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  1. 0bserver92

    Cash transfer alert

    It does just accumulate in my experience.
  2. 0bserver92

    Gangstas In Space Mission Replay?

    Is there any way to stop them from appearing again after you have finished the DLC.
  3. 0bserver92

    Bloodsucker Execution Animation

    Thanks I recently bought the pack and didn't know about it.
  4. 0bserver92

    Bloodsucker Execution Animation

    Has anyone found a way to revert the execution animation back to the neck snap?
  5. 0bserver92


    Is there a possible way to mod in a N-Forcer without enabling STAG, I just want the vehicle. Maybe a way to clone vehicles int the garage?
  6. 0bserver92

    Mission Replay v8

    Okay i just uninstalled the mission replay mod and installed my other mod that outs the bridges down. I have a graphical glitch it shows both the up and down models but the up model can be clipped through does anyone know how I could possibly fix this?
  7. 0bserver92

    Mission Replay v8

    Good to know I got my n-forcer and now I need to do one of the final missions. Do you by any chance know how many stunt jumps there are from bridges.
  8. 0bserver92

    Mission Replay v8

    I have one question about the world state changer. Say I went back and did the first STAG mission to get an n-forcer and the world state changed would I then have to do the final mission over again to get it back to a post-game state using one of the ending missions?
  9. 0bserver92

    Hijack Dukes Style

    Yes I hold my sprint button and press it.
  10. 0bserver92

    Hijack Dukes Style

    I seem to be having an issue with this no matter what I do I can't seem to do it my character will also just walk to the door. I sprint towards the car and press the button to get in but he just starts walking to the door. What am I doing wrong?
  11. 0bserver92


    Thank you for your help they are now down.
  12. 0bserver92


    What main function? Then what do I do with the file?
  13. 0bserver92


    I edited the .lua file now what do I do to actually install it into the game.
  14. 0bserver92


    I have opened the file and it shows this: What do I change?
  15. 0bserver92

    We need a forum style!

    Well you can do almost anything in Xenforo and if you can't make it work someone probably can.
  16. 0bserver92


    I have a question: How and what do I change to make them down as it is really annoying with them up? I am really new to modding Saints Row and have no experience with the tools whatsoever.
  17. 0bserver92

    Game Discussion: What's left in the cards for The Row?

    I don't know maybe it will be an option at the start of the game.
  18. 0bserver92

    We need a forum style!

    Looks good except I would use a fleur de lis background as it ties in more with the Saints.
  19. 0bserver92

    Moved to XenForo

    We have this on a forum I moderate it's just awesome. I know my way around Xenforo if you need help. I would also like to know is this 1.0 or 1.1?