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  1. K

    Unused mission objective restoration

    Hello! Very good mod. Will there be more updates? The mission to capture old Stilwater was supposed to have a boss - is that still in the mission code? There is also a question: do you have any plans to make a similar mod for other games in the series? In SR 4, in the Shaundi rescue mission, I...
  2. K

    Changed Effects by Admixon & rastaman289

    This is the best mod for changing effects that I have seen! I apologize for the late message, but can you answer my question? How did you edit the VFX - .cefct_pc and .gefct_pc? Is there a tutorial somewhere on unpacking, working and editing effects?
  3. K

    Past Gangs Spawning Mod

    Looks very cool! Will the Rollers gang be added? By the way, in older versions of the ETD game, aliens also spawned in free mode on the territories that belonged to them, and not only during notoriety. Is it possible to somehow force them to appear in the release game without notoriety?
  4. K

    Is a fan-game attemptable?

    In fact, the companies you listed removed modifications when they created remasters of their games. Mods for the original games, which looked a hundred times cooler than the remasters that the companies produced, were removed. Moreover, Rockstar and T2 are quite toxic companies that do not want...
  5. K

    Is a fan-game attemptable?

    Hello! First of all, I want to note that you have a very cool idea and I myself was thinking about creating the same content! Further, there will be no consequences from creating such a game as long as it remains free. If the game is sold, there will be consequences from the intellectual...
  6. K

    ETD Aliens all in one

    Update: I managed to get the mod to work with the Saints Row 4 Re-Elected version.
  7. K

    SuperUI for SRTT Classic v1.7 (Detailed Notoriety HUD, Enhanced Crib Menu & more!)

    Amazing mod! Is it possible to somehow make the enemy dot icons on the minimap appear in different colors, like in Saints Row 4? So, the police are blue, the luchadores are green, the morningstars are red, the deckers are blue? And not the usual red dots.
  8. K

    ETD Aliens all in one

    Greetings. The mod worked great in the regular version of SR 4, but in Re-Elected it crashed when Zinyak and Warden spawned. Is it possible to somehow adapt this mod to the updated version of the game? I tried to manually change the Warden and Zinyak size data in .asm_pc, but it still crashes.
  9. K

    Vehicles Beta Zin Hover

    Greetings. While watching various Volition videos about beta content from their games, I discovered that the Hover Assert was different and in all the videos it had a turret. It was more similar to Void in design. Is there anything left of this vehicle in the game Saints Row 4? It is possible...
  10. K

    Shaundi Dressing Simulator (Maid, ETD and more)

    Wow! Where did you get this image from? Is there a full version of this image with all the characters, not just Shaundi?
  11. K

    SR4 Removed & Beta Content (New thread)

    Wow! it is very interesting! May I know where you got this content from? Are there any other similar shots of the interface and other things? I would really like to look at the main menu of the ETD game and understand how much the missions have changed, because there was a list of ETD...
  12. K

    Buggy Homies

    This would be a big deal in the world of Saints Row! Do you have another idea to make such a map editor?
  13. K

    Visuals & Graphics Change Cluster colors

    Hello. Is there a way to change the colors of the Clusters from blue to something else? For example, I would like to change the color of the Clusters from blue to purple so that they look like Code Fragments from the ETD.
  14. K

    Buggy Homies

    Unfortunately, a lot of things are broken in re-elected. For example, it is not even possible to replace character models. Most mods don't work. Perhaps it's worth focusing on the old version of the game, before the broken update? Then there will be no problems with mods.
  15. K

    Buggy Homies

    As a morph for the player, you can also add Zinyak Mech, which he used in the final mission.
  16. K

    Shaders Mod

    Unfortunately, it does not work with re-elected.
  17. K

    Ultimate SRIV Gang Spawning

    Yes, now everything works. The spawn_info_categories.xtbl file was missing. I downloaded the previous version, which had only four files. Perhaps it will be possible to recreate the wanted levels, as in the ETD? The police, SWAT and SNG are the cops, and the aliens are a separate gang. In the...
  18. K

    Buggy Homies

    There's another crazy idea. How about adding Paul homie to the game? This does not contradict the game, since in the story Kinzie recreates him in the simulation and he fights on the side of the saints.
  19. K

    Buggy Homies

    Since the player becomes the new emperor of the Zin empire, it makes sense to add Zin backups: 4 aliens on a hovercar, aliens on a hovercar with a turret, an alien specialist on a tank, two robots with different weapons (mortar and machine gun), 1 alien on a hoverbike, 1 alien on UFO, robot...
  20. K

    Crib Mod

    Greetings. A very good mod that adds features from previous parts of the series to the game. It's a pity that the mod will no longer be updated - the White Crib and Zinyak's throne room could also be added.