Search results

  1. Enigma

    Replace current tattoos with new/better ones

    I find the tattoos, apart from a few, are rather bad in design. Please correct me if wrong, but I know there is replacement of skin textures so I assume this should be possible for tattoos as well? Some of the art works for them almost look amateur-ish, would anyone be willing to replace better...
  2. Enigma

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    Ah I see. So that mod is not best to use if i like to play with random players through steam matching up ?
  3. Enigma

    Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

    I have a problem in coop. I installed mod using advance feature and using patch method. The mod that allows more color clothes option seems to mess up during coop. My coop partner does not have any mods installed and can't see my new colored clothes it's invisible to them. Do they need to...