either
  7. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    So any editing of your files (for me at least) makes the mod not work and the program to stop working. I can even edit a value, save the file, and re-edit the value back to your default and the program will still stop responding. Any ideas? Here's the most info I can find on the error I'm...
  8. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    Thanks! Will give it a go Update: While the mod works fine if nothing is adjusted from your original files, if the HD_warden_meter_total_size table was adjusted to anything else then the game would not load past the loading screens (inauguration station load error). I tried leaving that at the...
  9. S

    Intensive Hardcore Mod (now with "pastgangs")

    While it's great that Warden will be tougher in combat, I'm curious if this part simply means that you've added more button mashing on what was already an awful mechanic or did you change it completely to something challenging and maybe even fun? If it is the same thing but just with more...
  10. S

    SPOILERS Interesting References

    That is what I thought of as well. Forrest Gump with Tom Cruise would be a whole different movie instead of what it is now with Tom Hanks As for other references, there's pretty much a reference or parody for every achievement or quest. Just too many to list. I started before just taking a...
  11. S

    Remove Full Screen Weapon Selection Menu

    I'd also like a mod for this as it is a poor design that is really hurting combat.