character customization

  1. grahve

    Separate eyebrow and hair color?

    (First post here... I read through the forum rules but please tell me if I missed any kind of special rules/protocol for posting in this section!) I was wondering if it was possible to make it so your character's eyebrows can be colored entirely separate from their hair, like in SRTT and SRIV...
  2. Blackcr0wned

    Skinny & Abs (100%) | Skinny & more Skinny | Abs & more Abs | etc. - How you like it!

    Hey there! I created a little "mod" that changes your abs/muscles to more (I would say 100%) while staying skinny. You can use this for female and male characters, but on male ones (100% skinny) the abs are too much. Also works on a setting without 100% skinny, just try it out. And of course...
  3. Magil of Shadow

    Gat out of Hell Character Customization Skin Issue

    I'm not sure if I've messed up my mod setup, or the like, but I'm having a skintone issue with recreating a custom character in GoOH, where I can't seem to adjust or alter the skintone from this solid black color, even after removing the Kinzie 'outfit'. Current mods are: Rastaman289 & Fan of...