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  1. Flanua

    WHM New character plus

    WHM New character plus mod This mod will add new female character into the Whored Mode in place of SUPER.. And new female preset, into the character creation in single player, for the asian race. CHANGES: Was added new character into the Whored mode in place of SUPER.. (DDS icons for the...
  2. Flanua

    SRTT How to turn off Vehicles blows up when flipped

    I will be so grateful if cars will not exploded when flipped in SR3. (I'm dreamed how to fix it) Because SR3 more realistic than SR4. And I want so much make SR3 less fantastic, and more realistic. Please add lua control over this to SR3, someday.:oops: P.S. And thanks for your reply!:)
  3. Flanua

    SRTT (Or SRIV)Is map editing possible? Or ill it ever be?

    Thanks a lot for this information!:)
  4. Flanua

    Working Elevators mod - Back To Syndicate Tower

    Thanks for the update 1.3 now homies do not get stuck in the wall..
  5. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    I fixed..
  6. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    On YouTube and Google full version of my patch and I wanna create Lite version of my patch without dlc vehicles and I wanna pack files from patch installation in the rar archive, and I want make Lite version soon here.o_O
  7. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    No plans, because tomorrow I released this patch and administration say me to remove dlc vehicles from my patch because people who don't own the dlc may use this vehicles. And because of that this patch temporarily unavailable until I create cutted version of my patch. P.S.:) If you want full...
  8. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    P.S. I'm so sorry..
  9. Flanua

    Working Elevators mod - Back To Syndicate Tower

    I tried to open the gates but no luck. This gates controls by mission script but I don't know how to open this gates. As I know it's possible to not close the gate in mission scripts. It's must be possible.
  10. Flanua

    Working Elevators mod - Back To Syndicate Tower

    v1.2 Abandoned Building very often second Homie glitching in the wall, and brutes not transporting by elevators..:rolleyes:
  11. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    No, this is not access.. this already implemented in game and if they don't have dlc..then they will not acces features in my Patch and anyway they cannot store vehicle into the garage if they dont't have dlc.. anyway when they buy only game without dlc, (with season pass) the game already have...
  12. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1F0.0.1 Lite EN for v1.0.0.1 (Released)

    Patch Released! You can download here:
  13. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (EN)

    Unofficial Patch v1f0.0.1 Lite (En) for english game version Finished: 8.6.2015. Modified: 19.6.2015 This Patch is for very experienced Players. Because now the Player the same as NPC (gets the same amount of damage as NPC) I finished the game with 0% death with this patch, but I use...
  14. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1F0.0.1 Lite EN for v1.0.0.1 (Released)

    You can do that but I highly recommend start new game because some features (Upgrade book..challenges) may not work properly .
  15. Flanua

    Normal Property Prices v1.2 Final

    :) P.S. PURCHASEABLE_PROPERTY_ESTATES it has 0 income. I did this for the balance. And in the future this building with that new purple icon modders can use to create auto show. Because game already have some incompleted scripts about auto show. ;)
  16. Flanua

    Unofficial Patch v1F0.0.1 Lite EN for v1.0.0.1 (Released)

    By the weekend will be released. I hope you will like it. I spent many time, and much more time on testing (about 100 hours)
  17. Flanua

    SRTT How to turn off Vehicles blows up when flipped

    Dear Volition, Please help: I spend many days and I can't figure out how to turn off something that's can help me disable parameter explode for vehicles when they are flipped because Vehicles blows up when flipped and that not realistic. :oops:
  18. Flanua

    SRTT (Or SRIV)Is map editing possible? Or ill it ever be?

    It is possible to add Interiors from SR4 to the SR3 for some buildings? For example: secret employee room from the Lets Pretend shop (SR4) to the Lets Pretend shop (SR3). Or maybe export whole Church building from SR4 to the SR3, and so on..:oops:
  19. Flanua

    No Auto Upgrades v1.1
