Update on the progress!!!
Yep, Saints car variants actually spawning on the streets! Saints cars now have red tint and white interior, and gold, chrome, or white gold trim, and a great variety in parts.
Not on all cars yet though. The Infuego, Bootlegger, Hammer, Reaper, Sovereign and the Torch have it currently.
In my very first traffic changing fail I noticed vehicle variant spawning goes by file id instead of variant name. Saints cars spawn on the streets with file id 0, which is in most cases the Average variant, and in some cases the Rough variant. So I swapped the saints File ID with the variant owning File ID 0, resulting in Saints spawning with their cars on the streets!
On the other hand I had to give all NPCs the saints variant name, since the Saints variant name is set on the File IDs that I have swapped.
A downside is that the Saints cars previews are showing standard vehicles now, and that probably, just most likely, Saints will spawn in civilian cars during or after survivals.
Further I managed to squeeze in a civilian variant for the Taxi, solved the issue of civilian Peacemakers spawning with police decals, and actually a lot more vehicle variants using the Fully_Customizable vehicle ccar_pc/gcar_pc.
I've also done quite some changes on weapons. I divided everyone's health by 10, gave zombies overpowered health and removed the running. Now this would be mediocre with vanilla weapons, so I divided weapon damage by 10, and changed the damage of a lot of them.
I thought
"well, now that I'm editing weapons anyways, time to make it a tad harder
". Assault Rifles has increasing spread, and after a certain amount of shots you're gonna have a hard time hitting.
SMGs have stable spread, their minimum spread is not much less than their maximum spread, and I gave them the pistol animation group, since SMGs like the TEK Z10 would more fit a pistol walking animation. The awesome thing about this is that the MC still grabs the grip it has in both crouch and weapon fire state.
The TEK Z10 fires a lot slower now but deals a mean punch to the enemies and vice versa.
The D4th Blossom fires even faster than before but doesn't really deal a lot of damage.
The weapons that have increased RoF in their upgrades get blue muzzle flash in said upgrades.
I can't wait for SR:TT weapon SKD and memory removal. I want to add semi auto rifles (not only burst rifles or automated).
Add in more variants.
Balance weapons since I kinda fucked up some of them in the progress.
!!TL;DR, Saints spawn in their cars, weapons re-balanced together with the NPCs.
Pretty good ay.