Mission Replay v8

I can tell you is what the game world looks like in my un-modded save file, and they're up in that game. Maybe it's so you can complete stunt jumps. Maybe it's just a bug. I'd like more input from people who have finished the last missions.

Looking at the post-mission script, it LOOKS to me like it's supposed to put all the bridges down except those on the zombie island. If that's what's going on, worry not, because the bridge code used in the replay mod for post-game state is exactly what the mission 24 success script does, so if they're supposed to be down, i guess they'll be down.

And if there is a bug in the mod, it can be fixed. :)
I believe the bridges do all stay up post game so a player can get all the stunt jumps. I'll check too with my vanilla save.
I believe the bridges, except to the zombie island, should be down, because the following happened to me:

First I saved Shaundi and Viola and played the Mars mission. Then I played the last mission again and had to kill Killbayne. Directly after the mission in which I destroyed the Daedalus, the bridges were actually down again! (Except the zombie island ones, of course.)
And I was glad about that state of the bridges.
But after I exited the game and restarted it and loaded my savegame, unfortunately all bridges were up again. I consider that a bug (in the original game).

This is all from memory, and I haven't tested it yet. But I probably will, as I still should have a savegame that I can use to see if I can reproduce and confirm my story.

Regardless, many thanks for the mission replay feature you guys have modded into the game.
Released v2 that fixes a ton of issues and adds 4 strongholds, and 18 minor character mission replays. See original post for download.

v2 changelog:

Added 4 stronghold missions and 18 minor character missions to replay:
Stronghold: The Powder Room
Stronghold: Pimps Up, Hos Down
Stronghold: Stop All The Downloading
Stronghold: 3 Count Beatdown
Pierce, Kinzie, Zimos, Angel arcs (18 activity and cutscene missions)


m01 Good Heists Gone Bad - Game no longer crashes after completion. Character customization skipped on replay. Mission script bug where players could not shoot out the window of the plane has been fixed for both replay and first time playthrough.

m03 We're Going to Need Guns - Skips Friendly Fire weapon upgrading/purchase check on replay so players with full ammo/upgrades can get past this point by simply exiting out of the menu.

m07 Return to Steelport - Safeword BDSM Club zone now loads correctly so you can rescue Zimos. The door in the manager's office was also fixed to open correctly after interrogation

sh02 Pimps Up, Hos Down - Safeword BDSM Club loads correctly and no longer teleports players to the roof on start. Also, players are teleported back outside at mission complete and should no longer stuck in the garage where the brute was killed.

sh03 Stop All the Downloading. The parachute into the core section should now always load the correct zone and not have the player fall through the bottom. Kinzie's dialogue no longer overlaps with players on replay during the heli section.

m06 The Belgian Problem - Second Elevator now always works correctly, and mission completion now teleports players out of the building correctly

m08 Trojan Whores - End cutscene now has the correct background of the nuke plant underground

m16 http://deckers.die - End cutscene now correctly shows the 3 Count Casino background

m24 Gangstas in Space - Now loads all final postgame zones on replay. If you want to set everything to proper endgame, simply play and complete this mission or just start it and immediately cancel

Stag Plane crash now loads correctly on Arapice island for zombie takeover and zombie zone world states should now be correct

Stag zones world state should now load the correct options on replay

Adds 24 Main Mission Replays to phone


* Some mission replays while in coop will teleport both players to weird places on completion, like out in the middle of the sea. Please let us know if it happens to you and which mission it was that triggered it.

* Some users have reported that Murderbrawl XXXI replay is slightly sped up for the music and some overlapping dialogue. Others seem to be fine. More feedback is needed
Sorry for going a bit off topic here but how does one update the vint_doc_containers.asm_pc? I want to use this along with your wardrobe color mod and the clip editor which shares the same files.
What do I have to change to remove the activities from the replay menu?

Sure, you'll need to unpack cell_missions.str_pc, edit cell_missions.lua, and remove the following lines from the ReplayData section:
    { mission_name = "mm_p_01", display_name = "GUARDIAN ANGEL",       contact_name = "Replay Pierce Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_p_02", display_name = "TRAFFICKING",          contact_name = "Replay Pierce Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_p_03", display_name = "TAKE OVER THE CITY",   contact_name = "Replay Pierce Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_p_04", display_name = "TANK MAYHEM",          contact_name = "Replay Pierce Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_p_05", display_name = "PROFESSOR GENKI SERC", contact_name = "Replay Pierce Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_k_01", display_name = "CYBER BLAZING",        contact_name = "Replay Kinzie Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_k_02", display_name = "MAYHEM",               contact_name = "Replay Kinzie Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_k_03", display_name = "GUARDIAN ANGEL",       contact_name = "Replay Kinzie Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_k_04", display_name = "HELI ASSAULT",         contact_name = "Replay Kinzie Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_k_05", display_name = "SMILING JACKS",        contact_name = "Replay Kinzie Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_z_01", display_name = "SNATCH",               contact_name = "Replay Zimos Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_z_02", display_name = "TRAFFICKING",          contact_name = "Replay Zimos Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_z_03", display_name = "ESCORT",               contact_name = "Replay Zimos Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_z_04", display_name = "CUTSCENE",             contact_name = "Replay Zimos Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_a_01", display_name = "INSURANCE FRAUD",      contact_name = "Replay Angel Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_a_02", display_name = "TRAIL BLAZING",        contact_name = "Replay Angel Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_a_03", display_name = "ESCORT",               contact_name = "Replay Angel Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },
    { mission_name = "mm_a_04", display_name = "CUTSCENE",             contact_name = "Replay Angel Arc", contact_image = "ui_hud_act_ico_saints" },

Then repack your str2_pc file and update the asm.

I've got to ask though... why bother? All of those are at the very bottom...