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  1. zac

    Name suggestions for SRIV mod compilation?

    I have one Gentlemen of the Great-Beyond
  2. zac

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    ah ok thank you
  3. zac

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    ok cool did that and now the level 2 has a timer level 3 has a shorter timer and level 4 has no timer explodes on impact dont know why
  4. zac

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    hay shit face could you make a version that makes it so the m2 grenade launcher doesn't have sticky grenades?
  5. zac

    All Wheel Steering

    Updated with new vehicles
  6. zac

    All Wheel Steering

    All Wheel Steering aims at changing some of the trucks/ cars from two wheel steering to 4 wheel. So far the only two vehicles i have changed is the N-FORCER and the N-FORCER NT. I also changed the vehicles speed to keep up with the steering. Vehicles may be added if requested. v1.1- Added...
  7. zac

    Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

    got more codes for everyone <Cheats> <Name>Crusader</Name> <UnlockString>givetankcyrus</UnlockString> <Type> <Vehicles> <Action> <Drop> <Vehicle_Name>sp_tank03</Vehicle_Name>...
  8. zac

    Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

    great mod. but shitface can you sue the new all weapons in free roam so we can have the right sounds for the gangsters in space weapons?
  9. zac

    Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

    I have another cheat to add its the Stillwater swat chopper. <Cheats> <Name>Eagle</Name> <UnlockString>giveeaglems01</UnlockString> <Type> <Vehicles> <Action> <Drop>...
  10. zac

    Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

  11. zac

    First-person camera experiment

    ah well shit it was a good idea though
  12. zac

    First-person camera experiment

    or better yet key bind it with sandbox+ so you could turn them on and off?
  13. zac

    First-person camera experiment

    ah so there's no half way. id say turn it of for the time being but only for if you want to see you whole body because frankly i like seeing it all not just the arms
  14. zac

    First-person camera experiment

    so i have been playing around with the table and i have come to the concussion to say if you can restrict the torso movement but not remove it all what would greatly change the mod (if its even possible yet)
  15. zac

    Rare Vehicle Cheats (includes Additional Cheats) v5

    Thought I say it for him but u 100% can't because that is just a static model of that plane sorry bud
  16. zac

    changing vehicle cameras?

    hi i just want to know if there is a way to change a cars camera because i have two cars that just get a black screen when i get in them and when i get out its back to the on foot camera. is there any way i can change the current camera to a different cars camera?
  17. zac

    Fight all the gangs at once

    well that sucks it would of been cool to fight all the gangs at once because THQ didn't think of it in the first place dam you THQ lol
  18. zac

    Fight all the gangs at once

    ah ok there's not even a way to combine all three together to have it to when u piss one gang off they all come after you?
  19. zac

    Fight all the gangs at once

    well sadly to say it doesn't work say you add morningstar then add deckers well when you add the second one it wipes the last gang notoriety then adds the new one
  20. zac

    Fight all the gangs at once

    no i havent yet but ill give it a try well thats if the game dose not crash on me