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  1. M

    Strength Mod

    after some toying around i think the idea of just modding the kilbane gloves to be the super strength is the best bet. Also throwing people really far distances via the unlockable table is totally worth it. I have a vid of it that will be up in a bit. Both the unlockables and melee xtbl files...
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    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    oh right. duh. :P i feel stupid now.
  3. M

    Editing .le_strings Files

    if new ones can be added then this is great for things like the taunt mod so the stupid "!!" wont be in front of every string.
  4. M

    [REQ] Theater

    if a menu could properly be built then it would be possable. If you toy with the sr3_city.lua file you can force a cutscene to load every time you load your save.
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    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    by undoing all mods and varifying steam cache
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    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    have you looked to see if its possable to relock something via lua?
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    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    yeah i got lazy with the enforcer for the first release :P. There are several things i need to look into.
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    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    I did a small update to fix a small color issue on the vtol and added suport for the ultor varient of the specter for those that bought that dlc.
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    SR:TT Modding misshaps

    Zoneswapping and teleporting have odd resutls sometimes
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    Metallic Vehicle Colors Selectable For Normal Colors

    although if the lua can be edited to always load a certain color selection instead of reading the vehicles then this could be done easily.
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    Metallic Vehicle Colors Selectable For Normal Colors

    in sr3 it seems that there is a max amount of slots that are able to be rendered so adding more to the table wont help if the lua wont make them. :P that was the one test i tried once that failed.
  12. M

    Metallic Vehicle Colors Selectable For Normal Colors

    yeah, that is the cheap and simple temporary solution :P. replace colors you dont like or dont use with the metal of your choice :P.
  13. M

    Metallic Vehicle Colors Selectable For Normal Colors

    it's possable but would take a long time to do unless the menu itself can be modded to always include it.
  14. M

    SR:TT Modding misshaps

    May not seem like much but i was actually walking on air and not falling down.
  15. M

    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    I updated it to a full V1. Enjoy your custom color helicopters
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    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    the bear test just froze the game. let the confusion start again. Edit: Seems the problem was completely unrelated to the color slot itslef.
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    Extended Customization v1.2 - Now with more helis

    the main problem i am facing is that half the helis dont allow for color changing like the Bear. That stupid Bear still stumps me as to why it refuses to work. Everything looks to be inplace but something somewhere is wrong. It's got to be something simple that i am overlooking. Weapons...
  18. M

    Avatar Rampage

    I uploaded V2 of it. It's more mission replay friendly and im hoping it works flawlessly. It needs more testing but that's why i uploaded it.
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    Avatar Rampage

    This mod requires the mission replay mod to work properly As the name implies, this mod edits the decker.die mission to allow you to rampage through the streets as the bohemoth. Just drop this in the saints row root folder and start the mission. It will automaticly put you as the avatar state...
  20. M

    An army of Saints?

    ive noticed that if you have 3 homies and you get into a 2 person vehicle then the 3rd will automaticly grab the closest empty vehicle. It does suck that the army doesnt behave like normal homies in the regard to reviving though.