Some time last year I posted a tutorial on how to fix the annoying
Secret Areas bug in which I showed how to remove certain Secret Areas
from the game thereby cutting them from 32 to 25. I am now going to
go over adding new secret areas, so that you can add to the existing
number or delete them all and add your own.
Adding New Secret Areas
First we need to open exploration.cts and find the Navpoints section
At the end of the Navpoints section add an entry for your new area
In my case I have used the abandoned drive In from the hitman mission.
so the entry will look something like this
(For comparison here is an original entry from the file)
The first thing that needs to be done is to give your new area
a name.
$Navpoint: "exploration_abandoned_drive_in"
then designate if it is surface adjacent (is on/near the ground)
or in the air (floating)
Add your coordinates then your orientation. The orientation number shouldn't
be an issue, if unsure stick with I
While you are still in exploration.cts scroll down to the Triggers section
At the bottom pf the triggers section add your new entry:
(For comparison here is an original entry from the file)
all you really need to do here is add your area name.
You can save this file now and open exploration_diversion.xtbl
At the bottom of the Secret Areas Navpoints section add your information
Be sure to add this to the file above the stunt jump information section.
Note: I am including my files for study purposes. Please be aware these files include only 10 stunt jumps
as well as only 25 secret areas (not counting the Drive In area.)
Secret Areas bug in which I showed how to remove certain Secret Areas
from the game thereby cutting them from 32 to 25. I am now going to
go over adding new secret areas, so that you can add to the existing
number or delete them all and add your own.
Adding New Secret Areas
First we need to open exploration.cts and find the Navpoints section
At the end of the Navpoints section add an entry for your new area
In my case I have used the abandoned drive In from the hitman mission.
so the entry will look something like this
$Navpoint: "exploration_abandoned_drive_in"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <1239.844727 9.252465 -589.652710>
$Orient: [I]
(For comparison here is an original entry from the file)
$Navpoint: "exploration_dt_penthouse_garden"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <-457.725342 113.157005 -717.481873>
$Orient: [I]
The first thing that needs to be done is to give your new area
a name.
$Navpoint: "exploration_abandoned_drive_in"
then designate if it is surface adjacent (is on/near the ground)
or in the air (floating)
Add your coordinates then your orientation. The orientation number shouldn't
be an issue, if unsure stick with I
While you are still in exploration.cts scroll down to the Triggers section
At the bottom pf the triggers section add your new entry:
$Trigger: "exploration_abandoned_drive_in"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "exploration trigger"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "exploration_abandoned_drive_in"
$Box size: -38.100002 0.000000 -31.800001 38.100002 4.700000 31.800001
(For comparison here is an original entry from the file)
$Trigger: "exploration_dt_penthouse_garden"
$Trigger type: "bounding box"
$Trigger action: "exploration trigger"
$Trigger max fires: 0
$Trigger delay: 10000
$Start nav: "exploration_dt_penthouse_garden"
$Box size: -42.549999 0.000000 -32.049999 42.549999 2.900000 32.049999
all you really need to do here is add your area name.
You can save this file now and open exploration_diversion.xtbl
At the bottom of the Secret Areas Navpoints section add your information
Be sure to add this to the file above the stunt jump information section.
Removing Secret Areas
If you wish to remove a secret area just remove its entries from the exploration.cts file
both the Navpoints and the Triggers entries then delete its exploration_diversion.xtbl entry
that's all there is to it.
For more info on removing areas see:
If you wish to remove a secret area just remove its entries from the exploration.cts file
both the Navpoints and the Triggers entries then delete its exploration_diversion.xtbl entry
that's all there is to it.
For more info on removing areas see:
First let me say that this is a dirty patch not a clean
fix. Instead of finding the bug that caused the issue
I decided to just remove the problem.
Using "Gentlemen Of The Row 1.9.2" you can collect all 32/32 Secret Areas
and they will show up at the time of collection, but when you load a saved
game afterwards the stat changes to 26/32. Doesn't matter how many times
you collect them.
Now I am nowhere near good enough to track down that bug and fix it
but I can offer, for those who are interested, a sort of solution.
Just remove the offending areas from the list.
The 25 main land areas...
fix. Instead of finding the bug that caused the issue
I decided to just remove the problem.
Using "Gentlemen Of The Row 1.9.2" you can collect all 32/32 Secret Areas
and they will show up at the time of collection, but when you load a saved
game afterwards the stat changes to 26/32. Doesn't matter how many times
you collect them.
Now I am nowhere near good enough to track down that bug and fix it
but I can offer, for those who are interested, a sort of solution.
Just remove the offending areas from the list.
The 25 main land areas...
- Unapologetic Miscreant
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Saints Row 2
Note: I am including my files for study purposes. Please be aware these files include only 10 stunt jumps
as well as only 25 secret areas (not counting the Drive In area.)
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