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  1. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    Yeah it works :D, Can i ask how did you do it? I have been trying for ages however if noticed the structure of the coding is different to mine
  2. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    Thank you! Yeah Ive tried myself but for some reason they still spawn With the default Loadout, I'll test this Ingame many thanks :)
  3. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    Wow thanks! Yeah I have messed around with it Before but It never seems to work for me, tried adding Grenades and Flashbangs with Glocks and Pump action shotguns but never works in game :/ plus I don't know the coding for all the weapons in SR2
  4. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Understood, posts are removed and I'll to the appropriate threads and convos, many thanks .
  5. DefiantDucky

    SR4 and GooH Weapons Pack (Including flow's custom ones)

    Great Work man! I was wondering if it was possible to replace the un realistic sci weapons of the STAG with the XM8 rifle and replace the AR 55 with the M4 carbine from SR 4?, keep up the great work
  6. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    GOOD NEWS!: I have been reading online about saints row 2 performance issues and figured out that changing to compatibility to Windows XP service pack 2 gave me a huge boost in FPS and speed and also allowed me to play the mission first time unopposed. its also Reduced the number of crashes in...
  7. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    do you think? thats annoying because I have a powerful machine it can run GTA V ultra so why cant it handle Saints row with NPC's :/
  8. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Nope :/ as soon as I get near the building it crashes the game and kicks me off even with the restarting the mission 3 times, I can stay away from the building and watch the saints and samedi Fight but yeah if i go anywhere near it crashes for me :(
  9. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    yeah The saints start to spawn and as you approach the building the game crashes
  10. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Just started it now, the breaching into the uni was about to begin but the game crashed hold on I'll try again.
  11. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Nice! yeah its helping out a lot now, yeah don't worry man I understand as ive said before I appreciate you even doing all this haha, sorry if i keep asking for stuff and questions :).
  12. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    If anyone could also have a look at the interceptor for me, I would appreciate it as well, figured black rims,trims, bumpers with matte purple saints colour would look cool, also having the strike team model from the cutscene where the masako raid the bar would be nice thrown in there as well
  13. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    ah thats fine man :)
  14. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    Courtesy of Unpopular Asian Guy
  15. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    hmm, Ive tested it in game but the weapons appear to be the same as before, I'll try again
  16. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    pretty much :D, why the face haha
  17. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Oh not bad!, almost at the point of unlock the stronghold mission for the uni and ill let you know whats happening. If you could change the saints spawned weapons for the mission, could you do that for the open world as well? I'd love to see saints with serious firepower, not just a pistol and...
  18. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    I have the Files for the bulldog, APC if you want them? Check Unpopular Asian Guy's thread called gang car customization 2.0 for extras with the vehicles, I can also tell you how to edit the bodyguards to just saint masako soldiers as thats pretty much all I can do haha
  19. DefiantDucky

    Saints Private Army Mod

    Oh cool!, Yeah i have the bear and bulldog with camo and turrets, could you share the toads customization file? I would be very grateful
  20. DefiantDucky

    New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

    Yeah I understand its hardwork plus fitting the time in to do anything as well. Yeah I'll check it out and get back to you, I think I have to progress some-more though to get to the stronghold mission and get back to you on it.