Mission Replay v8

Well, there's no way into the mission specific area.
Thanks for the report; he'll have to add the Safeword-swapping code to this one.

Greetings to all can I not there I write but I would like to suggest to make mod which action would consist in that that car delivery wasn't recharged and restored instantly without expectation
That is a good request. I don't know if we are able to do it.
Reported bugs with v1
sh03 Stop all the downloading - Powerplant interior not loading. You parachute and fall into nothing
m06 The Belgian Problem - after completing the mission it teleports you out to sea
m07 Safeword bdsm isn't loading. Also, if it does load there is a missing door mover to go to the basement.

Certain missions remove ammo/weapons on replay so you lose all your purchased grenades for example.
Retyping it.
Running a legal copy of SR3, with Genki Pack, Nyteblade and Season Pass.

Running only

Nude mod, Camera change mod, and this mission replay mod.

When I replay the pimps up ho’s down stage, I can reach the end of it, but them after the mission "end"
I'm stuck in the basement where the final mini-gun brute is at.

I had origionally upgraded the crib fully, when I restarted the mission, it was still the skyscraper, is that what caused the bug?
I have one question about the world state changer. Say I went back and did the first STAG mission to get an n-forcer and the world state changed would I then have to do the final mission over again to get it back to a post-game state using one of the ending missions?
I have one question about the world state changer. Say I went back and did the first STAG mission to get an n-forcer and the world state changed would I then have to do the final mission over again to get it back to a post-game state using one of the ending missions?

Yes, but all the zone changes happen during missions initialization so you can start the mission and then cancel and still get the changes. You don't have to complete it.
There are some changes that don't occur until the end of the final missions, though, so you would have to complete one of those missions to wind up with bridges up but no STAG.

Or you could replay an earlier one from before STAG shows up, but then you would have bridges down and no zombies.
There are some changes that don't occur until the end of the final missions, though, so you would have to complete one of those missions to wind up with bridges up but no STAG.

Or you could replay an earlier one from before STAG shows up, but then you would have bridges down and no zombies.
Good to know I got my n-forcer and now I need to do one of the final missions. Do you by any chance know how many stunt jumps there are from bridges.
Okay i just uninstalled the mission replay mod and installed my other mod that outs the bridges down. I have a graphical glitch it shows both the up and down models but the up model can be clipped through does anyone know how I could possibly fix this?