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  1. SJMcK

    Opaque Eyes

    Death Star, if you rename the file, the mod won't work. You'll need to merge the two mods using the instructions provided earlier in this thread.
  2. SJMcK

    SPOILERS I dreamed of a Saints row V origins...

    I've seen some discussion about this. My own theory is that it was done so Volition could make the "evil you has a goatee" joke without having to worry about whether "good" you had a goatee or not. If you are playing as a female, you get a different female face, and your evil twin has that face...
  3. SJMcK

    Crash at address 0x00b895c3 in module SaintsRowIV.exe

    I'm on my second single-player playthrough, and can't complete the "King of Stilwater" mission. I've tried playing through it eight or nine times tonight, and the screen usually freezes during the mission while the music continues to play. A couple of times, though, the game has crashed at the...
  4. SJMcK

    Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

    I remember when Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning had just been released, and the fans were concerned that 38 Studios was focusing on the DLC for that game when they should have been spending their time fixing bugs and balance issues. The studio's explanation was that they were contractually...