The GTA V thread (PC ONLY)

I honestly did not find SRIV that funny. But I think the humor in Saints Row is catered to people under 14 years old.
Come on you two..lets just agree that both games are great in each there own ways.
Gta v is great for the realism of the liberty we have, and saints row is great for the absurdly-cool liberty, like flying and running hyper fast :)
Saints row iv is a great mix of GTA + Prototype :p
..imo, saints row is a great complement to gta :D
Both great games, but please don't act like GTAV doesn't have its share of mods too...

Speaking of Saints Row modding, there's a whole 4 people on this forum right now.


And hows that My Steelport goin? Oh that's right.

Both great games, but please don't act like GTAV doesn't have its share of mods too...
Did i act like it?! a previous post i even actually asked how's the modding scene doing for gta v, i'm pretty excited about modding gta v :)
..not sure why you're even here if you dont like the dont like it but you're here..your place is at GBATemp, you know, the place where everyone just argue with everyone for no reason..
Btw: i too, prefer GTA, but even so, i wouldnt say SRIV's not good, its extremely original in every missions :P i just wish there was a mesh tool already..
Did i act like it?! a previous post i even actually asked how's the modding scene doing for gta v, i'm pretty excited about modding gta v :)
..not sure why you're even here if you dont like the dont like it but you're here..your place is at GBATemp, you know, the place where everyone just argue with everyone for no reason..
Btw: i too, prefer GTA, but even so, i wouldnt say SRIV's not good, its extremely original in every missions :p i just wish there was a mesh tool already..

That mod statement was not for you. Read the post prior to your own before you make assumptions.

And for the record, I'm a member on plenty of forums for things that I like. My combined post count is in the tens of thousands across all forums. Activity wise compared to other forums, I'm basically inactive on SRMods.

That doesn't mean I can't come here once in a while to make a post, but if you want to get childish and tell me where I can and can't hang out, then be my guest.
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i.m not making assumptions, its just that i tought you wrote that for me since i was the one who said both games are great and you then said ''Both great games, but please don't act like GTAV doesn't have its share of mods too...'' so i tought it was aimed at me, no biggi ;)

And the other thing i said was because you where talking as if you hated sriv, didnt wanna tell you where to go, was just woundering why you come here if you dont like this game :P

I hope you'il forgive me and that we'il soon go out to a fency restaurante like ''Guy la Patate'' and laugh so much that we'il forget why we laugh and then laugh about that too!.. XD