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  1. Realfield

    How do you feel about Saints Row DLC?

    Virtually none of the SR series DLC has been that good. All the mission DLCs have been short and able to be finished in under 40 minutes (except that damn blasted heli+truck mission on SR2 Corporate Warfare) and almost all non-mission DLC for the past two games has been just 3 or so outfits and...
  2. Realfield

    Past Gang Spawn: Four Kings Reincarnation

    My problem with that cheat is that it makes all generic street Saints hostile towards you, unlike in SR2. Wish they didn't do that as I enjoyed watching the police, Saints, and pedestrians murdering the crap out of each other in part 2. Now virtually everybody aims directly for you as soon...
  3. Realfield

    Past Gangs Spawning Mod

    Just signed up to say this mod is the main reason I still play the game after finishing the story, as the town is boring otherwise. Also, the Morning Star (around the Mech Mayhem activity in Loren Square), and the Vice Kings (forgot to note the area, sorry) occasionally have clones of Sad Panda...