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  1. G

    Extended Wardrobe

    i get people crashing at end of mission when i use goth fashion or other cloths from the mod, they do not have the mod, yet saying they are able to see the cloths. but at the end of a mission (story missions mainly) or sometime in mission transition they crash because of me.
  2. G

    Do you play multiplayer?

    i like to play with randoms, assuming they dont have any cheats enabled, communication is not too big of an issue as you can type to them with steam without adding them (may say they offline but they still recive the message and can reply)
  3. G

    Stomp Mayham dont need stomping at all

    First, not sure if anyone posted it befor so apolegies in advanced. i was stuck on stomp mayham gold challanges, after multiple failed attempts, i thoughts "hey, tornado sprint can wrack some stuff" so i ran across the sidewalks, and racked up gold medal easy, and even got to 500+ combo. just...
  4. G

    NPC animations for player

    was wondering if its possible to make NPC movements to player character, as an example, if you notice gang members after a firefights, they walk around slowly looking for enemies, or if possible, to add cover system they use. Edit: another example, gat's melee attacks with a knife befor his...