10x genki spawn

I've killed Genki twice using the knifethrower from GAT V dlc, using 50x spawn. I did not get money for either kill :/

This has happened to me a lot. After observing the last few times it's happened, it seems as if the cache symbol sometimes falls through the ground when Genki dies, making it impossible to pick up. Probably a clipping issue with the game engine. The health pickups don't have this problem since they float above the ground instead.
This has happened to me a lot. After observing the last few times it's happened, it seems as if the cache symbol sometimes falls through the ground when Genki dies, making it impossible to pick up. Probably a clipping issue with the game engine. The health pickups don't have this problem since they float above the ground instead.

Maybe it is Volition's intention in the first place? I don't know the reason behind it, could be that they want to make cache harder to be earn? But, isn't SRIV engine is the same as SR:TT engine? So it shouldn't have caused such an issue, since I didn't experience it in SR:TT. So far I haven't encounter such issue in SRIV either, unless I'm unnoticed of such issue because of my mass murders with all the cache appearing all over the place.
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If people want to kill him for the money you could just spawn him in on your phone as homie and kill him, or just add this to any character in the table you wish to kill and get money from

Althought ther are easyr ways to get fast money like changing how offten your phone pays out money

Iv seen enuf of Genki I had one save where he would spawn every time I loaded the game was annoying as I was using that save to test new mods and he kept throwing shit at me