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  1. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    woah it's been a hot second since i've returned to this thread! Might there be a way to separate regular homies from super homies? It also occurs to me that asking about Angel was folly since he isn't even present in game, whoops
  2. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Yes, it was like you said
  3. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    It was before the main menu.
  4. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Oh? That's great news! We can bring back lots of SR3 characters then! The latest version of the mod seems to cause SR4 to not load whatsoever. It crashes just before the main menu. Not sure if that was the game break you were referring to
  5. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Well, the identifiability of homies was nice while it lasted :( Oh well
  6. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    That's fine TBH, Oleg is probably enough. Well, him and maybe the base brute variants. I'm assuming characters like the Penthouse Pets and CheapyD are off the list then too Base game SR3....Monica Hughes, Cypher, Kia, Burt Reynolds, Sgt. Steiner, and Bloody Cannoness Viola come to my mind...
  7. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Hmm, that's a shame, but oh well! Sr4 as said earlier has more than enough unique models to use You could probably resurrect some other unused or mission only models, like the White Crib homies or certain peds Makes me wonder just how much is left to make use of in this mod
  8. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Wait...It DOES??? OH HELL YEAH!!! EDIT: Do the old mod files like "homie_names.xtbl" need to be removed before installing the new version? EDIT 2: Seems like removing the old files was the right call! I'll edit this again with any more feedback I can find. EDIT 3: Tammy Tolliver appears to be...
  9. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    That candy is being held very close to my face, good sir...That is one tempting treat. If it CAN be did that one policeman say it? "I'll buy THAT for a dollar."
  10. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Lovely and lovelier! This opens the door to re-adding all the unique characters from SR3! The different versions should probably be packed in a ZIP folder to better distinguish legacy from re-elected
  11. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

  12. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    That'll do! It may warrant a separate thread specifically for the legacy version, and then the current Re-elected thread which would omit features that are not feasible
  13. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    In other news, SR2 Playa has the same culling issue even when Disintegrated. All other new Homies work perfectly fine
  14. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    I suppose I should have also said I'm on the Steam version. EDIT: Okay, I cannot stand the Legacy version. For better or worse, it looks like I prefer the Re-elected patch version as I'm having issues that really bother me on the graphics side. I hope a non-crashing alternative for le_strings...
  15. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    But now I'm having crash issues on the Legacy version on my existing save files, which don't appear to be corrupting. Is it best to assume I simply need a fresh save to avoid this crashing? EDIT: Yep. Fresh save needed. No need to answer as I've once again learned the hard way lol
  16. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Woohoo! Don't forget the funny blurbs underneath each of their names! Ex: "Valderamma will document her aid to you!" EDIT: Good on you for saying that the mod breaks some Story missions and warning against a playthrough with the mod mounted. I should have said something since I learned the hard...
  17. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Dope asf, but is it safe for me to switch to legacy on my current save file? Do I need a new save to play on?
  18. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Well, as far as Re-elected goes, this mod has already gotten pretty far. Just that certain Backup Homies won't work doesn't mean the rest of this mod is condemned. Lots of other unique character models can still be added as homies. Some of the ideas already given by me and Karlson might still...
  19. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Aw damn. Any chance they can just be added to Gang Customization instead?
  20. Dragonminded915

    Buggy Homies

    Bug report, Zinyak is having the same culling issue as Aisha, Jane, and Sunshine previously had. In addition, he does not grow hostile at all in response to friendly fire no matter what, and he remains greyed out even when removed with the Disintegrator. In addition, all homies which arrive via...