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  1. N

    Saints Row IV Character Exporter/Importer

    So they actually got the source code to remove multiplayer and steam copy protection? SOMEONE had to do that. Nice.
  2. N

    Saints Row IV Character Exporter/Importer

    Even if this thread and tool are now over a year old, they still are important. The GoG-Version of SR3 and 4 do not offer character upload / download. The developers simply cut out the feature rather than replacing it. In SR3 the buttons are missing, SR4 crashes if one tries to access the...
  3. N

    Split up suits

    Espescially when it comes to clothing DLCs, every single one comes with a big disappointment: It's one single suit. Would it be possible to split the suits into boots, pants and tops? Of course they would just be avaiable if the player owns the DLC.