poking around the code last night I discovered a Saints variant Peacemaker in the code. By adding an entry to gang_customization.xtbl I was able to make the Peacemaker available as a gang vehicle:
It's selectable and currently in my game Saints are driving around in Peacemakers. I then attempted to add other vehicles to the list but I didn't have nearly as much luck:
This picture shows the result of adding the Saints N-Forcer to the list but I also tried this with more 'mundane' cars like the Pacemaker and the police Gunslinger. It shows up on the list but does not display the car, and is not actually selectable as your gang's car.
None of these vehicles have 'Saints' variants, I'm assuming there's something about those variants that allows them to be selected as gang vehicles. I thought it might have had something to do with randomized customization options on the vehicles I selected but the Saints N-Forcer does not have any customization options whatsoever.
How does gang vehicle customization work on a code level? What steps would I need to take to add a vehicle that doesn't have a 'saints' variant to the customization list? Do you think it'd be possible with the current tools or would I have to wait for the SDK?
It's selectable and currently in my game Saints are driving around in Peacemakers. I then attempted to add other vehicles to the list but I didn't have nearly as much luck:
This picture shows the result of adding the Saints N-Forcer to the list but I also tried this with more 'mundane' cars like the Pacemaker and the police Gunslinger. It shows up on the list but does not display the car, and is not actually selectable as your gang's car.
None of these vehicles have 'Saints' variants, I'm assuming there's something about those variants that allows them to be selected as gang vehicles. I thought it might have had something to do with randomized customization options on the vehicles I selected but the Saints N-Forcer does not have any customization options whatsoever.
How does gang vehicle customization work on a code level? What steps would I need to take to add a vehicle that doesn't have a 'saints' variant to the customization list? Do you think it'd be possible with the current tools or would I have to wait for the SDK?