[V] IdolNinja
Volition Staff
Maybe reinstall the replay mod and play an early misson to reset everything, then uninstall?
What do you mean with "bridges are up"? You mean bridges are down, right? I don't want Downtown in lockdown again, the only bridges that should be up are the ones that lead to Arapice Island.Take note of that m24 replay change, folks. That's your ticket to getting the game world back to its "completed" state without replaying a mission all the way through: start a replay of Gangstas In Space (which starts immediately and doesn't make you drive anywhere) and cancel it. Boom! Your cribs are there, STAG's gone, bridges are up, zombies roam their island, and the Saints are popular.
The only downside is that you're stuck at Kinzie's Warehouse after cancelling the mission.