SPOILERS I dreamed of a Saints row V origins...

Also, can somebody explain to me the ''Save Asha'' mission? Why does my face change? If I'm playing with a female, will it change to a male face, too?
I've seen some discussion about this. My own theory is that it was done so Volition could make the "evil you has a goatee" joke without having to worry about whether "good" you had a goatee or not. If you are playing as a female, you get a different female face, and your evil twin has that face with a goatee (which is pretty awesome).
Yeah true. At first I named the city SteelBridge, but then I realised , thx to the sandbox+, Pleasantville is actually named Bridgeport :
Bridgeport is actually the name of a hood in Steelport which might be what the 50s map was based off of actually...
I've seen some discussion about this. My own theory is that it was done so Volition could make the "evil you has a goatee" joke without having to worry about whether "good" you had a goatee or not. If you are playing as a female, you get a different female face, and your evil twin has that face with a goatee (which is pretty awesome).
Thats a complete Metal Gear Reference changing the Female to Meryl-Styled and the Male to Solid Snake-Styled Characters.