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  1. puss2puss

    SOLVED repacking error..

    Thanks for the reply Admixon, but obviously i already tried with this asm..since its the only one in this packfile :p ..when i open the asm in a hex editor i even see the name of the packfile there so its sure to be in it..i dont understand why it gives me this error.. i receive this error with...
  2. puss2puss

    ..are you excited about Fallout 4?

    Hell-o SaintsRow players! So, as most knows, Bethesda recently announce Fallout4 for November 10th this year! After 4years of working on the game, the gameplay videos looks promising, the customization seems intense, and the post-apocalyptic world is suppose to be huge. With a more recent...
  3. puss2puss

    The GTA V thread (PC ONLY)

    i.m not making assumptions, its just that i tought you wrote that for me since i was the one who said both games are great and you then said ''Both great games, but please don't act like GTAV doesn't have its share of mods too...'' so i tought it was aimed at me, no biggi ;) And the other thing...
  4. puss2puss

    Play as Giant Zinyak Mech

    Awesome mod! :D Good work ;)
  5. puss2puss

    Sum Up a Website.

    Facebook : annoying worldwide plague..
  6. puss2puss

    The GTA V thread (PC ONLY)

    Did i act like it?! a previous post i even actually asked how's the modding scene doing for gta v, i'm pretty excited about modding gta v :) ..not sure why you're even here if you dont like the dont like it but you're here..your place is at GBATemp, you know, the place where...
  7. puss2puss

    The GTA V thread (PC ONLY)

    Come on you two..lets just agree that both games are great in each there own ways. Gta v is great for the realism of the liberty we have, and saints row is great for the absurdly-cool liberty, like flying and running hyper fast :) Saints row iv is a great mix of GTA + Prototype :p ..imo, saints...
  8. puss2puss

    SOLVED repacking error.. one?.. there some packfiles in "characters.vpp" that doesnt link to the ASM? ..i hope someone will be able to help me out :/
  9. puss2puss

    SOLVED repacking error..

    Hell-o all! I have a problem with a packfiles i'm repacking.. Usually it repacks correctly, but there's one packfile that wont repack, it gives me the error "couldn't find a container called *** in the selected asm file" And yes it is the right asm since its the only one in this packfile and i...
  10. puss2puss

    The GTA V thread (PC ONLY)

    How's the gta v mod scene doing ? As of now, are we able to edit models thru Blender? (..sorry to ask here..i dont have much time today for net..)
  11. puss2puss

    What'll you do with Mesh Tools?

    Ah ok lol Is there still someone working on a said tool? read that the person that was working on the sdk B isnt on it anymore.. EDIT: since someone already released a small tool to export characters meshes..i guess it shouldnt be too hard to add a script to re-import them, right?
  12. puss2puss

    What'll you do with Mesh Tools?

    I hope :) but why is it in ''srtt'' section then?
  13. puss2puss

    Howfie's SR4 Tools

    Nice usefull tool! Any update about the model extractor?
  14. puss2puss

    SRIV SRIV SDK Release A: Weapon Tools

    Nice work! Is it possible to remodel weapons that have movement? (like the kind of tentacule bat, or the probe..)
  15. puss2puss

    What'll you do with Mesh Tools?

    ...i would hope that it supports SRIV ;) ..then i would definitly retouch NPCs and other characters's meshes.. Remoddeling some clothes would also be a great thing to do :D ..i hope a said tool will become a reality soon :/
  16. puss2puss

    Saints Row 4 Mod Creator

    Nice little tool Blub ! Is it ONLY for unlockables.xtbl? if so, do you intend on adding more xtbl in a near futur?
  17. puss2puss

    ..looking for logos, backgrounds, bricks...

    The huds are in interface.vpp aswell.
  18. puss2puss

    ..looking for logos, backgrounds, bricks...

    Thanks Admixon for the reply! ;) I realize now that i have not wrote my phrase correctly..what i really meant for the menu background, is the main menu background, not the video, the purple font with the title..i'm searching for this texture. As for interface.. i kinda figure it would be...
  19. puss2puss

    .. people still working on a model editor?

    Hi, i'm there a chance that models editing and reinjecting will become a reality soon or is it totally abandoned? would be awesome if we could edit meshes thru Blender :)
  20. puss2puss

    Ship TOD controls unlock early

    Nice! Great mod! Cant wait to try it tonight and finnally be able to be in daylight :P Thanks for bringing this here ;)