Admixon's New TODs

ok ok ok i got it working sorry xD user error on my end, needed to refix my hotkeys to orignal layout for it to work for me my bad ♥ just needed loa dust to complete 1 mission cuz the casino has invisible walls and it wont let me Finnish matts loyalty lmao, telling me to follow nyte out the casino to be met with the wall xD i thought the AI was broke but no for some reason i have a wall bug lol
found out i got hard locked from collectables anyway from doin the story too fast befor doin any of the side quests, damn casino xD (statue related), i dont wanna type too much as its off topic, but there are some anoyences i ran into that others might have depending how they played xD time to restart the game x'D

Nice Noon TOD Update
- edited brightenss and saturation
- added a really small (almost invisible) fog
- changed water color from boring lifeless grey to exotic tropical color
Do the newly created TOD's overwrite any of the existing TOD's from the Vanilla game or have they been added in addition to the original TOD selection?