Saints Private Army Mod

Hey there,

I've been quite interested in the intention of making the saints a Private Military Styled gang for some time. I have changed the gang customization file to make the bodyguards masako only soldiers as seen here. And thanks to the amazing work of Unpopular Asian Guy changing the Gangs Grizzly and bulldog to have military Camouflage done in saints colours, I was wondering if it is possible to go one step further by maybe adding the following:

- New variations of the bodyguards ie (Swat styled outfit done to saints colours and badges, hats and accessories)
- New varations of gang vehicles ie(grizzy to have two camo decals, one taken from the bulldogs number 2 camo decal)
-Saints to just salute the player and each other as they go by (only compliment they have)
-New weapons for the saints (SAW,XM8 and police weapons)
-Gang tags to be changed to military signs like this one but modified to the saints if you understand me like this one:

And just any other modifications that can enhance the saints to be more like an private army would be most grateful, I've tried what I can to make these possible but nothings working and I not experienced enough

*Update 08/08/2015: I have also noticed at the prison there are prisoners working out and training, if anyone is an expert at coding could they add random events or spawns where saints are training having an instructor watching over them doing push ups. and general patrolling like the police and guards do in security areas ie pyramid, Police station etc?

Any help would be most appreicated, Many thanks.


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Oh cool!, Yeah i have the bear and bulldog with camo and turrets, could you share the toads customization file? I would be very grateful
I have the Files for the bulldog, APC if you want them? Check Unpopular Asian Guy's thread called gang car customization 2.0 for extras with the vehicles, I can also tell you how to edit the bodyguards to just saint masako soldiers as thats pretty much all I can do haha
I have the Files for the bulldog, APC if you want them? Check Unpopular Asian Guy's thread called gang car customization 2.0 for extras with the vehicles, I can also tell you how to edit the bodyguards to just saint masako soldiers as thats pretty much all I can do haha
I don't like the camo but I'd like to examine their files. I could also work on making Saints decals and probably making them equippable in Rim Jobs/Semi Broken.
If anyone could also have a look at the interceptor for me, I would appreciate it as well, figured black rims,trims, bumpers with matte purple saints colour would look cool, also having the strike team model from the cutscene where the masako raid the bar would be nice thrown in there as well